Meet The Spartans Trailer

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The art of the spoof comedy has been dead, then raped by studio necrophiliacs, reanimated as one who walks amongst the living dead, then killed again for years now. Gone are the days are truly great spoof comedies like Hot Shots, Top Secret, Airplane and Naked gun. Instead we’re now subjected to Epic Movie, Date Movie, the wretchedly horrible Scary Movie franchise and even the upcoming The Comebacks.

Now, we already know that 300 has a spoof of sorts coming out called “National Lampoon’s 301: The Legend of Awesomest Maximus Wallace Leonidas“. But hey… why not ANOTHER spoof movie based on 300! Sure! Sounds like a great idea! Ug.

Ty gave me the heads up on this new 300 spoof that’s going by the name of “Meet The Spartans”, and it looks like ass. Check it out:

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  • xlilxshark

    dude all i want to know is when does it come out?
    but its awsome!

  • heavydmf31

    are these the same people who think that robin hood men in tights was a bad movie?

  • drakulj

    and out of 24 comments, just 1 non-negative comment and 1 evidently positive comment by some idiot.
    it’s just sad that there are enough dumbasses in this country that will go pay and see the movie thus turning a profit. oh god Im dying to see how much this movie grosses..

  • drakulj

    If you laugh at this crap you seriously need to step back and reevaluate your life. In a perfect world - if this movie somehow managed to exist - you, along with whoever was behind the production of this movie, would be shot dead on sight.

  • Steffi

    I’m one of the few that liked this trailer too. Also I think 300 realy needs to be made fun of (not that it hasnt been a kazillion times on the internet but still).

  • nbakid2000

    John you’re wrong on the Scary Movie franchise…with David Zucker and his team at the helm, they have been absolutely brilliant. I am a David Zucker whore.

  • Ron

    Now all we can hope for is another Saw movie! Oh wait to late!