Grindhouse Box Set Pictures

We have obtained some images of the Grindhouse Box Set thanks to our friends at moviehole:


The packaging for this product is outstanding. I love that the discs look like records and think the artist(s) behind the magic should be commended. No word yet on when this box set will be released in North America, we will keep you posted!

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15 thoughts on “Grindhouse Box Set Pictures

  1. MOTHERTHERESA!!! This seriously is the best box set ive ever seen. Ive been stalking this set since I heard the rumors. And these pictures are amazing. You guys can pre-order like I did at or Cdjapan is cheaper than yesasia, but I trust yesasia more so, take your pick. It’ll be 99 bucks and some cents at yesasia, whilst at cdjapan itll be about 90. International shipping NOT included. Dig deep fellas.

  2. If Tarantino is the one responsible for things like this and the Kill Bill set (also Japanese) not being released in the US…then that douche needs to get his shit together. If it isn’t his fault, then lets find the douche whos fault it is and burn his house down.

  3. There is a Japanese release. I dont know which that edition is for, probably Japan as its coming out before the US. Needless to say, it looks awesome!

  4. This is shit, that is the best looking box set I’ve laid my eyes on….. Ever. If it doesn’t come out for the U.S. and A. It will make me sad all day!

  5. I refuse to watch Death Proof or Planet Terror until they are back to back with the trailers in between like it was meant to be. I’m from the uk so so far I’ve not had that option.

  6. I’m sure I will buy this when it is released here. But it sounds like the first 4 discs are exactly the same as the ones already released, only the disc with the whole movie and the trailers disc will be new. So hopefully the U.S. version will be a little different, just hope they keep the same packaging.

  7. wow thats pretty sweet……can anyone give a decent guess on if and when the us is gettin this……i really fuckin enjoyed this movie and was holdin off on the dvd purchase waiting for a box set like this…..same thing with kill bill, but u know how that turned out…..

  8. I was wondering the same thing Kurt, I assume that these are the Japanese discs - but why then are they in English. One picture I did not put up was a special Japaneses edition disc But I would hazard a guess that we will see the same box set here. …eventually

  9. Does it say “REGION 2” on those dics? It’s my understanding that this is a Japanese release only at this point (although there is a curious lack of kanji text on the packaging, as we all know, just makes any American marketing or promo materials look cooler.)

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