New study shows guys like chick flicks too

Chick flicks, they are often shunned by men for their emotional, romantic stories and overly heart warming messages, but now a new study done by Kansas State University says that the men do like the lady movies. The good people at gave us this on the story:

A study by Kansas State University psychology professor Richard Harris contradicts the popular notion that women drag men to “chick flicks” and that the men merely endure them. “The choice to view a romantic movie was usually made together as a couple, not just by the girl,” Harris said in a statement released by the university.

The study also indicated that men enjoy such films almost as much as the women surveyed. “I wouldn’t write off the male audience just because it is a romantic film,” Harris advised studio execs. “I would suggest marketing to the men in the audience.” Last year Harris authored another study that appeared to validate gender stereotypes when it came to horror flicks. Watching them, guys generally acted brave; women often grabbed their date or covered their eyes. “Guys didn’t like it when their date was unafraid, and girls didn’t like it when their dates were scared,” Harris said.

This makes me smile, I can remember on more that one occasion taking a guy to a “chick flick” type movie and having to lend him tissues by the credits. I also agree with the other part of the study around the horror movie study, I can’t help but scream and shake whoever is beside me during a good fright flick…poor John can attest to that. When we saw The Descent together last year I screamed and grabbed his arm so much that I’m positive I left a bruise and caused hearing loss, John on the other hand was very masculine in his screams of pain.

I think Harris gives good very advice when he tells studio execs not to ignore the man audience members going out to see touchy feely films, this is a market that is not really being tapped into.

Of course it must be a difficult thing to sell men on the idea that what they need is to have a good cry.

  • darkbhudda


    No way it’s true. No amount of pussy is worth watching Sex and the City or Desperate Housewives.

  • Jude

    I went to see a romantic comedy last year-The Lake House-because I was intrigued about the ads about the plot. But as a female who doesn’t believe in love, I find most of them ridiculous. I compare them to reading a good darker comic, such as X-Men versus reading about Archie and Betty. Once in awhile, Archie and Betty comics are okay, but most of the time they’re too insipid. Light, brainless comedies can be okay-just don’t make me watch them.

  • Kristina

    Oh darkbhudda, it’s true and you know it:)

  • Christopher Taylor

    We know when movies are chick flicks and are not, and most guys just don’t care for them. Yes, there’s a growing metrosexual crowd of Tofu eating apricot-pit facial wearing “men” out there whom this likely targets, but please. Get out a little more. Guys might find a chick flick isn’t as godawful as they feared, but they don’t like them as a rule.

  • Norddeth

    Sometimes guys don’t even realize it’s a chick flick.

    Wedding Crashers was a chick flick! we were just too busy laughing to notice.


  • Marla Singer

    I know that because I am a woman i love the idea of a guy willingly watching a chick flick but its also fun to agree with Kristina. I have to quote Tim Allen in Home Improvement when he said to Bradley:

    “Brad, sometimes guys do things that they dont want to do so their girlfriends will do things that they dont want to do.”

  • darkbhudda

    I’m a guy who watches Romatic Comedies. However, I can’t remember seeing any decent ones from Hollywood for a couple of years.

    Nowadays I need to get my fix from Bollywood. But thinking back, even 10 years ago, the Hong Kong movie industry was making better romantic movies than Hollywood.

    Sad sexist comment. No wonder some guys don’t admit to liking romantic movies.

  • Kristina

    Guys will watch anything if it gets them some pussy afterwards. Duh.