This entry was posted on Friday, January 18th, 2008 at 3:42 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

We have a sneak peek at Rachel McAdams’ look for her role in Married Life. Thanks to ropeofsilicon for the hookup!


Married life is about an adulterous man that plans to have his wife murdered so she doesn’t have to go through the shame of divorce! The more I hear about this 1940’s period piece, the more I want to see it. This picture is fantastic, Rachel McAdams has a fantastic look and looks delicious in her period garb.

Married Life is set for a limited release date of March 7, 2008.

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. chris (the real one)

    i always had rachel mcadams on my fine white girl list after seein her in the notebook (yea i saw it so what?) but for some reason this pic doesnt look good to me… might be the color on my laptop but she looks unhealthily pale and the blondness doesnt help, the color of her hair seems to be blendin with her skin…..not a good look……shes pretty but not buyin the blonde look

  2. halo3sucks

    I am getting annoyed at all the women that want to be blondes.. some women look good with it but come on, redheads and brunettes are hotter.. stop changing hair colors, even for movies.

  3. Deborah

    I saw this movie at the Toronto Film Festival. It was well acted but really forgettable. Definitely my least favourite out of the four movies I saw (the other three being Juno, Atonement and The Tracey Fragments). The married people in the theatre really seemed to dig it though.

  4. RonSalon

    I think most importantly when thinking about the way she looks is to understand what time period it is.

    For instance, lightening your hair in the forties was very vogue, not to mention the cold wave had just been introduced. As a hairdresser for twenty years, I can honsetly tell you that she looks exactly the way she should for the forties, all though it may not be the most flattering.

    Pancake makeup was created by Max Factor in 1937, which is why in the song they sing… “If you wan’t be an actor see Mr. Factor — Hooray for Hollywood.”

    I think she looks perfectly made-up for the time, not to mention… what guy, besides one like me, wouldn’t want those red lips anywhere on them? She’s beautiful!

  5. chris (the real one)

    ……ok, still dont like the pic….lol

  6. Kristina

    She looks like Gwen Stefani. I prefer her as a brunette, but whatever.

  7. Drewbacca

    Do all women have “period garb” that’s okay if it gets dirty?

  8. mofo toshio

    The movie sounds awesome on paper but it could go one of two ways; it DOES sound like a good variation on classic film noir, but the unfortunate words BLACK DAHLIA and BASIC INSTINCT seem to ring a bell. Will this be the next Chinatown, Body Heat, Zodiac, Sin City, or The Lookout in terms of neo noir or another lousy PAYBACK? We shall see by March.

  9. Drewbacca


    Basic Instinct was awesome. Black Dahlia was a mess of a venture, but Stone/Douglas were great together in a compelling story.

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