JJ Abrams brings us Starfleet Academy… Sorta

For all of you who oppose the new Star Trek reboot, keep in mind - It could be worse.

Galacticast gives us Starfleet Academy!

Seriously funny. Also make sure you check out their video “Robo-Jew” he kicks a hot Nazi’s ass.

  • http://www.triviapot.com/?utm_source=laura&utm_medium=blog&utm_campaign=nov Laura from TriviaPot

    Not that funny!

  • alfie

    wow how behind the times i am krewo……
    a whole four days!!! thats positively ancient news…..don’t i feel silly.
    (the above is to be read with sarcastic intent)

    john I bet anything they are not going to anything as drastic as you suggest.

    perhaps the storyline will be that they change the future or fuck everything up as you suggest but by the end of the film they will have resolved everything and it will be business as usual…

    sorry if shatner is in it as kirk and we know nimoy is in it as spock…

    in my mind that makes it a prequel.

  • krazie835

    Why do i get the feeling that is what J.J. Abrams actually has in mind?

  • Steven Carroll

    Wow, just, wow.

  • scoville

    Wow. That was bad.