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More News For Upcoming Jack Ryan Film By Any Means Necessary

By Doug - January 25, 2008 - 12:29 America/Montreal

Jack-RyanWe have more rumors regarding the next chapter in the life and times of Jack Ryan today from our friends at moviehole via ropeofsilicon:

A short while ago we learned via Moviehole.net that Ryan Gosling’s name was rumored to be at the top of the list to play a young Jack Ryan based on the character created by Tom Clancy. Well, more news has surfaced from the same source as Moviehole is now reporting that The Constant Gardener director Fernando Meirelles is rumored to be the front-runner to direct a new film called By Any Means Necessary.

So we cannot say that either Gosling or Meirelles are on board for sure, but we do appear to have a title in “By Any Means Necessary”. I enjoy the Jack Ryan films, my favorite is The Hunt For Red October. I saw that film twice in the theatre as a youngster and will still watch it on TV, should appear as I am flipping through the channels. That movie uses the old Soviet national anthem to great effect; this was the greatest national anthem ever written and it is a damn shame that Russia no longer uses it.

I am still wary on Gosling playing Jack Ryan, not because he doesn’t have ability - I just don’t think he looks the part. I have certainly been wrong before, If he does get the tap, I will not be saddened, but will certainly be curious to see how this plays out. Now word yet on when this is scheduled for release - but we will be sure to keep you posted.


  1. kc says:

    I just don’t get rebooting this franchise yet again with a younger actor. I love the ryan novels and was looking forward to seeing books like debt of honor play out on film. But with a young actor there’s really no way for ryan to be VP or Pres of the US.

    BTW, I agree with the anthem… and I think Russia did adopt it as theirs after the USSR fell.

  2. Steven Carroll says:

    The only thing that concerns me at the moment is that this is a completely original script. It is not based off any book or writing involving the character of Jack Ryan. Hopefully this will be good, but I have my concerns.

  3. dingo101 says:

    I agree, it’s ridiculous that they’re rebooting this again. And the fact that it’s an original script, with no involvement of Tom Clancy only guarantees it’s going to be a huge pile o crap.

  4. Thiago Melo says:

    A brasilian websoite talked with Fernando Meirelles and he said that he is considering to do Jack Ryan new movie.


  5. Hero Stew says:

    The franchise didn’t need a reboot. Like KC said, I am sorry that we won’t see Jack Ryan’s growth. I am even more sorry that it won’t be based on a book. I am surprised Clancy, who didn’t like Harrison Ford or any of the movies, is allowing this.

  6. don Tom says:

    Doug, actually after the fall of Soviet they did change the national anthem for some time, but later on took back the old melody with new lyrics (without the patos about the greatness with communism..)


  7. mememem says:

    my information is, that harrison ford did not like playing this character either.
    also, i think tom clancy and his view on the world is horribly outdated, and so are his stories. no ben affleck could change this. i’m not saying he could have done this :P

  8. jordan says:

    I think it woud be good to see a tom clancy movie agen i love the hunt for red october i though it was a great movie and sean connery and alec baldwin fit right into there rools but i didnet care for Harrison Ford movies i just didnet like Patriot Games and i liked clear and prest danger but moud the first hour confusing and rest jsut megh but i like the sum of all fears i thoug it was agood entering thirler just like red october so i woudent mind at all to see a new tomclancy movie

  9. DOn says:

    I hate the movies I would remake them truer to the novels The movie title would be cool as a novel and the movies should have one actor who gets older w/ the series

  10. Rhiannon says:

    In case anybody doesn’t know, I’ve been reading up on this and on Wikipedia it states that Variety magazine reported in mid March that Paramount Pictures and Sam Raimi are in discussions to produce and direct By Any Means Necessary which is currently in pre production and expected to be released sometime in 2009. Ryan Gosling is definitely in line to play a younger Jack Ryan and the story is not based on any novel written by Clancy because at the time they discussed making the film, Clancy had not finished his latest novel and Paramount hadn’t decided whether to use that novel or write another screenplay not based on any novel. However, if Raimi directs, there is talk of multiple sequels in this new franchise so there might be hope for those of us who want to see more of Ryan’s career depicted. If I see any more information any time soon, I’ll definitely post it here. I’ll keep my eyes and ears out for everyone.

  11. vkatnyte says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

    umm…Dennis Quaid….nuff said.

    You need a certified action star. Has anyone seen VANTAGE POINT?? He Can fill Harrison Ford’s Shoes….easily..

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