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Daniel Day Lewis Honours Heath Ledger at SAG Awards

By Rodney - January 28, 2008 - 09:22 America/Montreal

Last night was the Screen Actors Guild awards show, the first of which had celebrities and a telecast.

A montage of the recently passed Heath Ledger paid tribute to this actor on the verge of greatness. However this was not the only mention of Ledger during the awards, as Daniel Day Lewis gave tribute with his own personal message.

TVGuide says:

Accepting the award for best actor in a film (There Will Be Blood) and reflecting on his ongoing discovery as a performer, Day-Lewis said, “There are many actors in this room tonight… who have given me that sense of regeneration, and Heath Ledger gave it to me. In Monster’s Ball, that character he created seemed to be almost like an unformed being retreating from himself, his father, his life… and yet we wanted to follow him. It was unique.”

Now a lot of people were calling Ledger a b-list actor, and I think this had to do with his previous choice of movies. They typically were teen fluff movies or adventure films, and only once he did Brokeback Mountain did anyone actually even consider him a real actor.

I think it is fitting that Ledger’s potential is recognized by Daniel Day Lewis.

We will never know just how far Heath will have gone, but his impact on those around him is clearly felt.


  1. Kevin C says:

    There is an article out in the webs interviewing Chris Nolan who echoes Day-Lewis’ sentiments saying things like “there are few actors who can put you to shame with the way they embrace their craft, Heath was one of them” Its a good read and really gives you some insight into Ledgers methods, dedication and energy that he brings to a set.

  2. Brian says:

    Total Class Act!


  3. drillbit says:

    I live in Perth where Heath is from. I saw him three weeks before he died. He came home for a Christmas holiday. He was having a beer with friends. Three weeks later, he’s gone.

    My brother played in New York for the G’Day USA festival and found out 2 hours before he went on that Heath had died only a few blocks away. All this is so close to home.

    Thats all I have to say. Just thinking. I feel for his family. RIP

    Trilby Temperley,
    regular Movie Blog reader

  4. Kristina says:

    The sad thing about this is that some cynical bastards are going around online saying that DDL only did this so he’d look good and get that Oscar.

    Those brain-dead morons fail to recognize that the Oscar already has DDL’s name engraved on it. He didn’t have to say what he said at the SAG Awards and when he was on Oprah last week, but he did because he’s a classy dude.

  5. bassturd says:

    I didn’t see it on TV and reading this I kinda thought it sounded like he did it for a pity applause sorta thing. ( I dunno how DDL conducts himself in real life tho)

    But listening to the speech it really sounded like it came from the heart and didn’t sound a bit rehearsed or anything. It wasn’t completely about Ledger, more about actors inspiring him in general and he used Ledger’s performances as an example.

  6. sfsilver says:

    It was genuinely touching on the awards show broadcast. Not sure how it will come off out of context. If I recall correctly it did come after the montage of those who died in the last year that ended with Heath’s photo punctuating the whole presentation.

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