This entry was posted on Monday, December 24th, 2007 at 1:26 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

Kingdom-Dvd-ReviewThe Kingdom is part whodunit part shoot em up in the land of camels, sand and black gold.

The Special features on this DVD include: deleted scenes, character by character the apartment shootout, constructing the freeway sequence, creating the kingdom, history of the kingdom: an interactive timeline, commentary with director Peter Berg. Much of the extras focus on the camerawork and the technical wherewithal that was necessary to deliver the action in this film. This film was almost entirely shot on 3 hand held cameras to create a fluid and almost documentary feel to the film (director’s words). I must admit my favorite part of the Kingdom was the “closeness” of the camera shots; you feel like you are on the street watching the action unfold in front of you.

In the character by character the apartment shootout we see the action take place from 4 different perspectives. It was great to see an action scene broken down like this and see the editing work that is involved to make these different scenes reflect different aspects of the same event. This is probably my favorite part of the film and it was cool to see it from different angles.

In constructing of the freeway sequence we see very serious men playing with dinky cars on the road. These men are working out an intense highway scene that involves multiple explosions, smash ups and all out carnage. To see the different stages of planning, and the amount of work that is required for less than 5 minutes of screen time is quite an eye opener. We are a species that likes to be entertained; and doing so is no easy task.

The Kingdom DVD is full of behind the scenes shots and explanations of scene set ups. The extras themselves seem to be geared to students of film and those that enjoy the craft of filmmaking. I appreciated this film much more after I saw the work that was required to put it together. We see so many action movies that we take them for granted, and often sluff them aside as kitsch. Behind every action film is an army of artists and in the special features of this disc, they are given a tip of the hat.

4 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Agent Doodles

    Wellllll….what can I say…just rented this film and….DAMN….I didn’t think weaponry was soooo lethal…THANK GOD I LIVE IN CANADA!

  2. bigsampson

    ya i just saw this movie and i have to say it was seriously goood….man when jennifer garder comes thru with thr U.M.P. I THOUGHT wow this is a like like the game counterstrike lol….but ya i recommend this movie to all

  3. Steve L.

    I just watched this movie twice in two nights. Personally I think this movie was well done with good acting, although at times there seemed to be a lot of mumbling. I truly liked the interaction between the Colonel and Fleury (Jamie Foxx’s character).

    I highly suggest you rent or buy this film, it won’t disappoint.

  4. Mart

    I was disappointed. The trailers promised an action movie. What I got was a mystery movie with zero mystery. What the heck’s the point in a Whodunnit if the person who actually did it isn’t even a character in the film? The fun of whodunnits is implied in the title. Try to figure it out before the film gets there. The Kingdom would have been way more interesting if it developed the characters instead of the lame non-mystery. The only one they seem to bother with was the awesome Middle-Eastern Jean Claude Van Damme.


    Dumbest bad guy ever. The good guys were on their way home and then he kidnaps one and gets himself killed. What an idiot. Also, another movie which is ruined by showing absolutely everything in the trailer.

    PS. Friday Night Lights rules.

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