The 2007 Movie Blog Awards

It is once again that time of the year. The time the we… the official home of correct movie opinions… reveal unto the world what were indeed the very best films of the year. Globes Schmobes. Oscars Shmoscers. This is THE event and moment studios in Hollywood have been anxiously awaiting… the revelation of The Movie Blog’s Best Movies of 2007 post! (Choirs of angels sing to ancient roman horns accompanying them). Ok maybe not… but we look forward to it!

This year we’re going to do it just a little bit differently. We’ll give the categories and the various winners, and then at the end we’ll list our top 10 best films of the year. So let’s not waste any more time and just dive into it. Drum roll please!


Best-2007-JunoWinner: JUNO

Jason Reitman is now officially my favorite young director in the movie business. A BRILLIANT follow up to his “Thank You For Smoking” triumph, Juno is more than just a comedy. With one of the best performances by a young actress (borderline CHILD actress) I’ve ever seen, Ellen Page has officially arrived and given notice that she intends to be a serious player for many years to come. The movie makes you laugh, but it also makes you feel. A terrific supporting cast all turning in some of the best work they’ve ever done, a moving story, fantastic pace… and yes… HUGE laughs along the way. This movie surprised us on so many levels and (and I know this sounds silly) I came out of the theater a happier person than when I went in. CRAZY. So without hesitation at all, we name JUNO the Best Film of 2007.

Runners Up: 3:10 To Yuma, There Will Be Blood


Best-2007-SuperbadWinner: SUPERBAD

This one is not necessarily for the best movie that also happens to be a comedy, but rather for the movie that delivered the best, and hardest laughs during the run time. And to us, the film that takes the cake in that regard is Superbad. Another comedy masterpiece that Judd Apatow is attached to (contrary to popular belief, Apatow did not direct Superbad, but produced), this movie made you laugh your head off at least 7 or 8 times. McLovin has become a cultural icon and hero to the masses and marked the arival of Michael Cera and Jonah Hill as legitimate leading comedy men. The film has it’s weaknesses for certain… but lack of hilarity is not one of them. So within this context, we’re happy to name Superbad as the best comedy of the year.

Runners Up: Walk Hard, Hot Fuzz


Best-2007-SeveranceWinner: SEVERANCE

Not the strongest of years for Horror films, but there are a couple of gems. Somewhere in a whacky world where Dilbert, The Office and Friday the 13th all collide, Severance is born. Severance is one of those “horror” films that is also hilarious and a bit of a saterical laugh at the genre itself… but make no mistake about it, it’s still a horror film. The movie lulls you into it with a bit of a slow start, and then BANG! They slap you across the face with the first couple of kills (SPOILER!!! Some people die in this movie!!!). Come on… how can you go wrong with an office team building trip that gets lost in the woods inhabited by former inmates of an abandoned war criminal insane asylum? That’s some good stuff right there. And for those of you who have seen it… the very best scene involving a bear trap I’ve ever seen.

Runners Up: Hatchet, 1408


Best-2007-StardustWinner: STARDUST

With one of absolute worst promotional campaigns of the year, Stardust limped into theaters, almost no one went to see it, and then it limped right back out. The movie is a total triumph for director Matthew Vaughn who managed to deliver one of the best fammily friendly fantasy movies since The Princess Bride. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of similarities between Stardust and The Princess Bride. The film is absolute magic with wonderful humor, terrific visual effects (when needed and never over used), wonderful characters and the performances turned in by Michelle Pfeiffer, Robert De Nero and Claire Danes has never been more charming on screen in her entire career. One can only hope that Stardust can find the type of home video popularity that The Princess Bride found too… because it’s a shame more people didn’t catch this treasure of a film.

Runners Up: Transformers, Enchanted


Winner: Daniel Day Lewis (There Will Be Blood)
Runners Up: Casey Affleck (Gone Baby Gone), Russell Crowe (3:10 To Yuma)


Winner: Ellen Page (Juno)
Runners Up: Nikki Blonsky (Hairspray), Wei Tang (Lust Caution)


Winner: Javier Bardem (No Country For Old Men)
Runners Up: Ed Harris (Gone Baby Gone), Casey Affleck (The Assassination Of Jesse James)


Winner: Saoirse Ronan (Atonement)
Runners Up: Tilda Swinton (Michael Clayton), Amy Ryan (Gone Baby Gone)


Winner: Paul Thomas Anderson (There Will Be Blood)
Runners Up: Jason Reitman (Juno), Ben Affleck (Gone Baby Gone)

And now with that out of the way, let’s take a look at The Movie Blog’s Top 10 Films of 2007:


1) Juno
2) There Will Be Blood
3) 3:10 To Yuma
4) Ratatouille
5) Gone Baby Gone
6) No Country For Old Men
7) Bourne Ultimatum
8) Stardust
9) Eastern Promises
10) Atonement

Well, that wraps up the 2007 Movie Blog Awards for the best in film for the past year. Since all film is subjective, I’m sure lots of you have tons a varying opinions on the results. So hop into the comments section and start the discussion on what you agreed with, disagreed with and what your personal best films of the year list looks like.

About John Campea

who has written 0 posts on The Movie Blog

  • Dragonslayer

    No Country was so overrated

  • Amber-Rose

    Dude, how the hell couldent you put Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, on your list. That is like the best movie this whole year (though not as good as Juno, yet a bit better than superbad) but it was still great. Now how could you put stardust on there, that movie sucked ass, that was like a #2 on my worst list.

  • Marla Singer

    oh wait.. i would also add : paris je’taime, rescue dawn, accross the universe, atonement and grindhouse!
    honorable mention: “the mist”
    and i havent seen it yet but i’m sure it will be awesome is “i’m not there”

  • Marla Singer

    …rrrright, Doofus! *oops i mean “Drewfus” ANYWAY… good list John, i just would have added in the movie “Into the Wild” and all would have been right on! I think it was my favorite film of 2007:)

  • drewfus

    Who the hell votes or choose these things 40 year oldmen… the movie generationshould be runningthis showthis websiteis shit all it does is dis everything and choose all old peoples shows and movies… 3:10 to yuma what the ‘F’ who the hell would want to watch this crap… some ofthese movies are so crap that i wouldn’t even get them for my grandpa he has more taste then you people… dues, servo nos totus… for latin illite people it means god save us all…coswe need it

  • S.C.

    1. 3:10 to Yuma
    2. Ratatouille
    3. 300
    4. Once
    5. Bourne Ultimatum
    6. Gone Baby Gone
    7. Stardust
    8. Knocked Up
    9. American Gangster
    10. Sicko

    Honarable Mentions:
    11. Waitress
    12. Superbad
    13. Die Hard 4
    14. The Lookout
    15. Mr. Brooks

  • Cyrus

    I’ve looked at a lot of critics top 10 lists the past couple days, and I’ve realized how few of them have taste anything close to mine. My top 3 films of the year: There Will Be Blood, Juno, Gone Baby Gone (in that order), and almost no one liked all three, let alone had them all in their top 5. Plus I agree with pretty much all of your other choices too (haven’t seen Atonement, think Ratatouille is overrated). Thank you. I was afraid I was alone in the world.

    I will say I found Knocked Up much funnier than Superbad. Not that Superbad wasn’t funny, but Knocked Up was hilarious. Completely agree with the other “bests” though.

  • d_ro

    I havent seen some of those “oscar worthy” movies yet, but, from what I have seen, here’ my list:

    1. JUNO
    2. Paris Je T’aime
    3. La Vie en Rose
    4. 3:10 to Yuma
    5. Ratatoille
    6. The Bourne Ultimatum
    7. Across the Universe
    8. superbad
    9. knocked up
    10. bridge to terabithia

  • RoPaul

    Very cool list…however…one might question your credibility when you begin using football analogies like the one you did. Top three quarterbacks…Brady, Manning…and Roethlessburger??? (However you spell it) That is just bizarre. How can you put him over Tony Romo?
    No way Toothlessberger jumps ahead of Romo on any serious Top 10 quarterback list.

    But back to the subject at hand…MOVIES. Haven’t seen (or previously even heard of) Juno, but will check it out. The Simpsons Movie was a sleeper. I should know, I had to fight off sleep both times I tried to watch it all the way through.

  • Mr.Death

    Would you count Pan’s Labyrinth as this year?

    because if thats the case, I’m afraid this list needs editing