This entry was posted on Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008 at 4:10 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

We have a new Iron Man pic for you that may be my favorite to date! Thank you very much to movieweb for the hookup!

This is a massive picture! I love the look of that suit and have to get me one! The pose is macho-super-hero-fantastique!

They keep teasing us with a delightful path of pics and info about this film that is going to culminate in the watching of this film. I love the way they are doing the promo for this film and I am pumped as fuck to see it! International friends what are your thoughts on this picture?

23 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Steven Carroll

    Another great picture.

  2. Kristina

    ALL of the released pics have been variations of:

    1) Downey giving the Heil Hitler salute
    2) That suit just standing there. Doing nothing. Just standing there.


  3. AjaxLou

    Tsk, tsk Kristina - you’ve been awfully grouchy this week. ;)

    The suit looks great but it seems more plastic than iron.

    Ooops - see its catching! ;) ;)

  4. Meli

    Man, I want to see something more! Not a lot …just a little bit. I was pretty happy when I finally got to see the Iron Man trailer on the big screen this last weekend …but dang it…these pictures just tease. Which I realize they are suppose to do. -huff-

  5. Kristina


    Shit, it’s true! I swear, I’ve seen this picture before. Looks like all the others. It’s like they stood Iron Man in one spot, took a bunch of pics from a bunch of angles, and are releasing one of those pics every few weeks, calling it “new”. The background is the same as all the other pics, he’s doing anything of note, unless standing and posing is a superpower. Worked for Zoolander, not so much here.

  6. Kristina

    I meant he’s NOT doing anything of note:)

  7. @krystina and alaxlou

    no i love this pic its awsome- i dont know guys…i might even put it as my myspace background!

    and like meli sayd theyrre just to tease- and im sure once we hit like- march or april well start seeing a lot more action or w.e. in the picture, but still…..MYYYYSPACE!

    the only thing i stil dont find quite normal is- I STIL THINK IT LOOKS UNCOMFORTABLE IN THERE! i mean sure it might have a ventilation system ok ok i get that- but i mean look at it- imagine wearing that thing…ah i kno this is just so useless and a stupid topic but it just keeps getting my attention! i never noticed in the cartoon or comic books but now that it looks reall, i hate it but- it gets to me

  8. oh and by the way i love how they fixed the mask and you dont get to see tonys eyes- you just see….light i guess?
    anywho it looks way better then in the comic book in which they show his eyes- he looks more like a robot with the…bright his eyes

  9. Nec

    I am getting a boner looking at this.

  10. Brendan

    Me too- I have a Tony Stark-on

  11. Ezell

    Iron Man looks good but Dark Knight should be better and with the character name i don’t know who is iron man seem s to a rip off of Bruce Wane i dont know shit about Iron Man but the poster looks good

  12. louis

    plastic man!
    what can’t they make the suit look like metal.
    it’s a ace looking suit, but it just looks like plastic :(

  13. Darren J Seeley

    The pic looks alright. But then again, so does all the others they have released thus far. Nothing - ~nothing~ spetacular. For all the stills, I’d much rather see a few with the supporting cast. Gwen, where are you? Where’s a shot of Terrance Howard? I know, I said that before when the upteenth “Iron Man Salute” was released.

    Hey, how about Downey Jr. putting on some of the armor? Aside from the wrist and hand?

  14. Robert

    Haven’t you realized that everytime news from THE DARK KNIGHT are released, the people behind Ironman release either pictures or videos…

    the thing is, the TDK news was regarding Heath Ledger, which of course was a terrible and sad news.

    But it’s like paramount wants to say “hey guys we’re still here, ok? so gives us some attention, we are releasing another superhero film as well…”

    but nah, who cares about ironman… i don’t, i mean i’ll see it but probably on dvd, cuz marvel tends to make horrible films… ghost rider, fantastic four, elektra, daredevil, so i’m not very excited about ironman because of previous desapointemnts. And this picture looks cool, but too cgi.

  15. CMC

    unfortunately we haven’t seen any villain material. while I’m anticipating the movie, Iron Man’s villain roster sucks.

  16. Alan

    It does look like fucking plastic other than that its fine.

  17. Doug

    I like it, but at the same time I find myself thinking: “It’s Morphin Time!!!”

  18. FreeFilmFactory


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  19. UKAndy616

    Iron Man. What is he thinking?

    “Oi! Did you spill my pint?”

  20. Terry Letourneau

    I feel like a geek thinking if Iron Man fought Robocop, who would win?

  21. Seth Grimes

    Iron Man’d destroy Robocop.Wouldn’t even be close.

    As for the pic,well,its good but,its nothing we haven’t seen before.Really just more of the same.

  22. @ Terry Letourneau
    i used to love robocop wen i was lik 7 (i still do) but no ironman will polverise him

    its ok ur not a geek- actually u might be but so im i

    and the only thing i dont lik about the villains is- half of them look just like ironman- but idc

  23. takata