Another Timecop?

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Timecop-RemakeIf you’re a fan of Jean Claude Van Damme, you most likely like one of his movies far more than you like the rest. A few say would ‘Universal Soldier’, most would say ‘Bloodsport,’ I on the other hand love…love…LOVE ‘Timecop.’ It was honestly one of my favorite movies to watch as a kid, and now Universal is in talks about rebooting ‘Timecop’ and making another big screen installment about the time enforcement agency.

IESB gives us this:

So while talking on the red carpet with the creator of the Timecop franchise, Mike Richardson, he was surprisingly open about talking about his future plans. He said he is talking to Universal about bringing the property back to the big screen even admitting that there has been some talk about bringing certain “talent” to become the next Time Enforcement Agent. While I am not a liberty to say which actor is circling the role, I can tell you that he is 100% bad ass and one of the coolest action stars of today, sorry guys Van Damme is not coming back.

This is cool news, and although I’m a little anxious to find out who this “certain actor” is, I will not be looking forward to a sequel without Jean Claude Van Damme. (Or Ron Silver for matter…he played a f*cking awesome villain!) I, myself tend to block out the horrible television show and Straight to DVD sequel based off the original film, so maybe if this film had a proper “reboot” (i.e. theatrical run) it would be worthy to watch. Although, I still think they should leave this film alone. What are your thoughts?

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  • beforethedarktimesdotcom

    This was an EXCELLENT movie for its time, and probably would be cool to see a sequel.

    I know though that my wife won’t go to see it if Van Damme isn’t in it.. 8^]

  • Lee

    Bring it on, I enjoyed the first one alot. I loved that “time ripple” sound…I always thought it would make for a great tv series

  • Phil Gee

    I’d rather see another Sudden Death…..but maybe that’s just me.