Beloved Characters: General Chang

Sometimes you just look at a character and you know exactly what is up; with a single glance - you are able to read volumes about them. General Chang is such a man. Robust armor, fumanchu mustache, bald head and an eye-patch that is directly riveted into the skull (!!!) suggests a man that is both without fear or regret; this man celebrates his life, scars and all.

With a mighty bone walking stick you re left wondering; what great beast or foe was it taken from, and how ferocious must the creature have been to have its skeletal remains become a prized possession of the Klingon that took its life.

Christopher Plummer actually suggested a more human (original series) looking Klingon for Chang. If I would have heard this news before the film, I would have ripped a strip off of Plummer, but hindsight has revealed the genius of his decision. Although Chang resembles a human more than most Klingons - he comes off as a king amongst them. He is a Klingon’s Klingon and you never doubt it for a second. Plummer did not need to hide behind extra makeup - he became Klingon.

General Chang’s appreciation for the literature and customs of his foe, (humans) also reveals much about him. As much as he would like to kill humans all day long, he respects them as warriors, and admires their ability. Chang venerates his enemy, because he knows that without them - there is no battle.

A true champion puts his title on the line and tests himself against the strongest of opponents. Chang does this with Kirk and also with his personal study of Shakespeare. He comes off as a scholar on one on earths most prized literary figures, committing an impressive amount of his work to memory. In the film, amongst the company of humans , Chang even has the gall to suggest that he prefers the original Klingon language version. His appreciation for all things human is great, but his belief in Klingon superiority is absolute.

The StarTrek franchise had an insanely powerful villain in Khan, and Chang sits beside him as a foe of legendary reputation and cunning. Kirk is remembered as a warrior, not only for who he was; but who he has defeated. I bet Chang himself would have deemed it an honor to have Kirk showcase his eye-patched skull in the Enterprise library.

International friends - please feel free to share your thoughts and opinions of General Chang. Together, let us celebrate this beloved character.


15 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. CanuckLou

    “Cry Havoc and let loose the dogs of war!”

    Yeah Plummer nailed this role. Geek fact - Shatner was Plummer’s understudy back when they did the Stratford Festival.

    Christopher Lloyd did a great job as Kruge in STIII as well.

    Kirk - “We’ll both die here!”

    Kruge - “Yes, exhilirating isn’t it!!”

  2. Karl Hungus

    Excellent character, and it has to be said that The Undiscovered Country was my favourite next to The Wrath of Khan.

  3. Pacemaker

    Any Klingon that quotes Shakespere to taughnt his enemies is awesome.

  4. Antonio

    I think a post of Chang vs Kruge is very much needed.

  5. Meli

    Excellent post, Doug! I remember loving Plummer playing this character and gave him a fanastic presence, as only Plummer can.
    Klingons are by far my favorite ST alien race.

  6. Phil Gee

    Chang has one edge over Khan when it comes to traits of pure evil……….he’s a lawyer.


  7. Karl Hungus

    Yeah, but Khan wasn’t pure evil, was he? Kirk was a bit of dick abandoning him, I’d say his revenge was pretty righteous.

  8. Stefan

    I know nothing about Star Trek, but his character seems quite similar to Grand Admiral Thrawn’s. As Heir to the Empire was published around the same time The Undiscovered Country came out, I wonder who “copied” off whom?

  9. sfsilver

    Plummer just plain rocks. He’s a brilliant actor.

  10. Todd C

    Yeah, he was great until he pulled out that Vulcan lyre and started playing Edelweiss.

    /Hello? Is this thing on?

  11. Mozzerino

    Plummer is a great actor, no need for discussion here.

    Star Trek 6 is one of the best Star Trek Films.
    The only flaw of the movie is that the crew was really a bit too old, otherwise it features some of the best plots and sharpest dialog in the entire series.

    In fact, I would say that WRATH OF KHAN, UNDISCOVERED COUNTRY and FIRST CONTACT are the only three Trek-films that deserve the label “really good” at all. And I’m saying that as a bigtime Trekkie.

  12. Rusty James

    Good work Doug. It’s often overlooked that Chang represents an important bridge between Original and TNG Klingons.

    For the record I actually like every single original cast Star Trek movie. Yup, even V. I don’t care much for the TNG movies, not even First Contact.

  13. Henrik

    Fucking KAPLAH!

  14. krazie835

    taH pagh, taH be?

    To be or Not To be?

  15. takata


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