Brett Ratner to direct ‘The Wolfman?’

Since Mark Romanek has bowed down to direct ‘The Wolfman’ remake, it seems that Universal is looking for at Brett Ratner to ruin…sorry I meant direct the film.

Cinematical gives us this news:

The latest flurry of Ratner rage was brought on by a story over at AICN which claims the director is Universal’s choice to replace Mark Romanek on The Wolfman. While the news is not official yet, there’s definitely enough here to hurt your ears. Here’s hoping Universal listens to the cries and goes in a different direction.

Yeah…this news definitely hurts my ears. You see, I never disliked Brett Ratner. I don’t know how to describe how I feel about this man. Hmm… he’s kind of like that insecure, sexual girl you feel bad for because she always gets made fun of by everyone for being a slut. However, the second she eyes your brother, you jump on the bandwagon. (Yep, that analogy unfortunately has happened to me. lol)

I know fanboys were upset at what he did to ‘X-Men 3,’ but it never affected me. Now, that he’s in talks to remake a Universal classic and that he could potentially turn it into a Van Helsing meets Cursed werewolf film, I finally understand the fury of the fanboys. (I’m sorry for not being more empathetic.)

So what is your reaction to this news?

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. sfsilver

    Ratner is a useless hack who represents all the worst money obsessed excesses of corporate Hollywood. The saddest part is that for some reason the public actually pays money to be tortured and mind numbed by his crappy movies. I’ll never get it. I officially have no interest in this project if he directs.

  2. Erika

    WHY!!!?????? WTF!!!!!!! I hate Brett Ratner!!!!!!!!! He ruined X3. I loved all the X-men movies until I saw X3. It Sucked. I cant bring myslef to watch it. I am sorry but I have no confidence in that man that calls himself a director. He should not do “the wolfman”. OMG WHY!?!?!?!

  3. tobor68

    DO NOT WANT!!!

  4. Antonio Spinozzi

    I heard someone online yesterday saying on the back of the news of Romanek’s departure, that all that need happen now is for Ratner to be hired.

    Couple of hours later there was word that he actually is.

    For fucks sake!!!

    From what had the potential to be a beautifully crafted film could now be a bland soulless piece of shit. Just like Red Dragon and just like X-Men 3.

  5. rafa1215

    I liked Juggy in xmen 3. I wish there was a lot more of his story told throughout the movie. Ratner can direct action. I was entertained with the way he directs his Rush hour movies. This movie isn’t going to win Oscars for best actor or anything. I think all they need is a director who knows how to direct action and I think he’s qualified.

  6. leeloo

    this really suks. i was really excited to see this done by romanek. ugh.

  7. CanuckLou

    The sound you hear is that of a toilet flushing.

  8. 1138

    Ratner…proof that talentless people can make a living at anything….

    Yeah he gets the job done…it’s to bad he gets it done badly.

  9. Alex

    Now an interesting concept movie just turned bland. Ratner’s a serviceman director and now that all there work is done for him, he just has to show up and make it shit.

  10. Sir Jig-A-Lot

    aw fuck naw!

  11. takata

    I dont undestand why so much rate for the Ratts?!
    He delivers exactly what industry ask him i think.
    Well,i guess people prefere the BAYESTER quality levels.
    He delivers exactly what he think is good and fuck the industry and the public!!

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