New ‘Doomsday’ Poster!

Yes, I know we have seen plenty of one sheets for Neil Marshall’s upcoming and highly anticipated (at least in my crowd) film ‘Doomsday.’ However, these posters are so cool, I just have to post the latest one sheet. got their hands on the exclusive first look at this poster:

So does this poster make you more excited to see ‘Doomsday?’

The film hits screen March 14, 2008. See you there!

5 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Royal

    I don’t know if it excites me. I’ve seen it done a bunch of times already: Madmax series, Waterworld, Escape from New York (x2). I could probably produce more titles if I gave it a bit more thought. It’s probably just me but I’m not digging the concept just yet. Having said that, this movie will definitely get my $8.00 because I’m a movie junkie. I hope it surprises me.

  2. sfsilver

    I have little interest in the film, I know nothing more about it than this poster, but from a graphic design standpoint the poster is a winner.

  3. Darren J Seeley

    This an exellent poster. I’ll have to keep an eye out for it at Allposters.
    As for the film itself, I’m interested partialy due to Rhona Mitra, but mostly due to helmer Neil Marshall of Descent and Dog Sodliers fame.

  4. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    looks like the rejects from Dre n Pac’s California Love vid got together to make a filum.

  5. bjon86

    This fuckin movie looks like some kind Mad Max rip-off! I just read some of the comments because I KNEW somebody HAD to notice that shit besides me. Forget all the other movies that have done stuff like this before, this fuckin movie looks JUST like Mad Max 3!

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