Jumper Trailer

Jumper is a film that’s looking better and better to me, and this new Jumper trailer only makes me look forward to it even more. I mean come one… how bad ass does Samuel Jackson look in this thing? People born with the ability to teleport… an ancient order of humans committed to finding, hunting down and killing the teleporters… all converging in Jumper.

I’ve got to admit that when I first heard about Jumper, it sounded like a cheap cross between Nightcrawler meets The Highlander tv show. But they seem to have built a pretty cool mythology behind the movie, and the trailers to this point have been solid. I hope this movie rocks for Hayden Christensen’s sake. The guy has a LOAD of talent (just watch My Life As A House), but he got stuck with a director who has no idea how to direct actors (Lucas in the Star Wars films) and his most recent outing with Jessica Alba (Awake) was just a horrible film. So far though… Jumper looks like it’s on track.

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  • 1. RustyJames replies at 8th December 2007, 5:58 pm :

    John, you and I seem to be the only people who thinks this looks good. Christensen was also really good in the misunderstood/underrated FACTORY GIRL.

  • 2. Leon replies at 8th December 2007, 6:02 pm :

    I agree, this looks good.

    I especially enjoy the falling bus.

  • 3. Shinobi replies at 8th December 2007, 6:57 pm :

    Wow the possibilities with the concept.

    It’s looking awesome.

  • 4. Dutch replies at 8th December 2007, 7:23 pm :

    Does anyone remember Alfred Bester? This is more than a bit like a ‘jaunt’ which is way a o-k with me.

  • 5. Bunker replies at 8th December 2007, 8:01 pm :

    John your right this looks real LEGIT. Very impressed it came outta nowhere.

  • 6. downbeat replies at 8th December 2007, 8:13 pm :

    I saw this trailer when I went to see “Beowulf”, and this movie looks pretty cool. I’ll give it a shot when it hits theaters.

  • 7. Steven C. replies at 8th December 2007, 8:22 pm :

    I agree that this movie looks great.
    I’m so glad that Hayden is back doing something that actually might get some attention.

  • 8. alfie replies at 8th December 2007, 8:54 pm :

    he is great in shattered glass.

  • 9. Lars replies at 9th December 2007, 2:41 am :

    I am reading the book right now and I think the trailer really seems to capture the essence of it. I definetly will see this movie when it is released.

  • 10. AjaxLou replies at 9th December 2007, 6:35 am :

    Still not convinced and SLJ with the bleached hair looks lame.

  • 11. Steve L replies at 9th December 2007, 8:00 am :

    I have hopes for this movie…God I hope it doesn’t disappoint.

  • 12. The Darbe replies at 9th December 2007, 8:13 am :

    True, he was fucking excellent in “My Life as a House”

  • 13. Drew replies at 9th December 2007, 10:52 am :

    The problem with Hayden is that he does have talent, but when I defend him, I always seem to be coming back to the same two movies; which are now at least 5 years old (”Life as a House” and “Shattered Glass”). Everything since then blows (Factory Girl maybe being an exception). I’m giving him about 2 more chances, then I’m done defending him.

  • 14. Mozzerino replies at 9th December 2007, 11:37 am :

    One good performance doesn’t make a great actor.
    Of course George Lucas is partly to blame for the crimes Hayden Christensen committed in the STAR WARS films, but you know what? Ewan McGregor was able to deliver and did a good job under Lucas’s direction, while Christensen clearly didn’t.

    Choosing good scripts and good parts. Hayden doesn’t seem to have any of that as far as I’m concerned.
    And don’t throw FACTORY GIRL at me. Boring movie with an even more boring Hayden Christensen doing a bad Dylan-impression. Even Guy Pearce couldn’t save that film.

    Any by the way: That JUMPER-flick (or at least the trailer), leaves me totally cold. Sam Jacksons presence is no indicator for quality whatsoever (XXX2 anyone?). He will turn up in anything. That CGI-jumping around gets tired the second time you see it and the leads seem totally unappealing to me.
    On the other hand Doug Liman is a very talented director. He might turn this into something fun after all.

  • 15. Josh Kelhoffer replies at 9th December 2007, 12:41 pm :

    this trailer looks so much better than the first trailer

  • 16. Michael Nischt replies at 9th December 2007, 2:28 pm :

    wow, looks awesome..

    I love this fast teleport style… like nightcrawler :-)

  • 17. RustyJames replies at 9th December 2007, 3:04 pm :

    Hayden Christensen is not doing any sort of Bob Dylan impersonation in Factory Girl.

  • 18. Mozzerino replies at 9th December 2007, 3:51 pm :

    @ Rusty James:

    Oh but of course he does.
    He’s essentially playing Dylan, who had an affair with Eddie Sedwick during the 60s.
    The movie portrays the rockstar/Dylan-character Christensen plays as being highly responsible for Eddie’s final death, a fact that Dylan even denied publicly. Look it up.

  • 19. RustyJames replies at 9th December 2007, 7:08 pm :


    I don’t need to look it up, I know the history. But the point I was making is that Christensen’s performance is not based on the person of Bob Dylan. The Christensen character is meant to be antipod to Pierce’s Andy Warhol. The movie is about the battle of personality between the two of them with Edie Sedgwick as the casualty of their war.
    That might read as a little confusing but understand that an actor can play Bob Dylan without doing a Bob Dylan impression. One thing I like about Factory Girl is that is serves as the antidote to the literal minded biopics that are all the rage these day, like Walk The Line and Ray. I don’t find movies like that interesting because they’re just item by item inventories of the artist’s career.

    I understand that Dylan is not happy with his portrayal in the film but I don’t know that agree that the film holds him responsible for Sedgwick’s fate.

  • 20. Meli replies at 10th December 2007, 10:39 am :

    This trailer looks so much better than the last one. I actually want to see this movie now.

  • 21. Bobsyeruncle replies at 10th December 2007, 4:43 pm :

    I saw another trailer for this as part of a survey done at a local mall. Looks pretty cool.

    One of the survey questions asked if there were any movie critic websites that I regularly consult. Go ahead and thank me for my support.

  • 22. Jake replies at 10th January 2008, 8:22 pm :

    Don’t care about Anakin or SMFJ. Rachel Bilson is in it and Jamie Bell’s character looks totally nuts. I’m there.

  • 23. LJ KIDD replies at 13th January 2008, 4:28 pm :

    I Think this movie will be in the Top 3 MOVIES of 2008
    It has a very strong Content and it is a plot filled with ethusiastic condisending proficiency .I give it to you free @ http://www.hottdownloads.com/.

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