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Peter Berg to Direct Dune - Confirmed

By Rodney - December 24, 2007 - 09:07 America/Montreal

Dune is the elitist of literary scifi geek fandom. Its not heralded in the mainstream like Star Wars or Star Trek which are far easier and lighter to ingest, but those of us geeks who rally around the Frank Herbert Dune flag hold it as a dear bastion of our culture. It is brilliant and epic. I have recently accepted myself into this fold and have updated my geek status.

Now a big screen version of Dune is coming and MTVMovies confirms that Peter Berg (The Kingdom) will direct.

“Dune” is coming and that he’s the one that will helm it. Calling the plans for him to direct “a done deal,” Berg told me that “if it weren’t for the writer’s strike, we’d be in it right now.”

After the poorly received David Lynch feature version, I was surprised to hear they intend to make this into a feature film. The most widely accepted version is the TV MiniSeries in 2000. I talked months ago about Berg coming on board but that was just speculation as it is now confirmed.

This story is just too vast to carry out in one movie. This has been the strongest criticism of nearly every book turned to film, but Dune is such an epic and involved tale that 120 minutes just isnt enough to tell it. Berg has put out some quality work, and with the right writers maybe they will create some magic.

I am wary of seeing a feature film adaptation again. Perhaps they will prove me wrong, but I just can’t see it justice fitting in one sitting.

But rest assured if this does turn into a big hit, even in spite of the fans, there will likely be a Dune Mesiah and Children of Dune and etc.


  1. steven says:

    this movie would have to be 3hrs to stand a chance. it’s not the most action packed story, but it’s so detailed that if it ran 2 hrs or so i would feel like they rushed important plot points

    good luck to burg though. the kingdom and friday night lights were really good.

  2. Josh Kelhoffer says:

    I watched the David Lynch version last night. I used to like it more, but I realized that its only the second half that I like. I grew tired of the whispered thoughts.

  3. Alfredo says:

    I’ve seen the extended version of the Lynch film and I might be the only person that liked it. Asimov hated that movie and I think that every one in my graduating class. High school was hard.

  4. Darren J Seeley says:

    “I remembered your Gom Jabbar, now you remember mine!”


    I liked the Lynch film myself, a lot. Not the extended TV version which had narration with people standing around, mind you (and where Lynch took his name off the darned thing) no,no. The first time I saw the Lynch version was on the big screen where it belonged. I felt the pacing was fine, but some of the dialog was…
    well, let’s say the some lines were not always the best on delivery.

    I watched the Sc-Fi channel films and thought both Dune and Children of Dune were dreadful, more about CGI candy coated colors than about characters.

    But the mini-series poses a question: why remake Dune?
    I’m not excited about it, and …I’m sorry. I don’t feel excited about it.

  5. Rafa1215 says:

    The Spice…The Spice…
    Good Luck Peter. Looks like you’re going to need at least a two parter to make this movie - and make it well.

  6. bigsampson says:

    greatest book ive read science fiction wise…..they could never make this into a movie that hardcore book fans will like unless its 3 movies

  7. jason presti says:

    I have loved and watched the David Lynch version of Dune countless times over the years and will continue to do so even though they in no way resemble the novel.

    I have read and loved the novel several times and STILL love the Lynch version for one reason: HEART!

    The Lynch Dune had heart, drama, and soul and dare I say it…melodrama, something sorely missing in modern sci-fi.

    The actor’s in that Dune were committed to their roles and acted and overacted their hearts out. The film had Passion and Spark!

    The Lynch Dune didn’t get most of the details of the novel right but it had the tone and feeling that I wanted out of that film and for me that carries it a long way.

    The Sci-fi channel Dune miniseries was a soulless travesty that I shut off after 25 minutes. The mini-series was a page by page recreation of the novels and dotted every I and crossed every T…
    …BUT WHO CARES? The thing had no soul or life to it whatsoever. The TWO A-B list actors in the mini-series looked bored and sad and the rest of the cast was low rent Romanian “actors” that Sci-Fi channel hired to save money.

    I already read the Novel DUNE several times, why the Hell would i need to see it recreated page for page and line for line in the movie?

    I want feeling, passion, and melodrama, something modern day sci-fi has forgotten about, and when I mean melodrama I mean original Star Trek TV series Captain Kirk melodrama!

    Whatever happened to actors putting passion into their performances?! Why does every role in Sci-fi(and Hollywood) have to be so cold and clinical?

  8. Edvin says:

    Hmmm I loved the David Lynch version of Dune, after all it’s what turned me to the books in the first place.
    The mini series was awsome dont see why ppl thought it was bad.

  9. steersman says:

    The scifi channels remark is a pile of steaming worm s*** on the sands of Dune. Dune 1984 kickass when frist released and still kicks ass to this day their is no comparison to pitful Dune 2000. One would think that the scifi channel could do some justice to the original where Lynch did not. But far from achieving something greater this piss poor excuse of a mini-series
    Does not come close to what Lynch achieved. Clooney killed Batman
    Alec Newman Killed Paul Atradies.

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