New Hulk Drawing From Production

Posted by Rodneyon 27. 12. 2007in News Chat

We have obtained a sketch of the Hulk that has been released from the crew that is currently making the movie. The picture was made available to us thanks to our friends at comingsoon:


If this is the look we can expect to see in the movie, then I am wholeheartedly on board with their vision. This picture looks like a classic Hulk but avoids getting too overblown and overly cartoonish. We will have to wait and see what the CGI Hulk will look like, but if he looks close to this; I will certainly be pleased.

What do you guys think of this pic?

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Rodney who has written 7867 posts on The Movie Blog

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15 Responses to “New Hulk Drawing From Production”

  1. Daryl says:

    Better than Ang Lee’s Shrek-Hulk

  2. DarkKinger says:

    That is a very good pic. Nothing to get me excited yet, but hopefully the CGI is just as good.

  3. Toms says:

    Edward Norton better start working out.

  4. Amish_Bill says:

    Two words: Hulk. Smash.

  5. Kevin C says:

    Ill reserve judgement until I see something that moves. My first impression is that I like it though. I dont see a whole lot of difference between this and Ang Lees, except for the color and the face.

  6. Karl Hungus says:

    That looks decent, but it’s hard to get excited over a production sketch.

  7. ouija says:

    I thought the last hulk looked fine…its just there wasnt enough “Hulk asskicking”

  8. alpoc says:

    this is a really nice piece of art, reminds me of a dale keown hulk, but it proves very little concerning a 3d rendered cgi character. i don’t see the correlation between ang’s hulk and shrek except they were both green. i think ang’s hulk was cool until he went beyond 10 feet. his look after the full transformation at his house was perfect. i do feel that they failed to maintain that same hulk look throughout the movie.

  9. robert says:


  10. John says:

    Hey Robert,

    X-Men 1 and 2 sucked!?!?!
    Spider-Man 1 and 2 sucked!?!?!

    You lost me.

  11. Kristina says:

    Somebody’s been using HGH…..

  12. leeloo says:

    i thought the first one was really dumb. i hope this one is better. at least this one looks hulk-smash.

  13. Rod Hilton says:

    I personally have concerns that a Hulk movie can be anything but terrible. The Hulk is kind of a lameo character.

    Did anyone ever buy Hulk comics as a kid? The Hulk’s main role in the Marvel Universe, as far as I could tell, was to show up in someone else’s comic book, appear on the cover with a “vs. The Hulk!” below the name of the actual star of that comic, and illustrate to the reader that spiderman/wolverine/punisher/whoever can beat him.

    What did The Hulk comics ever even contain? Did they have words at all, or was it just The Hulk breaking stuff with occasional scenes of Bruce Banner muttering about how much he hates turning into The Hulk? I can’t imagine what could have filled word bubbles in that comic. My guess is the actual words were outnumbered by the presence of onomatopoeia words like “foom” and “kra-koom.” The Hulk was like a comic book for the kids that couldn’t read or something.

    I do think, however, that with Ed Norton playing the Hulk, someone should cut this movie together with Fight Club once it comes out on DVD.

  14. vargas says:

    The illustration looks like top quality work but we don’t know how it will turn out until we see some trailers and movie stills.

    I thought Ang Lee’s Hulk was good and I thing a lot of people trash it without much thought. I’m still not psyched about Norton playing the Hulk and I will laugh my ass off if this one sucks!

  15. sheena says:

    daaaammmmmmmm!!!!!!!! Hulk is all buff.

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