A Gay Zombie Porn?

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 01. 2008in News Chat

Yes, you read the headline right. I have watched horror movies about killer condoms, stripper fighting zombies, and lethal sheep, but nothing tops this ridiculous concept. Recently at this year’s Sundance festival, many people witnessed the horror of ‘Otto: or, Up with Dead People.’ Most people had no idea they were in for watching essentially a gay zombie porn.

IMDB gives us this LENGTHY Synopsis:

A young zombie named Otto appears on a remote highway. He has no idea where he came from or where he is going. After hitching a ride to Berlin and nesting in an abandoned amusement park, he begins to explore the city. Soon he is discovered by underground filmmaker Medea Yarn, who begins to make a documentary about him with the support of her girlfriend, Hella Bent, and her brother Adolf, who operates the camera. Meanwhile, Medea is still trying to finish Up with Dead People, the epic political-porno-zombie movie that she has been working on for years. She convinces its star, Fritz Fritze, to allow the vulnerable Otto to stay in his guest bedroom. When Otto discovers that he has a wallet that contains information about his past, before he was dead, he begins to remember details about his ex-boyfriend, Rudolf. He arranges to meet him at the schoolyard where they met, with devastating results.

You can’t make sh*t like this up. There have been many funny reactions to this film; my favorite was from my friend Ryan Rotten from Shocktillyoudrop.com. Here’s an excerpt from his blog:

The eponymous character is at conflict with himself - and the people he surrounds himself with doubt he’s undead at all. Even though he insists he is. Throughout the drama, however, I fell witness to a man screwing another fella’s stomach (full penetration shots) and an undead homosexual orgy. Sorry. Not my bag. I counted roughly 20 - 25 people walk out. The row I sat in cleared out. Two girls behind me passed out, snoring away and likely catching up on missed sleep due to the partying the night before.

I just couldn’t resist posting about this movie. Even though it sounds like an atrocious piece of sh*t, I can’t help but be lead by morbid curiosity to witness the horror the Sundance crew endured. What are your thoughts?

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Rodney who has written 8643 posts on The Movie Blog

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21 Responses to “A Gay Zombie Porn?”

  1. Bishop says:

    Well, I sat through Shortbus.

    This would be just the Zombie version of it I suppose.

    It would be interesting to see and would DEFINITELY spark conversation. It just might not be all that good is all.

    Bruce LaBruce has come out with some very, ummm, particular films.

    “Not my bag.” BWAHAHAA.
    Sorry can’t help it.
    That’s the 12 year old that lives inside my head.

  2. Steve L. says:

    Yet somewhere somehow this was let into sundance and some dumbass producers felt this was a movie worth spending their money on. God save us…and I am mostly an atheist…so we are fucked!

  3. Flyer28 says:


  4. RonSalon says:

    Okay, I read something about this thing a while back on another website. Talk about dumb…Please, please, please stop making horrible gay movies.

    I have an idea… all the independant directors, writers, and producers etc.. take the money you have for the twenty bad gay movies you’ll make next year and put it together to make one good movie. Come on… See if you can, I dare you.

    You know the sick part? This stupid movie will be on every Mo’s Netflix list…including mine. God I suck…

  5. Serena says:


    Comments like these, make me glad I write for this site :)

  6. Jesse says:

    Oh Christ! Seriously they are running out of ideas!

    So I might see it, just to laugh, but I can tell you I wouldn’t have wasted my time at any Festival on this!

  7. SX0T says:

    No offense to any homosexual people or zombies that visit this website, but seriously…what the fuck.

  8. Nayana Anthony says:


  9. Meli says:

    wow. I’m not sure what to think, but I have to admit that I am morbidly curious as well. Probably loose a few hundred brain cells in the process if I ever do come across it. LoL

  10. CrackpotPress says:

    Zombies need love too.

  11. Haole says:

    I sat through Cannibal Holocaust, but penetration shots of a dude doing some guys belly… seems a bit strong don’t it?

  12. aaaa says:

    two words:

    “That’s Hot!”


  13. DONALD says:

    I will definitely see this…

  14. nbakid2000 says:

    I’d watch it. Just ’cause it sounds hilarious.

  15. frankwolftown says:

    BRAINS!!! Gay sex and BRAINS!!!

  16. sfsilver says:

    Well I’ve sat through a lifetime of heterosexual nonsense on screen, hundreds of shitty films showing bimbos and out of control machismo and even seen some of celebrated on this site. Give me some gay zombie trash any day.

    I do agree that I wish the quality of many gay themed films would improve, but I’m not sure why Gay films which are usually made for pennies by very independent producers should have to have any better standards or quality than all the terrible heterosexual themed films which are given bigger budgets, have bigger stars, and have studio backing.

  17. Lee says:

    What makes it “porn”?

    If it weren’t a gay guy, would you call a zombie movie straight zombie porn? If there’s actual porn in this, then I will stand corrected, but it seems like you’re just turning anything with gay people into “porn”. Not trying to be a jerk, just wondering.

    Yeah, it sounds awful, though. I’m sure I’ll see it.

  18. Lee says:

    OK, I stand corrected - should’ve IMDBed it first. It does seem kinda porny. ;) Thanks for the info!


  19. Grundy says:

    Yeah, I came across some production photos from this movie a while back. And when I saw a pic from the one scene Ryan described above I did a double take, “Is that zombie fucking a stomach?”

  20. Kryptonite says:

    “What makes it porn?”

    Did you SEE them use the word “penetration” in the original post? How about “orgy”?

    For fuck’s sake….

  21. digital underground says:

    They come at midnight is gay zombie porn, this film is nothing more than
    pull the wool over your eyes film.

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