Semi Pro Red Band Trailer

Here is the Restricted Semi Pro Trailer amigos!

Not too much in here … but this film certainly seems to have turned up the crass volume on Ferrell; and I support this decision!

What do you guys think? I laughed at loud at the part with the referee and am pumped to see Tim Meadows!

13 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. haole

    “suck my cock, I will murder your family.” This makes me want to want this movie

  2. Rod Hilton

    How to make a #1 comedy:

    1. Hire Will Ferrell.
    2. Tell him to play the same character he always plays: overly cocky but stupid famous figure.
    3. Give him a funny haircut.
    4. Make sure he appears naked somewhere. Zoom in on butt crack.
    5. Add breasts, penises, and fart jokes until film achieves desired rating.
    6. Make a poster with a white background and thick red lettering (optional but highly advised)
    7. Profit!

  3. nbakid2000

    The only movie I’ve ever liked with Ferrell (comedy) is Roxbury. This movie looks pretty funny actually, although that could have something to do with the fact I grew up playing basketball.

  4. chris (the real one)

    i agree haole…..that one line made me want to see this…..and the thing about the bear in the old trailer

  5. sammy

    you guys are nucking futts! this movie is going to be awesome.

  6. Kristina

    You said “S my C!”

    I’m there!

  7. Strife

    Are you guys talking about Bill Brasky? I know Bill Brasky!

  8. Doug

    As a high school basketball coach, I may have to organize a team outing to see this, for the referee scene alone. “What! What I say?!?!”
    I’ll start making the permission slips now.

  9. Eddie

    If the movies as funny as the trailer, I’m There!

  10. Crackpotpress

    Rod.. you forgot “Get Judd Apatow to write it”

    You do have to admire the flagrant use of the word “cocksucker.”

  11. Krys

    Yeah, there’s not much there but I definitely laughed. I think I’m there too.

  12. Agent Doodles

    Ha Ha…Funny!!!!…what can I say?…I hoop it’s worth seeing in the full 90 minutes.

  13. Fitzy

    I thought with Woody it would suck. But this looks like it will be great.

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