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Me and Orson Welles

By John Campea - January 31, 2008 - 15:12 America/Montreal

This looks like it could be a lot of fun to me. Yahoo News gives us this description of the new project “Me and Orson Welles”

movie, which centers on a high school student (Efron) who, while strolling the streets of New York, happens upon the yet-to-open Mercury Theatre and is noticed by its mercurial founder, Orson Welles. He lands a bit part in “Julius Caesar,” the production that catapulted Welles to the top, and in the process learns about life and love.

The cast for the film looks pretty promising. Claire Danes (Stardust), Eddie Marsan (”The Illusionist”), Leo Bill (”Becoming Jane”) Imogen Poots (”28 Weeks Later”) Zac Efron (Hairspray) and Ben Chaplin (”The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep”). But I’ll be honest… the name that really makes this for me is Danes. I am so in love with this girl it defies imagination. I’ve always appreciated Danes as an actress, but she totally blew me away with how much pure innocent charm she generated in “Stardust” and she made a fan for life out of me. Anything she’s in, I’ll give a shot.

The film is being directed by Richard Linklater, who I have mixed feelings about. Bad News Bears (the remake) was some of the worst screen trash I’ve seen in my life. A Scanner Darkly was over-praised blandness. However, the man also did School of Rock and Before Sunrise… so he’s sort of hit and miss… but his “hits” have been good enough to warrant curiosity.

Mmmmm… Claire Danes.


  1. Andrew says:

    Hey John,

    Did Claire Danes ever get back to you on your marriage proposal? (see his Stardust review if you don’t know what I’m talking about) :)

  2. miles says:

    apparently i strongly desire claire danes. i will now officially watch anything with her in it.

  3. xgdfalcon says:

    Agreed. After Shopgirl and Stardust, I would watch Claire Danes eat pudding for 90 mins.

  4. matt says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)If anyone has read this book they would agree that Zac Efron is completely wrong for this role. This character is not meant to be a “pretty boy” heart throb. Anton Yelchin, from Charlie Bartlett, would have been a perfect fit…

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