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Walk Hard Review

» Review

Walk Hard Review

By Doug - December 21, 2007 - 17:22 America/Montreal

Walk-Hard-ReviewThanks for checking out our Walk Hard Review. Make sure to check out the video review at the bottom of the post!

The General idea

Dewey Cox kills his brother and sets out on a life-quest to become a legendary musician. Sex, drugs, the inability to smell and rock & roll throw many challenges at Dewey and we follow him through his life’s journey. Haunted by the memory of slicing his own brother in half Dewey tries to drown his sorrows with various drugs and work out his problems through song. We follow him on the rock and roll thrill ride that is his life, and enjoy the hilarity that results from his poor life decisions.

The Good

This film has a lot of laughs. The story is stitched together like Walk The Line - and it is a parody of the film, but takes generous liberties when adding in segments that are unique to The Dewey Cox story. It is like they used scenes from Walk The Line as a set piece and then fleshed it out with the improv insanity required to make them laugh hard in that situation. This movie gets ridiculous; and I ate it up.

This film’s use of comedic repetition was outstanding; this comedic style is a favorite of mine and I reveled in it. I do not want to give away any spoilers but Tim Meadows has one line that he says over and over - and it killed me every time. Dewey also has a knack for destroying things when times get tough; and this also get funnier every time you see it. Oh! This film also has the funniest use of full frontal male nudity EVER!

I must take a moment to salute the performance of Tim Meadows. He does not have a ton of lines in this film, but his comedic timing is flawless. This guy has always made me laugh so much and I was very, very glad to see him in this film. He is underused and under-appreciated. For the love of all that is good - give Meadows more fucking work.

The Bad

I really did not like the opening scenes of this film. The child actors were not funny and the first few minutes were painful for me to watch. In the film we have flashback scenes, and I hated seeing this first part of the movie brought back time and time again. The good news is, this segment lasted maybe 5 minutes and then we launch headlong into the teenage life of Cox. So not much to hate, but I did find some.


This is a parody film that did not seem like a parody film - and that is good. It always seemed like we were following the life of Dewey Cox, even though at times his life resembled that of Johnny Cash. The songs were all very well done and some of the funniest lines in the film were lyrics performed on stage. This is a fun comedy that does not take itself seriously at all, the jokes are often blatant, low brow and god damn hilarious. Some jokes fell flat, but for the most part they hit often and well; with a good mix of physical humor thrown into the pot. If you are looking to see a movie that will get you laughing, Walk Hard is the one to do it this holiday season.

I was going to give this film a 7 out of 10, then I remembered the use of a giraffe - I will give it an 8. If you watch; you will understand.



  1. bassturd says:

    Can’t wait to see it. It’s gotten pretty good reviews all around…except the users on every site seem to bash it still. Silly people that don’t know what they are talking about…

  2. alfie says:

    i agree about the kid stuff…..way to “scary movie” kind of humour for me….but the rest is great…

    “you don’t want no part of this dewey”

  3. Phil Gee says:

    And a merry Christmas to you too Doug & John, and everyone out there.

  4. Mark Davidson says:

    Wow. You liked it? And it was 113 minutes long? Huh. Generally, if a movie’s over 90 minutes… Oh, nevermind.

  5. doug nagy says:

    Generally I hate when movies go over 90 minutes.

    There are exceptions to the rule, but even this film could have been better if they trimmed it to 90.

    I hate most movies that are over 90 min because I believe they would be better if they were trimmed down.

    If a movie needs the time - I have no problem watching it. Lord Of The Rings gives me a boner for the entirety of the film.

    I appreciate that you keep me honest Mark, and value that you bust my chops.

  6. Mark Davidson says:

    Ha! Well played sir! Well played.

  7. Mark Davidson says:

    Oh, btw Doug? Still waiting for the list of bad ass movies under 90 minutes! Can’t wait! I’ve set aside an entire afternoon to peruse the list of gems!

  8. Gerald says:

    It seems like lot of the scenes from the trailer used on movieblog’s review wasn’t actually in the movie.

  9. Amy says:

    is there a lot of female nudity in the movie “WALK HARD”

  10. john says:

    this movie is da bomb i cracked up so much during it, and I didnt even need to smoke that much pot!

  11. Mofo Toshio says:

    I liked this movie too, maaaaybe a little less

    my review

    The Good

    Songs- They were all AMAZING, Oscar-worthy tunes ALL around!

    Cast- Everyone was sooo into this thing and actually played their characters as…characters, I actually bought that he was Dewey Cox. That, and Tim Meadows was, indeed, hilarious.

    Crazy bonuses- It reminded me of getting an anime cartoon in the middle of Kill Bill- here we get a little riff on ona those Beatles cartoons, we get a whole bunch of VERY realistic award show/concert recreations, we even get an I’m Not There spoof!

    The Bad

    This is about 3/5 of a HILARIOUS movie…but then it kinda drops off. A lot of the late middle/early final portions of this movie really fell flat for me. They coulda done SOOOO much with that whole ’70’s era variety hour show he got…but they never did, it was just kinda awkward and rambling. Dewey reconnecting with his children was also kind of a bust. If this movie’s finale hadn’t been so good and Jonah Hill’s small role hadn’t redeemed this movie’s final acts…I woulda rated it MUCH lower. There weren’t even many songs during these segments

    7 out of 10 (Fun from the get-go, just not always the brilliant piece of comedy some have hailed it as. It’s not Superbad or Knocked Up, but it’s sharper than Blades of Glory.

  12. ha says:

    yo mutha fuker

  13. jimmy says:

    He dies at the end

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