New Nightmare On Elm Street In The works

Hello International friends! We have arrived safe and sound in Los Angeles and I am glad to bring you fantastic news from the land of palm trees and sluts! It looks like the nefarious Freddy Kreuger may be slashing wayward teens in dreamland once again. We get the scoop today thanks to our friends at Bloody Disgusting:

We’ve been informed that New Line is actively developing another Nightmare on Elm Street movie. Everything you’ve heard before has been scrapped (prequel) and they’re back at square one. Ideas are being thrown around without anything solid locked down. Expect some news on this later this year.

I am glad that this film isn’t going to be prequel. I like having the origin story a bit of a mystery, it lets us fill in the blanks with our imaginations and adds to the creepy factor. I like seeing Freddy kill people with his bitchin’ claws and I want to see the sequel number climb even higher. Usually when a film series never ends, I start to get annoyed; but with classic slasher franchises like this - I want to see the numbers as high as possible. I hope I live long enough to see Nightmare On Elm Street 26.

Freddy is a son of a bitch pedophile that deserves every death he gets. We love to see him murder people, but always cheer at his defeat at the end of every film; and as much as we love to see him die; we eagerly await his return to kill again. We all sleep, have nightmares and can relate to those that are being stalked by kreuger in the dream world. He is a fantastic character and is beloved by fans of horror movies (for good reason).

We will continue to search out news about this project and make it available for all of you. 2007 was a great year for slasher action and the stage is set nicely for one of the genre’s kings to return. Elm Street is about to flood with blood anew! KRRRRRAKKKATHOOOOOM!


  • 1. Darren J Seeley replies at 6th January 2008, 9:38 pm :

    Actually, Doug, there isn’t much of a mystery with Freddy. Some of Final Nightmare Freddy’s Dead had some of that, I think there was even a Freddys Nightmares ep that explored the origin. Elm Street 3 had the nun raping. (Lest we forget, Freddy was the son of 1,000 maniacs and a raped nun) …

    Now, the question is… what now.

    Here are the three canidates for this primary:

    1) Freddy vs Jason 2. Unlikely.

    2) A Nightmare on Elm Street 8

    or…and I’m even scared enough to think it….

    3) If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, holy shite another 80s horror icon recycled and rebooted/remade.

    Hey…don’t give me that dirty look! Do not shoot the messenger!
    I’m just saying…H’wood can be that predictable.

    New Line can top it off by remaking Man’s Best Friend too.

  • 2. mixmastajb replies at 6th January 2008, 9:46 pm :

    I really hope they don’t screw this up.

  • 3. Rommey Romes replies at 6th January 2008, 9:59 pm :


  • 4. DarkKinger replies at 6th January 2008, 10:52 pm :

    I want to say first that Freddy Krueger is my personal favorite villain in movies. He has the ultimate power: invading dreams. Best of all (and important about his character) is that HE DOESN’T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT ANYONE! Sure, the sequels may suck, but they pretty much covered Freddy’s background as a child-killer before he continued in other’s nightmares.

    There is no need for a prequel, and I highy doubt how a remake would work. What works is sequels; to see him top his last kill. This is the guy who laughs when he kills kids. That sick motherfucker has the best use of resurrection: FEAR! Most important: Freddy can’t work without the man himself, Robert Englund. The guy is a good actor (look at Behind the Mask), but he gives Freddy life.

    On a final note: FREDDY SHOULD’VE, AND WILL, BEAT JASON! Because, “Every town has an Elm Street!” ‘Nuff said!

  • 5. Vern replies at 7th January 2008, 12:55 am :

    Man, Freddy DID beat Jason. Didn’t you see that wink?

    I really hope they don’t go with a remake. I can’t imagine how anybody could possibly play Freddy besides Robert Englund. I thought FREDDY VS. JASON was stupid fun and would like to see them figure out how to up the ante on that one, but a straight Freddy movie would be smarter because they wouldn’t have to deal with the ridiculous problem of figuring out how to make Freddy and Jason battle when they don’t even exist in the same place.

    Just don’t give it a number, and make it sort of a new beginning that is accessible to people that haven’t seen the other ones, but have Freddy already exist at the beginning of the movie. Get a director of Ronny Yu level or greater and let them put their own spin on it. I will miss all the latex but would like to see somebody clever do those old Elm Street dream sequences for the digital age.

    Also, please cancel the Michael Bay FRIDAY THE 13TH remake and if possible send Bay to an island somewhere where he can exclusively make his garbage for John Campea and send them directly to John’s computer but he is required by law to destroy the movies after watching them so that no other brains will be damaged by them. I think we all agree that this is the only sensible plan, thank you for your cooperation.

  • 6. Andrew replies at 7th January 2008, 5:38 am :

    Hey Doug,

    Any news on wether Robert Englund will reprise his role as Freddy Krueger?

  • 7. Robert(wolf) replies at 7th January 2008, 6:48 am :

    Glad they are making a new Freddy. I wonder if it will be a remake, considering they are remaking Friday The 13th?

  • 8. takata replies at 7th January 2008, 6:53 am :


  • 9. Darren J Seeley replies at 7th January 2008, 7:41 pm :

    @ Vern

    Do you really think Gio wants Bay’s Platinum Dunes’ trash bin?

  • 10. Johnny replies at 12th January 2008, 11:47 am :

    I wouldn’t mind seeing a prequel but then again I would love to see Freddy continue from Wes’ New Nightmare…maybe a remake of the original but don’t let Micheal Bay touch it…the remake of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was ok but I felt it didn’t meet my standards for a remake especially for Chainsaw…and let Wes Craven do the new Nightmare be it a prequel, remake or continuation! I enjoyed Rob Zombie’s touch up on the Halloween remake/prequel and I’m curious to see what he’d do for A Nightmare On Elm Street…but Freddy is Wes’ creation I think he should do up what’s in store for the New Nightmare movie…just my opinion!

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