G.I. Joe Movie Details

The upcoming G.I. Joe moive has already been met with a lot of excitement and controversy. Excitement because… well… because it’s G.I. Joe. Controversy, because Joe is no longer an “American” team, but rather an international organization bannded together to fight terrorism (as it should be, good move).

Now, our friends over at IESB have uncovered some of the story details from the script that was just turned in. There aren’t really spoilers at all… but if you don’t want to know ANYTHING about the movie, then don’t read on.

The Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow story arch (god, I love Ninjas) will be a main focal point and the “soul” of the film. The villains of course are Destro, the Baroness and Cobra but we have been told that Cobra Commander will have more of a “Emperor Palpatine”-like character arch. The Joes will be mainly facing Destro and the Baroness. Helping Cobra will be one of the coolest groups of characters from the G.I. Joe comics and cartoons…the Dreadnoks.

So there you go. Personally I like what I’m hearing very much… however, I’m still convinced this movie will make no one happy. There will be little to no blood in the film… this isn’t transformers… in the transformers robots could stab each other through the heads, rip each other apart with their bare hands and do other vaious kinds of nasty violent stuff to each other and still be PG… cause they’re just robots. Can’t do that with human beings. Can’t show one guy stabbing another through the head, or stuff like that… not to mention they totally got the wrong director. We’ll see.

  • Musashi

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so) G.I. Joe is A REAL AMERICAN HERO. If they want to do the UN versus Cobra, then by all means. Also, from what I’ve seen, the cast is mostly a bunch of 20-something pretty-faces; I’d prefer a CGI version to that. Ray Park as Snake Eyes is the only good call I’ve seen about this thing (that and his costume looks cool); as for the rest, I think it’ll sink like a stone. The anti-war crowd will protest it, the anti-American crowd will boycott it, and those of us who loved G.I. Joe as kids will flat out hate it. JMHO.

  • garrett

    I have read that Ray Park
    will play storm shadow in the GIJOE movie. This I Got From Wizard: The Guide To Comics.

  • noway

    I think making this movie an international team is ridiculous.

    There was a REAL G.I. Joe who inspired it all. It’s time we remember that it was an AMERICAN.
