This entry was posted on Friday, January 25th, 2008 at 1:20 pm.
Categories: Funny.

Movie Blog reader Scott sent me this little video today that really captures the spirt of Indie movie sound tracks. Check it out:

10 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Mozzerino

    Hehe, great idea hilariously executed.
    Love it!

  2. rafa1215

    This song could of totally fit in Juno. What do you think John?

  3. scott

    juno was exactly what i thought of when i first saw this video!

  4. Oliver

    The songs gags are lamer than the pretentious indie movies it’s poking fun at.

  5. Kristina


    Ugh, fuck every piece of music in that movie, especially that song during the opening credits. UGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

  6. frankwolftown

    This has Garden State written all over it!

  7. Tim

    What’s so bad about the music in Juno? The Kinks, Velvet Underground, etc. All great bands. Even the original music was pretty good.

  8. Michael 7E

    Haha, brings to mind Garden State.

    Juno is great, but it’s also slightly guilty of this too.

  9. Mkfreak2

    I love the soundtracks and I love the movies of these so called “pretentious” indie movies. They’re a hell of a lot better than most everything else pervading the world of Meet the Spartans-esque Hollywood.

    This song was pretty funny, but honestly the music in Juno was amazing.

  10. oldshell

    Juno’s music was generally terrible (kinks aside). The first 5 minutes made me think that I would be distracted from the film it was so bad. thankfully it’s quality overpowered the terrible song selection (although I did think the duet at the end was quite cute)

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