Movie Blog Uncut - December 27th 2007

Posted by on 27. 12. 2007in Uncut Podcast

Greetings folks, and welcome to the last Movie Blog Uncut podcast for the year of 2007. It’s been a year of many changes, but we’re ending it on a high note and look forward to all the amazing stuff ahead in 2008. That being said, it’s business as usual today on the podcast as we talk about:

1) Alien vs Predator - Requiem

2) Walk Hard

3) National Treasure 2

4) Meet The Spartans

5) Ali G and Borat being retired

6) Semi-Pro and getting tired of Will Ferrell

7) Jessica Simpson breaks new Box Office LOW record

8) Dee Snieder of Twisted Sister

All this and a few things more


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17 Responses to “Movie Blog Uncut - December 27th 2007”

  1. poops says:

    i was just about to turn off my laptop b/c there was nothing more to do online then BAMO!!! movieblog podcast time

  2. Kristina says:

    Walk Hard tanked because the marketing looked AWFUL. The trailers were bad, and when I saw it in theaters, nobody laughed. NOBODY. They didn’t make me laugh at all.

    Meet the Spartans will suck, but I’ll admit that the breakdancing part of the trailer made me laugh.

    I am getting a little sick of Will Ferrell, but I still like the guy. My parens got me tickets to his comedy tour for Xmas. He’s coming to UNC-Chapel Hill in February.

    Jessica Simpson should be hung by her boobs in public and stoned to death.

  3. Josh Kelhoffer says:

    Whats wrong with having just one Predator? I never had any problems with that or the lack of CGI. I did find the film a little too mean. I wish they had made the film like the game. Have the film take place on LV-426, the planet from the first two Alien films, and have the human characters be the marines. Which is how one of the video games was like.

    I did like how the film often looked like ALIENS. i also liked the use of sound effects, and how the music sorta sounded like the scores from ALIENS and PREDATOR. I guess thats why I was more forgiving.

    I hated the main characters. WHy do films like FVJ and AVP feel like they have to have main characters anyway? They never try to give us real character, they give us cliches of character, whats worse is that the cliches are high school comedy cliche. The parts of FJV and AVP:R were fun and entertaining, despite being silly.

  4. Kristina says:

    And are you guys ever going to talk about the Dark Knight trailer?

  5. Grundy says:

    The line “Suck my cock, I’ll murder your family”, from the red band Semi-Pro trailer won me over for that movie.

  6. AjaxLou says:

    300 is not the bar I would use to gauge a successful action movie. Aliens, Predator, Die Hard are far better barometers to mark against.

  7. AjaxLou says:

    As for Walk Hard its not the trailers, its the concept. Not enough there for a movie. Its an idea better suited to a 15 minute SNL skit.

  8. Phil Gee says:

    I guess the time has passed for that now Kristina, which is a shame. I saw the prologue today in IMAX with ‘I Am Legend’ (which i really enjoyed actually) and having already seen the youtube version didn’t take away from my enjoyment at all. It was a real treat.

    Thanks for the show John & Doug.

  9. Ryan says:

    I’m going to have to echo what Kristina had to say. Any comments on “The Dark Knight”? I hope there’s no conflict of interest. You posted the trailer with zero comment on what you thought about it. You said you would address it in this podcast, no mention. What’s up. My guess is more people are curious of what you think of “The Dark Knight” trailer than your review for “AVP2″.

  10. The Dark Knight says:


  11. Pete Agassi says:

    The Dark Knight!!! Are you guys not fans?! I thought yall were going to talk about it on the podcast?? But I guess Jessica Simpson has first priority over The Dark Knight trailer.

  12. Jeb says:

    Where did Darren and Bruxy go?

  13. John says:

    Hey Jeb,

    Darren and Bruxy can’t be here when we record on days other than Monday’s.

  14. Jeb says:

    Mon dieu John, you’re on top of things. Two minute response, wow…

    Love the uncuts by the way. Keep it up. Huge props to Doug by the way.

  15. Kevin C says:

    Ive been waiting forever for you guys to talk about The Dark Knight yo!

  16. doug nagy says:

    I beg for your forgiveness friends; we should have had that on the list.

    I enjoyed the trailer and look forward to discussing it!

  17. GFunk says:

    Sad to here you hate Buffalo! Its not that bad.

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