Are You Looking Forward To Step Brothers?

As many of you know, the Talladega Nights team of Director Adam McKay, Will Ferrell and John C Reilly are back together again with a new comedy entitled “Step Brothers” (also being produced by Judd Apatow). The film is about a couple of friends who become competitive after their two single parents decide to get married.

I have been a staunch fan of Will Ferrell for YEARS. But I’ve admitted lately that I’m becoming a bit numb to his schtick. I didn’t find Ricky Bobby to be nearly as funny as many other people did, and while I enjoyed Blades of Glory, it was still a step down from the reaction he got from me in previous work. Still… I love John C Reilly, and them being together again is at least enough to get me interested… but not as much as I would have been like 2 years ago.

So how about you? Where is your anticipation level for Step Brothers?

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  • 1. Steven C. replies at 10th January 2008, 4:13 pm :

    I think this movie will be pretty good, John C. Riley was great in Walk Hard, and its great to see him doing something with Apatow again.

  • 2. BrianG replies at 10th January 2008, 4:17 pm :

    I admit that the “dumb arrogant guy” schtick is getting a bit tired. I’ve always thought that Will is capable of many different characters, as exhibited on SNL, Elf, Stranger Than Fiction, etc. Why he doesn’t access those types of characters more often is beyond me. However, that top picture is enough to have me optimistic! It’s gold, Jerry, GOLD!

  • 3. Melbye replies at 10th January 2008, 4:21 pm :

    Will Ferrell fails to make me laugh anymore, so no i can’t really say i am looking forward to this

  • 4. JAMIE replies at 10th January 2008, 4:33 pm :

    this two guys are so flipping funny man

  • 5. Steve L. replies at 10th January 2008, 4:38 pm :

    I wish I could say I’m interested in seeing this but I just can’t. Will Ferrell is a funny guy but for some reason close to two hours of him on screen just doesn’t seem to make me laugh. His skits are much better because they are short and to the point. Sometimes I wish he’d go back to SNL and save it.

  • 6. zach replies at 10th January 2008, 6:02 pm :

    i think apatow should just keep making movies with seth rogan and the gang
    those ones are always better

  • 7. bassturd replies at 10th January 2008, 6:05 pm :

    The first photo alone almost sells me on it.

  • 8. Sir Jig-A-Lot replies at 10th January 2008, 6:29 pm :

    Reilly still has it butt the movie will suck balls due to Ferell’s one trick ponyness. he’s a has been that doesn’t know it yet.

  • 9. Ransom replies at 10th January 2008, 8:23 pm :

    Ferrell can be good at many different types of roles, but he’s in it for the money like everyone else. As long as people keep lining up at the theatre, he’ll keep playing the same character again and again.

  • 10. Koko replies at 10th January 2008, 9:01 pm :

    I don’t have a problem with the roles he’s playing. Stick to what ya know. If he’s happy and everyone else is laughing. Who cares.

    As I see it, 50% of people who go to the movies are people who read shit on the web and comment on things like this(me).

    The other 50% are just your average joe who will laugh at what they think is funny, regardless of it repetitivness.

    Funny is funny. Stop over-analysing movies that aren’t intended to please critics and bloggers. As much as we like to think it. We aren’t the majority.

    That said, I wonder why and how people think they can sit back and dictate where one person should go with they’re career. Shouldn’t that be up to him and his family & friends to critisise his decisions. I’m ranting …

    Anyway, I have a DVD’s of Eddie Murphys RAW & Delirious. Two DVD’s, same performer. The jokes in the both of them are almost identical. Yet I’ laugh my ass everytime I watch either of them for the 1st or 100th time. Funny is funny.

    I watch Anchorman and then I watch Talladega nights, sure Ferrell plays the same buffoon character in both of them, but thats what makes the shit funny. They’re funny characters, and he pitches them perfect.

    Stop ya fuckin whining and just have a laugh until your next Schindlers List or whatever the fuck depressing shit your gonna watch next.

  • 11. Koko replies at 10th January 2008, 9:02 pm :

    Fuck, if we were the majority, Chipmunks wouldn’t have made $200.00 bucks! Let alone $200 Million!!!

  • 12. Koko replies at 10th January 2008, 9:05 pm :

    PS. That rant wasn’t directed at anyone in particular from this site, I just felt like ranting cos my job is fuckin boring.

  • 13. Kevin C replies at 11th January 2008, 6:55 am :

    I for one am not blown away by the Will Ferrell John C Reilly duo. I thought Talladega nights was “meh”. The little promotional stuff they did for that movie was hilarious though. Give these guys 10 minutes, roll the camera and let them just run with it, no script, nothing, and its great. Try to stuff them in a movie and stretch it over 90 plus minutes and its a yawn to me. Plus I think Reilly is suffereing from working with Ferrell, he needs to just be his own guy.

  • 14. miles replies at 11th January 2008, 7:11 am :

    you should watch walk hard, john.

    i am stoked, ferrell always makes me laugh and reilly is nto too far behind.

  • 15. Butter On My Popcorn replies at 11th January 2008, 7:30 am :

    I can’t distinguish between his movies anymore…yawn.

  • 16. takata replies at 11th January 2008, 9:00 am :

    I give KOKOS this,
    is realy something wierd how we ¨the internet bunch¨ think so much of ourselves sometimes.
    The chipmunks or widhogs movie type that we see and say ¨MEH!¨with so much authority sometimes making more money faster then beloved GEEK movies like BATMAN BEGINS and SUPERMAN RETURNS.
    I undestand that people just want to be entertained and they dont care with is the same schtick or the same lame eyetoy CGI type of movie they goted last year.
    Sameway goes for those want more cerebral or artsy fartsy kind of movies and clayming WE WANT MORE QUALITY ON THE CINEMAS but when they got what they want theres no response on the box office.
    So whos wrong on this after all US or THEn?
    On the Will Ferrel s repetition case?for me i just pass to see on DVD WHEN and WITH i had nothing better to do some very rainy day

  • 17. rafa1215 replies at 11th January 2008, 10:46 am :

    I haven’t seen Will in anything that was as funny as Elf.

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