• cody

    wasn’t to crazy about the first one maybe ill give it another shot though.

  • http://www.stalepopcorn.co.uk Kristina

    He looks high.
    Can’t wait for the flick, though.

  • http://www.mikemai.net Mike Mai

    that’s badasss, can’t wait!!!

  • Mozzerino

    Seriously, that dude looks wasted.

  • http://mashimom.blogspot.com/ Marco Shimomoto

    Hellboy is fantastic!

  • http://www.timewaster.typepad.com Time Waster

    Why exactly do these posters get people excited? Close ups of the characters - bfd. The first movie was junk. There’s no way on God’s green earth this movie will be any good.

  • http://www.myspace.com/ethansurl Ethan

    This poster looks great!
    He’s got that sort of sarcastically bothered look that he constantly wore in the first Hellboy (which was great).
    I hope this next one is just as good.

  • Koko

    Shit yeah, gonna be great.

  • http://www.wolffstudio.com Wolffman

    Damn when does this poster go on sale I want one now! The detail alone looks awesome, wouldnt mind having that displayed in the living room.

  • http://SethGrimes Seth Grimes

    WOW ,I wasnt really looking foward to this film but,dang,thats one of the best movie posters ive seen in a while.