Crank 2 Info

Ok, as some of you may remember, WAY back in April we had Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor on the Uncut LIVE show (which is on tonight by the way at 6pm EST), where they revealed for the first time that there was indeed going to be a Crank 2. They also said that it was going to be a sequel, not a prequel.

The folks over at Empire have picked up on that while talking to the two directors and got them to spill a little bit more on the upcoming film they’re set to start shooting next year:

“Crank 2 will pick up exactly where Crank one ends,” says Taylor. “It’s a true sequel. Jason Statham will return. It’s not a prequel, it’s not his brother, it’s not a dream sequence. He will [scrape himself off the floor]”.

“We’re finding that a lot of people were thinking, ‘Oh, Crank 2 can’t be done’,” adds Neveldine. “But we came up with an idea, we wrote the script, and after the studio read it they couldn’t believe that we pulled it off. And of course, the best test was giving it to Jason and Jason turned down every other project so he could do this, start this in the spring of next year. He was so excited, he couldn’t believe it”

Well that all sounds good! I’m actually a really big fan of the first Crank film and I personally just love the approach these two guys take to making movies (Their newest film that they wrote and produced is Pathology which comes out in November).

But still… I mean come on…. the dude fell like 10,000 feet from a helicopter, smashed through a car, bounced off and hit the pavement! How the HELL are they going to explain him not just being one big puddle???? I think I’ll buy them like 8 beers when I see them in November and ask them. That’s going to be a hard one for me to accept.

  • Damir

    I think Crank 2 will be more intense and wild than Crank. Can’t wait for it, its gonna be a big hit.

  • Ash

    Ok strike that, I just read the bold text, and I didnt before the comment!

  • Ash

    Maybe its a prequil?

  • robbyrob

    you have to be freaking kidding me!! i love this flick nice to see that there will be a new one!

  • TheFlyingWorm

    Yes, that sex scene was the most ridiculous thing.


    It’s not a realistic movie (no one could have withstood that much drug injection in a short time - period) so let it be. Just enjoy it for what it is, a fun-frolicking movie, that pushes the envelope with creativity (ok, maybe not far, but still…the scene where he bangs Amy Smart in front of the bus of school girl Asian chicks? Come on!) and the sequel will be just as fun… I can feel it…

  • chris (the real one)

    yea a couple of the scenes made me laugh in a good way….. but more of the them made me laugh in a wtf is this shit way,,,,,,come on u gotta admit that sex scene was pretty crappy and i understand the tone but the editing came off as being amatuerish and corny…..just my opinion….oh a statham should’ve been wolverine…..think about it

  • TheFlyingWorm

    Since the writers are so convinced they have a way to bring Statham back, and all the right people love the script, it can’t be all bad. I for one loved the first one. Absolutely. The guy was downing energy drinks like water, that shit was funny. All this humbug shit about whether it’s realistic or cheesy is funny to me. Hate or love the movie, it was entertaining as fucking hell.