This entry was posted on Thursday, January 31st, 2008 at 1:03 pm.
Categories: News Chat | By John

Bobby-Fischer-Goes-To-War.jpgYou knew that with the recent passing of Chess legend Bobby Fischer, another bopic movie on his life would be soon coming. Yes there was already a movie made with his name on it (Searching For Bobby Fischer) but that’s not really about him… biopics are all the rage (to be honest, I generally really like them as long as they’re not about musicians for the most part). And there is no denying that Bobby Fischer is one hell of an interesting character.

Yes, the man was a Chess god. But he was also extremely controversial… hated the United States… seems to have hated jews… for from most accounts was something of a whack job. A REAL movie on his life would be fascinating… but this is Hollywood so it appears we’re going to get a polished up shiny happy version instead called Bobby Fischer Goes To War, which will apparently just focus on his famous victory over Boris Spassky in the World Chess Championship in 1972. But there is much more to the man than that as our friends over at RopeofSilicon point out:

Fischer recently passed away and one thing that was overlooked by most media outlets and only mentioned in passing was Fischer’s comments, anti-Semitic rants and an eccentric and reclusive nature. Well, I can only wonder if the following audio (At the bottom of this post) will be featured in Macdonald’s movie or if it will be completely ignored and will champion Fischer as a chess hero or the man he really was.

Included below is a short video of Bobby Fischer. I have to warn you, about half way through the video an interview with Fischer plays that was recorded just after 9-11. It’s terribly offensive and quite frankly shocking. I think a movie on the life of this man would be riviting… but not a Hollywood glamorized version that doesn’t look at all the dimensions of the man.

15 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Jason

    Based on his words and actions it is clear that he suffered from a mental illness. His life reflects the reality of living a completely paranoid existence. A movie based on his living between genius and madness would be interesting.

  2. Scott

    In his younger years he looks a LOT like Josh Lucas!

  3. miles

    you need to listen to more cbc radio down there.

    they just did a really interesting show about his later life and exile.

  4. Omar

    Living in Iceland, where Fischer lived his last remaining years, I used to see him around many a times. He was crazy as a brick shit house but many people here liked him saying that when not talking about jews or America he would be the nicest guy.
    Funny thing is…Fischer was a jew himself.

    He surprised allot of people by asking to be buried in secrecy at a small church in the country side. There were maybe five people there. The group that fought for his citizenship lost their minds because they had all these grand and in fact delusional ideas where to bury him. Now they are actually fighting over his corpse or who gets his money, which he had allot of.

  5. Justin Levine

    The should call it “A Not So Beautiful Mind” - which would have the potential to be much more compelling and fascinating than the Ron Howard film which ignored the anti-Semitic rants of its own subject [John Nash] during the time he suffered from his own delusions. The screenplay in that film wimped out - giving up the opportunity to make a much more challenging and nuanced film about the issue of mental illness. Instead, it gave us a simplistic Hollywood fairytale of one person overcoming his handicap to achieve the Nobel Prize. Pity.

  6. FilmBuffJustin1985

    Does true genius always end with tragedy?

  7. Mattiac

    It’s very sad to see and hear Bobby like that! :( I like to play chess and I wish that I could be as great as he was! :)

    @FilmBuffJustin1985: No, Einstein didn’t end with tragedy for example. As far as I know anyway.

  8. graf1k

    Seems to me that considering he was a Jew himself by birth that his anti-semitic remarks may have misguided hatred of his parents, his childhood and maybe even himself. As for the anti-American rants, I can only imagine that the trouble he had with the US government over their policy toward certain countries that interfered with his chess matches may have been part of the cause there, not to mention the America’s relationship with Israel coupled with his hatred of the Jewish people probably didn’t help any. The rest could very well have been caused by being a public figure almost his entire life. I think it’s a little too easy to just write him off as insane. That’s not to say his opinions were justified.

    Anyway it certainly would be interesting to see a truthful documentary on his life. I always find those the most interesting and I can’t really understand shying away from the bad things historic figures said and did. Maybe Hollywood thinks that detracts from their accomplishments but personally I find it almost always makes me appreciate what they did more, because you get to see their flawed humanity as well.

  9. anon

    I read the book, and the title is a little misleading. There is a LOT of information detailing the story of Boris Spassky as well. The authors often concentrate on battles between individuals who happen to personify battles of entire worldviews. Their last book (Wittgenstein’s Poker) deals with a heated argument (pun intended) between two major philosophers (Ludwid Wittgenstein and Karl Popper), one of who brandished a poker out of fire. More was being fought over than academic reputation in the seminar room that day…

    And so it goes with “Bobby Fischer Goes To War.” Fischer’s story is one of a challenger who had nothing left to do once he had won. His later problems are ample evidence of his downward spiral. Spassky (something of a dissident in the Soviet Union) gained a lot in losing. He had been world champion, he was no longer under the scrutiny of the political system because of his own problems with the Sport Committee, and in the end, emigrated to France where he has lived for decades.

    It raises a troubling question…who really won? I only hope that this film captures the spirit of the book which closely examines both of these players lives.

  10. Georg

    It is a great book and will make an excellent movie in loving memory of the KING of chess. Let him rest in peace.

  11. karl

    If you’ve have had a loved one stricken with
    a mental illness, you can empathize with
    Fischer’s torment.

    He obviously was no longer completely lucid.

    He shouldn’t be blamed for suffering from something he didn’t ask for, and could not control.
    he didn’t

  12. Joshua Lake

    I hope the movie is true both to the triumph of 1972 and the tragedy of events that lead afterwards. Bobby was wrong, but at the end of his life did he find redemption? I heard that he met with a Catholic priest and, perhaps, repented, & gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. Can anyone confirm this? I am very curious to know if it is true. I can only hope it is. Rest in peace, Bobby.

    SIncerely, M.E.

  13. Joshua Lake


    As I said previously, I hope this picture focuses on the triumph of 1972, but also shows the tragedy of later events. If he did repent & give his life to Christ, I hope they show that as well. If they do not, it will be very unfortunate. I hope the Catholic priest who met with him speaks the truth to the filmakers about this pivotal moment in his life. If it is true it can be a story of triumph over tragedy and that would truly be something to find hope in!!! I can only pray God has a hand in making this movie accurate & true & with, ultimately, a message of Love. Amen.

  14. BobbyFisherFan

    Bobby Fischer, Will Always be the greatest Chess Champion Ever!
    He Will never be replaced. God Rest His Soul.
    You go Bobby! The Sequel should be “Bobby Fischer Wins The War”.

  15. BobbyFischerFan

    Bobby Fischer, will always be the greates Chess Champion ever.
    He could never be replaced. God rest his soul.
    You go Bobby! The sequel should be titled “Bobby Fischer Wins The War”.

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