Stills Of Norton From Hulk Set

We are able to have a look at Dr. Bruce Banner as played by Ed Norton thanks to our friends at IESB:



Campea just informed me that the first picture is a throwback to a scene in the intro of the television show. I enjoy all the medical props, and if they can use shots like this from the TV show - why the hell not. As long as they don’t make the throwbacks an obvious festival of cheese, I am all for them.

I like Norton and am glad he is playing Dr. Banner. These pictures are not as exciting as a picture of the Hulk ripping a tank in half; but It is nice to see the detail that is being put into the human side of the green machine. I have high hopes for this one, and I look to watching it on a big screen.

17 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. SimonZ

    Edward Norton is god. Along with Anthony Hopkins.

  2. Dusty

    I love the GIANORMOUS modern boom arm extended in front of his face - sure it might be a foot in diameter, but you still gotta run some cables on the outside!

  3. Alfredo

    Oh crap I completely forgot that Edward Norton was in this. I thought that the dude from John Doe was was the still the lead. Now I’m super psyched!!

  4. Ethan

    Does this mean Hulk will have a nice green gotee.

  5. Karl Hungus

    Now this is something much more exciting than the production drawing. Can’t wait to see some trailers for it.

  6. AjaxLou

    Love that first shot! Thought Bill Bixby was in the chair at first!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Clif

    I think Ed Norton rocks. I wonder if he’ll do a “curb stomp” on of the buy guy characters?

  8. Darren J Seeley

    Hulk with a goatee? That would be kind of funky, wouldn’t it?

    But worthy of note is that they are calling this “The Incredible Hulk”.
    A slight nod to the Bixby series is nice, but y’know whatcha gonna do? Be 100% faithful and have Banner run out to save the life of some punk who wanders on a Gamma radiation testing field?

  9. vargas

    I still prefer Eric Bana as the Hulk. I like Norton but I’m having a hard time envisioning him as a bad ass monster. We’ll see.

    I’ll give it a chance.

  10. yeah-no goatee man! um actually i think that will ferel would make a good hulk if he was younger skinier and had no facial hair. and- had lik- musscles, and black straight hair. and hed hav to have lik a totaly different face and height and voice. if u did thta ud probably end up with…lik…ed norton haha! ed norton..aahh

  11. Darren J Seeley

    Footnote: Remember one of the first Iron Man promo stills? A goateed Robert Downey Jr. testing out the Iron Man hand…? He just happens to wear a white tank top undrshirt. Perhaps the alleged scene with Hulk and Shellhead is in a department store, shopping for new duds?

    Beats stealing people’s workshirts off clotheslines!

  12. alpoc

    i bet the throwback scene is his attempt of curing himself not actually how he becomes. i wouldn’t mind it if they didn’t get into the origin at all. the first move did that..although way to scientific and boring (i know they say this not a sequel but will acknowledge the 1st film..whatever that means). overall, i liked the 1st movie. the nano angle & gamma rays as a the trigger was a cool modern way of creating the hulk. IMO the idea of somebody surviving a gamma bomb explosion and saving someone by pushing them in a trench is stupid and outdated. the only “true to the original” stuff i want is he gets mad, he turns big & green (with the best cgi possible) and he smashes a lot of stuff throughout the movie. i dig norton as banner…banner is susposed to be puny in relation to the hulk.

  13. Rusty James

    It looks like he’s sitting in a giant punching-you-in-the-face machine.

  14. Agent Doodles

    Loved the first Hulk movie!!!
    We need more destruction though…maybe Hulk finds a lonely hooker in Victoria BC…mates, and create a slew of baby Hulkins…just thinkin’ of HULK 3…

  15. J.D.

    Norton is a very likeable actor hopefully he’ll do good as Dr. Banner.

  16. vargas

    I like agent doodles idea! LOL!

  17. TheFalcon

    I liked the first movie and thought Bana did a good job in it so I was hoping he would return for the sequel, but Ed Norton is great too so I’m definitly seeing this. Hopefully there’s more action in it too.

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