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Underworld 3: The Rise of the Lycans

By Doug - December 28, 2007 - 13:33 America/Montreal

BillWe have some news about the new Underworld prequel, it is titled Rise Of The Lycans and we get the scoop today from the axe lords at Bloody Disgusting:

We’ve been scooped this afternoon that Bill Nighy will return as Viktor and Shane Brolly as Kraven in Lakeshore Entertainment’s Underworld 3: The Rise of the Lycans, which will be released theatrically by Sony Screen Gems.

The prequel is set in the Dark Ages and traces the origins of the centuries-old blood feud between the aristocratic vampires and their one-time werewolf slaves, the Lycans. Production begins mid-January in Auckland, New Zealand.

Werewolves and Vampires are always welcome in my house. I enjoy the mythology behind these mystical creatures and always lok forward to fables that involve them. A prequel that takes place in the middle ages is fantastic, I prefer sword warfare to guns any day of the week when it comes to movie violence. Vampires and Werewolves warring on cobble stone streets is righteous shit and I would not be surprised if this film becomes my favorite of the three.

Rhona Mitra will be in this film, she is set to star in Doomsday and it looks like her resume is starting to fill up nicely. She is a delicious brunette with a strong look and is a great choice for an action starlet. She looks vampire-esque but I will have to find out if she will be vamp or wolf in this film. The film is anchored of course with the return of Bill Nighy, Michael Sheen and Shane Brolly. The three amigos will thread the trilogy together and add continuity to the project; I am glad to see them back.


  1. Darren J Seeley says:

    I’ve always liked Rhona Mitra, be it good TV shows (Boston Legal) video games (she was once a model for some of Lara Croft’s early VG adventures) and even small to supporting roles in films.

    However, I’m suspecting Doug, she will be a Vampire. seeing how she was ’sorta’ a Werewolf in the mess known as ‘Skinwalkers’ this past summer.

  2. Rod Hilton says:

    I’m not really sure an Underworld movie can survive without Kate Beckinsale in a tight leather outfit.

    Is there a movie gambling site where I can put money down that there will be a scene in this movie where hundreds of computer-generated guys on one side run at hundreds of computer-generated guys on another side in slow motion, and then the camera jerks around wildly as soon as they collide? Because I want to put EVERYTHING I OWN on that.

  3. Karl Hungus says:

    I really wish they wouldn’t bother.

  4. Kristina says:

    Rhona was GREAT on Nip/Tuck, but I’m not interested in this movie. Underworld was a kind of movie that I admire for costumes and set design, but the film itself was pretty banal. I didn’t bother with the sequel.

  5. Agent Doodles says:

    I’m all for a good Vampire vs. Werewolves movie. I am still not 100% satisfied with the werewolf cgi transformation yet….ya think?

  6. Rick King says:

    What the hell is up with Bill’s glasses in the picture?

  7. Buy2Get2Free says:

    The trouble with a prequel is that going back with an old Bill Nighy will require more plaster than can be computer generated to make him look younger.

    Although a Dark Ages vampire tale’s got my vote!

  8. Relay says:

    Previous informations says that Mitra will act as Viktor daughter, seems that shee will be Lucian’s secret love.
    So It seems she will be a vampire.

  9. vampire fan says:

    I hate the whole concept of - prequels now.. Just a lazy way to make movies. I want them to continue the storyline from the 2nd movie.

  10. shadopup says:

    Looks to me that those aren’t Bill’s glasses. Most likely photoshopped onto it.

  11. Karl Hungus says:

    I’d agree about prequels being lazy. It’s a very easy way to cash-in on an established franchise. Hannibal Rising, please stand up.

  12. S.C. says:

    Loved the first one. Second one was a bag of shit. Dont care anymore.

  13. DJ Machismo says:

    I like vampires, werewolves and hot chicks in tight leather.

    2 out of three isn’t bad.

    I’ll end up watching this I bet.

  14. Mactruk says:

    I enjoied both underworld movies and still watch them today. I was hoping to see the next one to be continued from Underworld Evolution now that Marcus and William are dead and Selene being changed by the blood of Alexander Corvinus. I just hope that this prequel turns out to be as good as the first two. After they are done with this prequel I just hope that they will finally continue on with Selene and Michael’s battle with the remaining Lycans and Vampires being hell bent to destroy them for what they have done, and the battle between the species.

  15. Sandra Cunningham says:

    will scott speedman return

  16. Sandra Cunningham says:

    Okey I can underworld underworld 3 but come on you have to finish Kate and scott story in the fourth underworld fair is fair !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. kasey says:

    i cant not belive that they are making a thrid one that does not continue that actaul story i hope they decide not to do it and change it to completely thier story more stuff needs to happen to michael cause he is after all a hybrid in love with selan and he is unique. somthing needs to be done and said. its not right if they are not in the movie!

  18. kasey says:

    i cant belive that they are making a thrid one that does not continue that actaul story i hope they decide not to do it and change it to completely thier story more stuff needs to happen to michael cause he is after all a hybrid in love with selan and he is unique. somthing needs to be done and said. its not right if they are not in the movie! please someone tell me wat is officially been decided i have gone to so many diff sites saying diff things that it is making my very angry some one please tell me wat it really going on

  19. kasey says:

    somthing needs to be done and said. its not right if they are not in the movie! please someone tell me wat is officially been decided i have gone to so many diff sites saying diff things that it is making my very angry some one please tell me wat it really going on

  20. kasey says:

    please someone tell me wat is officially been decided i have gone to so many diff sites saying diff things that it is making my very angry some one please tell me wat it really going on

  21. Robsie says:

    Oh man I also wish they would also continue the story and not go back in time. Then again it may be fun to see how everything actually came as it is now. They have to do a fourth one if they continue the middle ages spiel so the story is then complete.

    This one should have actually preceded all the newer ones though and there should be a book, is there a book?

  22. Robsie says:

    Nice girls with leather outfits are vampires, but have you noticed that the blondes always seem to be lycans and brunettes vampires. That CG transformation is sick, I like it… in this movie they should really work on it because remember these are supposed to be the stronger ones, direct descendants… Ooer it might be totally crap or totally good, can’t wait why are they taking so long? In the meantime I’m off to watch Doomsday as it is coming LOL

  23. ashley says:

    for one what’s the point in making a third movie if it doesn’t even go with the second one i mean come on, why even bother making it if your just going to go back in time, why not just continue the story
    and another thing why even bother making the movie if your not going to have kate beckinsale in it, i mean come on
    and is kate going to be in it or what, i’ve checked many websites and they all say different things, so is she going to be in the movie or not

  24. ashley says:

    why bother makin the movie if your just going to go back in time
    and why even bother if kate beckinsale isn’t even going to the third movie
    why even bother doing it at all if your not going to continue it from the second movie

  25. ashley says:

    why even bother making the movie if kate beckinsale isn’t even going to be in it

  26. ashley says:

    why even bother with it

  27. renee deangelis says:

    Wakey, Wakey Underworld fans:
    If we want something done we need to take the initiative and start making our voices heard.
    Patrick Tatopoulos is the director, Danny McBride and Len Wiseman are co-writers.
    Len of course as we all know is married to Kate, and Len is close friends with Tatopoulos.
    Tatopoulos has a creature studio called
    Tatopoulos Studios, Inc
    its address is: 1951 N. Ontario St
    Burbank, CA 91505
    ph# 818-841-8841
    Guy Himber who is the Creature Shop Supervisor has an e-mail address [email protected]
    I got ALL this info from their website tatopoulosstudios.net
    IF you want more info, If you want advance pics etc,or you want to complain about where this latest movie is going, and if you want Kate in this latest installment then here’s an initial way to get started.
    Good Luck

  28. John says:

    Hey Renee,

    I don’t want Kate in the new movie. I love Kate, but THIS new movie would be much better without her.

    Also, they are already well underway with filming the new movie, so nothing is going to get Kate into the movie now.

    But serious Kudos to you for your sleuth work getting the addresses and everything. Proactive fans are great fans!

  29. renee deangelis says:

    I know that some of the underworld fans don’t really care if Kate is in the prequel-however, the movie being ‘much better’ without her…

    Yes I know they are well into filming U:3, but since I am advocating that Kate appear in the very end of the movie would not really put any crimp into production. We all know that not everything is done on location. Her scene could easily be done on set.

    And thank you John, I pride myself on being very creative in researching such matters. Just remember you can use that information yourself to put your comments in to Tatopoulos and the rest.

    See you at the movies!

  30. renee deangelis says:

    JUST heard back from Guy Himber, Creature Shop Supervisor for Patrick Tatopoulos’ studio.

    He says they “just finished with principle photography” for Underworld: 3.

    I am stoked, but am trying to keep in mind that this film may not be seen till 2009.

    So, in my book, that means we (those who want to see Kate in this prequel) may still have the opportunity to be heard.

    Good hunting.

  31. steph says:

    I mailed one too but did not get answer, anything else he said like secret stuff?



    Word along the grape vine is release date will be January of 2009-Thanks Steph, great work. that means we still have a few months to try and convince the powers that be that Kate should at least give a cameo appearance.
    Found a fan mail site for Kate Beckinsale
    PA One
    Po Box 21

    Keep in mind that this address is in England, so the sooner you write the sooner her mail will get forwarded to her.
    Good Hunting

  33. Steph says:

    hey Deangelis perhaps you can give me your mail so i’m better in
    contact with you!!!!
    Good Hunting

  34. renee deangelis says:

    Send me an e-mail to my shadow account
    [email protected]
    I have it to keep people from reaching the ‘real’ me
    I’ll e-you after I get word from you on my real account
    Good Hunting

  35. Robsie says:

    I hope they have a cool sound track, the first two had really slick sound tracks.

  36. Tommy says:

    To be completely honest, I loved the first two movies. I know I know, the acting was dismal in certain parts, and a bit corny at that. Not to mention all the gaps and contradictions in the plot, but I still highly enjoyed the movies, and I am sure that I will end up going and seeing this movie when it makes it to theaters.

    Now, I hate to sound redundant and all, but I am HIGHLY depressed that Kate Beckinsale will not be returning. I feel that she pretty much made the first two movies, and I think that she is the one responsible for the films large fan base (you can knock it all you want, but the movies are popular). So although I doubt we should look forward to seeing a 4th movie featuring Selene, I will just say that as long as she is in it, it will be a winner in my book.

  37. renee deangelis says:

    I highly recommend to those who want to see Kate in Underworld:3 to write, call, e-mail the contacts I have previously posted. Other shows have had their outcomes influenced by fan based interaction.

    Principle photography had ended for this film-that however does not mean that a few scenes can’t be filmed on set or green screen involving our heroine Selene.

    The ‘release date’ has been suggested as January 2009, that means that while they are editing, and applying special effects that we still have the opportunity to influence the final outcome with our mail, etc.
    My mother used to say the squeaky wheel gets the grease. So I urge everyone to use their ‘voices’ to get our wishes heard.

    Good Hunting

  38. renee deangelis says:

    I noticed in a previous post that you wondered if there was an Underworld book. Yes, there are three:
    Blood Enemy
    all written by Greg Cox, alll based on the movies.
    He also wrote several Star Trek based novels as well.
    Good Hunting

  39. Renee Deangelis says:

    More Contact information for those of you who still believe we can encourage the Powers that Be that Kate should at the very least have a cameo appearance in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans.

    This prequel is will be release with the combined effort of Sony’s Screen Gems and Lakeshore Entertainment Corporation. Remember Sony now owns Columbia Pictures, TriStar, as well as Screen Gems. All together known as Sony Pictures Entertainment = SPE

    Columbia TriStar Motion Picture Group
    Screen Gems Headquarters
    President Clint Culpepper other executives:
    10202 W. Washington Blvd. President of Marketing
    Culver City, Ca 90232 Marc Weinstock
    Ph. 310-244-4000 VP of Business Affairs
    Fax310-244-2626 Michael Halfand
    Ph. 310-244-7142 Senior VP of Media Relations
    screengems.net Steve Elzer
    The address above is for (steve [email protected])
    ‘Headquarters’ for Columbia Tri Star
    Motion Picture Group

    Lakeshore Entertainment Corporation I have two addresses
    CEO Thomas ‘Tom’ Rosenberg for this company

    5555 Melrose Ave 9268 West Third St.
    2nd Floor Beverly Hills, Ca 90210
    Los Angeles, Ca 90038 Ph. 310-867-8000
    Ph. 323-956-4222 Fax 310-300-3015

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Well that’s it for now, I encourage you all to write, email, call and fax your opinion-whether you want Kate Beckinsale or not in this newest Underworld movie. Other programs have had their fates changed by their fan base, and why not us
    Good Hunting

  40. renee deangelis says:

    Sorry about that, didn’t realize it was going to do that.
    Just as well as I have corrections to the original post anyway.

    Ist the correction:
    Steve Elzer’s e-mail address is actually [email protected]

    Here are the addresses, names, etc unscrambled:
    Columbia Tri Star Motion Picture Group
    and Screen Gems Headquarters
    10202 W. Washington Blvd.
    Culver City, Ca 90232
    Ph. 310-244-4000
    Ph. 310-244-7142
    Fax 310-244-2626

    President of Screen Gems: Clint Culpepper
    President of Marketing: Marc Weinstock
    VP of Business Affairs: Michael Halfand
    Senior VP of Media Relations: Steve Elzer
    Lakeshore Entertainment Corporation

    CEO Thomas ‘Tom’ Rosenberg
    5555 Melrose Ave
    2nd Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90038
    Ph. 323-956-4222

    9268 West Third St.
    Beverly Hills, Ca 90210
    Ph. 310-867-8000

    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    Good Hunting

  41. renee deangelis says:

    Another tidbit, the actual executive overseeing U:3 is Senior VP of Productions at Screen Gems-Scott Strauss
    Good Hunting

  42. Tommy says:

    Lol, well I wasn’t actually going to go through with contacting them, but since you went through all the trouble of doing the work for me to get the info, I suppose I might just go ahead and drop them an email at the very least. Thanks!

  43. renee deangelis says:

    Don’t be stingy with those phone minutes either ; - p
    And if you have a fax/printer with your computer…….
    Post cards are cheaper

    I am glad that there are actually people out there who are reading these posts. As a reward, here’s a bit of trivia I stumbled upon. Not that its hidden, I just didn’t ‘connect the dots’ until today:

    Now we all know that Danny McBride is doing the writing honors, but his co-writer for U:3 is none less than Kevin Grevioux.
    Remember him? Raze, the huge body building black werewolf in U:2-it is rumored that he will reprise his role in this prequel. I likey-he scares me…uh-huh.

    Good Hunting

  44. renee deangelis says:

    Another correction on my part-Raze is a character from the first Underworld movie.

    Kevin Grevioux not only is coming back as Raze, and has co-wrote for U:3, but he is also a co-producer. I am, …so…proud…good going Kevin!
    Here’s a list of some of the re-occurring characters:

    As we know Bill Nighy / Viktor and Michael Sheen / Lucian will be back but so will:
    Shane Brolly as Kraven
    Steven MacKintosh as Andreas Tanis
    Brian Steele as ‘William’
    of course Kevin Grevioux as Raze
    And sweet sweet Amelia / Zita Gorog

    Good Hunting

  45. Tommy says:

    Really? Amelia is going to be in this movie? I would have thought that she would be in her hibernation during this movie.

    I am happy to see more of Raze, I wasn’t a big fan of how he died in U:1. Although I understand the reasoning. They wanted to show how powerful Viktor was by having him take out a powerful lycan.

    I assume Raze was probably Lucians second in command.

  46. renee deangelis says:

    Hey Tommy-write those letters yet? ;-0

    Think ‘prequel’-they don’t start that ‘hibernation’ thing till later, after things get too hard for them, they get stir crazy after too long amongst the ‘living.’.

    I will be looking forward to the character development of Raze myself-Interestingly enough there is a great deal of character history/story line on wikipedia.org. Just type in a character’s name and underworld and it will give you the character’s background within the Underworld mythology.

    Good Hunting

  47. Tommy says:

    Yeah, I have done that before. I read somewhere that Raze was an African tribal warrior, and Lucian was impressed with his fighting skills.

    I didn’t know that about the elders though. Never did realize why they went into hibernation.

  48. renee deangelis says:

    Yes, the hibernation concept is and old one-Bram Stoker, Anne Rice mention it in their novels. Sometimes, according to Vampyre mythos, the world of man becomes too much for them-physical injuries that need a lot of time to heal, world wars, disease, major culture changes or even the total lack of change I guess. Who knew Vamps were sooo sensitive. I guess it makes sense I know I sleep a lot when I’m sick or depressed.
    Good Hunting

  49. renee deangelis says:

    Oh, and about Raze-I was a little surprised to find out he was Viktor’s vassal first.

  50. Steph says:

    Hey Renee How are you got anything new? or news
    Still searching fond some guy who was an vampire he said he had to
    hunt for a big lycan with other vampires. After seeing so many extra who are vampires and a total of 200 extra’s for the movie i can tell ya one thing
    it going to epic and a big movie. Another guy worked at the catering he sad the dungeon and castle are amazing and so scary real he also tells the vampires look so real and that had to work in early hours at 3:00 in the morning every day.

  51. renee deangelis says:

    Nothing ‘new’ on my part so far-Where are you finding these ‘extras’ from U:3. Do you live in New Zealand or somethin’
    However I noticed that our inquiries and blogging is being referenced as a result when a search for Unworld: Rise of the Lycans-coool, no?
    Good Hunting

  52. renee deangelis says:

    (Type your comment here. Make sure you’ve read the commenting rules before doing so)

  53. renee deangelis says:

    Okay-found another site for Kevin Grevioux. He has his own comic studio, and its called Darkstorm Studios out of Palmdale California-so if anyone wants to try writing him they have a contact link at his website: Darkstudios.com
    Good Hunting

  54. Steph says:

    Oké i have send a mail to kevin grevioux, i look for hours every day for underworld news and then i find sometimes extras and etc also fond i girl who works in an electro plating firm in new zealand she said they have made the armor and the medailions.
    Good Hunting

  55. renee deangelis says:

    This girl in New Zealand didn’t sneak any secret snaps off on her tiny spy cam or phone cam or anything did she??? Oh, if only….
    Good Hunting

  56. Steph says:

    No i’m sorry have you?:p
    Many secrets they must of have good security!!!
    Good Hunting

  57. renee deangelis says:

    Well to keep myself and maybe even you all out there in blog land, I have a little trivia:

    Brian Steele, who played ‘William’ Corvinus in Underworld: Evolution, and will be reprising his role in Rise of the Lycans is not new to this genre of the acting world. He has been playing ‘creatures’ since as far back as TV’s ‘Harry and the Hendersons’, playing Harry from 92′ through 93′.

    From there he went on to parts in ‘MIB’, being the actual ‘Creature’ in TV’s Pater Benchley’s ‘The Creature’, Kothoga in ‘Relic’,. Going on to a part in ‘Doom’, as an werewolf “extra” in Underworld (the 1st one), and graduating into another creature in ‘Hellboy’, Sammael.

    And lets not forget his more than believable portrayal as the Bear in the attack sequence in the 97′ movie ‘The Edge’

    And if that’s not enough for you, not only will he be in HellboyII: The Golden Army, but he play several parts: Troll/ Mr. Wink/ map shop owner/ and Fragglewump.

    Topping this all off, Mr. Steele will then take his 6ft 7in frame on to the remake of Creature from the Black Lagoon-as Gillman, which is currently in pre-production.

    The only three things he seems to be willing to share with the public is his height, that he hails from Michigan, and his nick name is “Creature Boy” (who would have guessed).

    Well here’s to you Mr. Steele, thanks for all the nightmares %O

    Good Hunting

  58. steph says:

    i didn’t now biran steel was coming back for underworld 3
    Where have you read this Renee?

  59. steph says:

    More set visit info here: http://www.fangoria.com/news_article.php?id=6325

    Good Hunting

  60. renee deangelis says:


    Wikipedia, search underworld film series. At the bottom of the page they give actors and their characters played in the three Underworld movies.

    I may be a victim of erroneous information. But even if Brian Steele doesn’t come back as ‘William’ the rest of the trivia is interesting.

    Good Hunting

  61. Steph says:

    Hey Renee,

    Found some actrice her name is Elizabeth Hawthorne i don’t know who she plays
    Also Anna Deacon designed the costumes for Bill Nighy for underworld 3.

    Good Hunting

  62. renee deangelis says:

    Update folks:
    Just received news from Scott McElroy, Soren and not only is he not going to be reprising his role but neither is Shane Brolly coming back as Kraven. The more I hear, the more disappointed I am becoming.

    No Selene, No Soren, No Kraven-what kind of a ‘prequel’ is this going to be-with half of the story missing, this ‘prequel’ might very well tank at the box office. We may all be better off just waiting for it to hit the video store.

    I just hope that IF this ‘prequel’ doesn’t do well that it doesn’t ruin the chances of our getting a sequel to Underworld: Evolution, or Patrick Tatopoulos directorial debut.

    Next posting will be more trivia-in hopes of keeping us all from getting bored and maybe even disgusted while we wait for U:3.

    Good Hunting

  63. renee deangelis says:

    Okay, here’s the trivia I promised: This time I compiled background trivia for Kevin Grevoiux-better known to us as Raze from Underworld 1.

    Kevin was born in Chicago, but feels more of a connection to Minnesota where he lived for a while growing up. And being somewhat of a football fan, he is very enthusiastic about the Minnesota Vikings. Kevin also has an extreme affection for pizza (will that be Chicago style, sir?) and burgers. Although it doesn’t seem to go to Kevin’s waist line and he remains in excellent shape for a man of his age-which is something Mr Grevioux seems self conscious about, since I can’t find a direct reference to his date of birth, other than he is approximately 45 years old-give or take a year. Also, that B stands for Bernard-its amazing what you can get off the internet-sorry about that Kevin.

    Kevin , raised by a pair of Harvard graduates, found himself in Washington, DC attending Howard University-where he acquired a degree in Micro-biology-waaay to go-then while working on further studies in Genetic Engineering-Dude!-he decided Hollywood was calling. Always having been interested in SciFi, possibly why he took up science in college, Kevin wanted to become a script writer.

    While working his way to fulfilling his dream, Mr. Grevioux worked at several other jobs-gotta pay for those pizzas. So while going from bouncer to screenwriter Kevin found himself acting, some of his roles included a single appearance as a ‘Brute Demon’ on Charmed, as well as small roles in Congo, The Mask, Cradle to the Grave, MIB II, Planet of the Apes (2000 version), Steel, and Alien Nation:Dark Horizon. Mr Grevioux also found work as a stunt man in Hulk (2003 version) and Letters from a Killer.

    By the way that eerie otherworldly voice we heard in Underworld 1 is completely natural-no special effects necessary—ooooh-puurrrrrr.
    And so adding another skill to his belt, Kevin has lent his lovely voice to the character of Batman, for the KidsWB’s Batman Forever.

    Another dream come true for Kevin was to get in to the comic book business, which he has accomplished by establishing two comic book studios: Astounding Studios, which produces an all ages line of titles, and his self-described ‘labor of love’ Darkstorm Studios, which produces a more ‘mature line’ of stories. Coincidentally, one character in particular bears an ‘amazing’ resemblance to Mr Grevioux himself-hmm. So, Kevin, when not busy being involved with the workings of the Underworld movies, writes and produces comics with a multitude of themes.

    Kevin has been involved as a co-writer and producer of ALL three Underworld movies. Now whether this is true or not, I don’t know. But, it makes perfect sense if it does. The original premise for the Underworld 1 story line may actually have come from Kevin. The theme was a Romeo and Juliet meets werewolves and vampyres-based on Kevin’s own experiences with inter-racial dating.

    Well, Other than telling you lovely young things out there who are hoping to be overwhelmed by Mr Grevioux’s physical and mental talents that he lives in Palmdale, California-that’s all for now.

    Next Kiddies we’ll explore the connections between the people, Wiseman, McBride, Grevioux, Tatopolous, McElroy, Beckinsale, etc, involved with creating our most beloved Underworld movies.

    Good Hunting

  64. Steph says:

    Hey Renee i found out who’s doing the props for the movie like the maps and ancient book. His name is Daniel Reeve he made the props also for lord of the rings and Pirates of the caribbean, Van Helsing.
    This is his website http://www.danielreeve.co.nz.

    Big kissX

    Good Hunting!

  65. Renee Deangelis says:

    Anything further out there? I have been busy dealing with personal health issues, and have not been able to give you the latest trivia blog I promised. But if anyone has any info on what been going on inside the top secret fortress of U:3-how about sharing…

  66. Steph says:

    Still no news Renee, that’s what is so horrible other movies like dragonbal and Crank 2 allready pictures. I don’t understand why they wait so long.

  67. renee deangelis says:

    Getting…no strike that, Am bored waiting to hear some small crumb of information from the Underworld powers that be-asswipes….

  68. renee deangelis says:

    Latest news I’ve heard:

    Seems there will be quite a bit of U3 action going on at the ComicCon out in San Diego, CA

    Word has it that there will be several cast members, and a trialer and stills. So any of you capable of attending really need to go for those of us who have no hope of getting there ourselves. And report back to us.

    Kevin Grevioux is reported to also be there, although he will be there not to work the U3 booth, but to promote some of his comics from one of his comic studios.

    Good Hunting

  69. Zak says:

    I just hope that the lycans return to being guys in suits like in the first one. I HATED the cgi lycans in Evolution. Cgi just looks fake 90 percent of the time.


    Well they made a good showing at the ComicCon, although Michael Sheen bailed and left the interviews to the remaining scheduled cast members and director. There was a q&a session and a showing of a ‘trailer’. They have an official ‘website’ now but I won’t bother posting the address here right now because for now its just a dead end portal. There were some costumes on display and a few stills.

    Yet when the ComicCon made it to tv in an hour long ’special’ report U:3 was noticably missing-I am sure they can’t cover everything in an hour-I’ve never been to ComicCon, but I’ve been to a comic book gathering before-and I couldn’t cover 1/2 the stuff in one sentence allowed for each cool thing I’d seen in an hour-but still I would think that the U:3 people would know how to grease the wheels on getting a shout out about their new movie.

    I am still very disappointed with the PTB in charge of U:3-they better have a good reason for the communications blackout surrounding this freaking prequel.

    Good Hunting

  71. El Diablo says:

    This 3rd movie will definitely suck if william, amelia and marcus won’t be included! Remember guys that this is a prequel, it means the origins of the two mystic creatures (vampires and Lycans), so they should be included for good…

  72. El Diablo says:

    And oh, ALEXANDER CORVINUS must be included too!

  73. Jenni says:

    Help!! I need to know this!! I love Underworld. Great movies but the third installment left me hanging. Why is Sonja at the age she is if she is the daughter of Viktor and vampires are not suppose to age? This disturbs me. It is a huge hole in the story. Is she really his daughter or just turned by him? Do “born” vampires stop aging at a certain age in this story?? Is this not an annoying wonder?? Help me!! Please email me back at [email protected] with any info. thanks

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