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Emmy Rossum Talks About Dragonball Set On Her Myspace Page

By Doug - January 25, 2008 - 13:18 America/Montreal

EmmyEmmy Rossum has been blogging from Mexico about her life and times on the set of Dragonball. We get the scoop about this “blog action” from our friends at movieweb:

Emmy Rossum (The Phantom of the Opera) is currently in Mexico, where she is involved with the shooting of Dragon Ball. In the film, Rossum plays Bulma, a scientific genius who aids Goku (Justin Chatwin) after her father’s Dragonball is stolen by Piccolo (James Marsters). On the actress’s MySpace, she reported a bit from the set.

Apparently the movie is now filming just outside Dunas de Bilbao, which is about an hour away from Torreon. Rossum doesn’t provide many details about the state of filming, although she does spend a good two paragraphs discussing rabbits in the Mexican desert, and a pet rabbit she had as a child. She does however explain that she’s been getting to know Joon Park, who plays Yamcha in the film, fairly well. “I’m not allowed to spill any secrets, but our characters interact a lot in the film,” Rossum says. This suggests that the movie is retaining the relationship between Bulma and Yamcha from the anime and manga series of Dragon Ball.

So there you have it folks - not much news about the film other than the fact that Bulma and Yamcha are going to be continuing their relationship onto the silver screen. It is cool that Rossum is blogging about her experience and hopefully we will be able to glean more about the film as her entries continue on through production.

I read Rossum’s blog and her observations of Mexican rabbits delighted me. She came upon rabbits that stand 3 feet tall when upright! That is a big beefy rabbit! I am not used to rabbits this size and would certainly want to embrace one if I came upon one. Rabbits are delightful creatures and to see such a huge fuzzy mammal in the desert would be cause for celebration.

Upon seeing these rabbits Emmy was concerned about their eating situation (the desert is a barren land) this prompted her to Google what they ate and then she scammed some vegetables from catering and left a plate out for the bunnies. Emmy Rossum, you are a good egg and a friend to the rabbit kingdom. We salute your kindness to struggling desert mammals and look forward to more blog entries. For those of you that want to read her blog entry on the situation please follow this link:


  1. oldshell says:

    does anyone actually have any interest in this film? (cue abuse from DZ fans). It’s gonna be another mortal combat I swear or I’ll fuck a sq…. actually with hogs 2 on its way I think there’ll probably be enough vegetable fucking this summer!!

  2. Grave says:

    Ya know that most cartoons that leap to the live film media just are not up to the fans hype. The show its self was very low brow for anime. This series had 12 dozen episodes with nothing going on but characters thinking about whats going to happen next. Sure its possible to cut all that down to a 2 1/2hr film but the track record of cartoons moving to live film is not a good one. Hollywood doesnt care about DBZ and making a movie of it. They care about Fans money. Also I feel the Hollywood is 10 years to late for this classic anime cause its popularaity is not as strong as it was when it first came to US shores.

  3. chris (the real one) says:

    hey oldshell im a dbz fan but i dont give a fuck about this movie……its gonna be awful and grave i agree……this should’ve been done a while ago when the show was at its peak US popularity…..oh well

  4. Teller says:

    This is not racist but why do people take classic japanese cartoons and fill them with white people?? Pisses me off.

  5. chris (the real one) says:

    lol….very true teller…..never understood it myself, i assume the Japanese understand their own material and can do a better job of representing it on screen…..but alas more lil white people in japanese movies

  6. dingo101 says:

    Bah. I’m more interested in the fact that Emily Rossum is a Googler, and what Mexican rabbits eat than I am in this movie. I think aforementioned rabbits will gain much more from this flick that filmgoers…

  7. dougnagy says:

    agreed! For years to come the rabbits will discuss the glory days of catered service!

  8. Terry Letourneau says:

    I think the most interesting news here is that people still use MySpace.

  9. JAMIE says:

    @ Terry Letourneau
    hey! i have a myspace!!!

  10. dee says:

    why cant they just make a cgi dragonball z movie???*sigh*

  11. JAMIE says:

    @ dee

    cuz that would pawn and it would be homo

    i mean i kno its hard to make this movie but it hass a chance to work out- lets just pray.
    they did come out with a dragon ball movie that was a cartoon lik 8 years ago and it was a solid 3 out of 10
    ..lets just see how this works out- i kno some people think this is going to be a disaster but im pulling for their root- not saying its going to be good- im hoping it will be. its a hard movie to make for the special effects but- if they do it good itl be awsome

    i thought transformers would never work out for the same exact reasons and- it was a ridiculously aggresively awsome movie (had drawbacks) but it was one great movie

  12. Jonathan says:

    Oh Emmy… I understand the need for a paycheck, but there is so much else you could be doing with your time…

    Like going out with me for dinner.

  13. JAMIE says:

    hey jonathan!!

    shes on my top eight on myspace
    im way ahead of ya- i doubt she knows that shes on my top friends list tho…hm

  14. Callum says:

    This is a great site, i also have a site dedicated to movie trailers, http://www.greatmovitrailers.com

  15. frankwolftown says:

    Okay, right now I’m pissed. Why has no one informed me about this gorgeous woman named Emmy Rossum! This Dragon Ball movie would be crap if it weren’t for the fact she was in this movie the project would be a disaster. (starts making bust of Emmy Rossum made out of clay)

  16. campea fan says:

    After the trailer, all of you will believe.

  17. steven says:

    Its about time. I cant wait to see this movie.

  18. blessie says:

    The trailer’s out, and I can tell you boycotts against this movie will soon erupt all over the world, and the Japanese boycott movement’s going to get more vicious

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