Hugh Jackman Pumping Iron For Wolverene.

Hugh 01-1We have some gossip, some unconfirmed here-say that Hugh Jackman is committed to throwing on lean mass for his upcoming Wolverine project. We get the dish from our friends at moviehole:

Anyway, over beers tonight, I heard from a colleague – one of the chaps from the abovesaid shingle – a bit of news about “X-Men Origins : Wolverine”, which, I have to admit, was a little more interesting than the usual ‘Van Damme’s sponsoring a new sports drink in Asia’ gossip you usually hear.

This chap knows Hugh Jackman’s trainer and told me just how far Hugh Jackman is dedicating himself to the role of the clawed mutant.
Jackman’s getting about three hours sleep a night at the moment and spending most of his hours in the gym. He wants to be the beefiest and muscliest he’s ever been to play Wolverine in the film. He was about 80kg in the original, maybe 90 in the second or third one, but he wants to pack on a little extra padding this time – hoping to get the scales to reflect a figure over 100.

I do like Jackman as Wolverine. I was one of his detractors when I first heard of the news, but Jackman played the role very well and won me over handily. I can see Jackman wanting to do his best to look the part, and I think the fans will appreciate his dedication very much. Wolverine is a muscular hairy dude, the bigger and harrier Jackman can get for this role - the better.

This news is not confirmed, but we will be able to judge for ourselves when the film comes out. This news does not seem too far fetched to me, Jackman would naturally and wisely use this film as an opportunity to shine; he might as well exceed all expectations. We need action stars, people love action movies and muscle dudes. 300 and Beowulf have thrown wide the doors of macho - now Jackman worships at the temple.

14 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kristina

    I LOVE muscle dudes:)

  2. krazie835

    So do I….oh wait.

  3. chris (the real one)

    ^ lol

  4. Mozzerino

    Jackman better makes some effort.
    After all he owns his whole career to getting the part of Wolverine.
    He’s a good actor though.

  5. u kno wat? i think that wolverine is the only marvel character that ever got a perfect actor- or the closest to perfect. I THINK that jackman is like a perfect wolverine. i mean tobey mcwire,ben afflec and micholas cage? i could give u 1000 reasons y they are not a perfect spiderman, daredevil or ghost rider. (i also think that guy thats playing iron man is lik the perfect tony stark but its not out yet so idk) good thing it wont be the same actors when they make the avengers movie (drawback is…jackman might not be in it either so)

  6. and anywho..i thought hugh jackman was ALREADY huge…i mean- his freaking neck starded at the top of his ears, his shirt was always too small for him because of his gorila torso, and now he wants to gain more weight? well that can only be better if ur playing wolverine but i just thought hed be big enough already. but yeah- if ur playing wolverine…the bigger he is, the better

  7. david

    Jackman makes a great Wolverine, and it’s awesome he’s pumping up - that means the movie is finally gonna happen!

    But I hope the movie is a little less realistic and more ‘comic-booky’ than the X-Men movies. Bring back the yellow and blue suit! Otherwise, it might be a bit too gritty and grim for me.

  8. DAVID…YES I LOVE THE YELLOW AND BLUE SUIT!!! i hate the one he uses in the movies..the one without the mask….the only problem is i dont think his character would alow him to wear his underwear on top of his pants..and the whole tigts deal…they made him too macho in the 1st 3 movies to allow him to wear the tights, itll fukc it up if he starts wearing it out of the blue. maybe in the avengers movie they can start out fresh and fix that about wolverine, and while theyre at it they can fix spidermans eye pieces..they look so different then they did in the comic books and it looked so much better that way (no tobey mcwire tho…yes!)

  9. chris (the real one)

    idk about jackman being even close to being perfect wolverine…..yea the hair looks decent on him…..but (fanboy warning alert) hes too tall and he was too soft in the movie…..jasan stathan would’ve been the closest thing ti perfect for wolvie

  10. yeah but the thing about stathan is his little british accent. and wolverine’s accent screams “im from new york!!!” besides i cant picture stathen with spiked, black hair. hes more of a realistic action guy…lik in the transporter or war both movies about cops and bad guys..u kno the “that could happen” kind of movies. on the other hand..hugh jackman was already a werewolf in that van helsing movie and he does a PRETTY GOOD wolf. and yes…he was too soft on the movie, but at least he wasnt tobey mcwire in SM (im sorry i keep bringing tobey mcwire up but..hes a horrible spiderman im sorry)

  11. Koko

    Jackmans accent scream “I’m from New York”!??!?

    Wouldn’t it scream “I’m from Sydney”!!

    They’re actors … Accents aren’t shit if they’re good enough.

  12. hey! no! he says “bub” every lik 3 words…thats not a new york thig??? well im from florida OK!? how would i kno!!? so stop haitin!! u kno wat i mean.. but anywho its ludacris to think jason stathan as a wolverine! y are we even talking about it! but yeah i guess actors can lik change there accents, wen u see an american movie they speak “american” and when u see the making of the movie and u see them talk they sound like alfred from batman. but ok, “accents arent shit if ur good enough” thats half true but i just cant picture wolverine in a brittish accent, too many people kno him use a more different (really thats from sydney??) accent

  13. Kristina


    Him being soft in the film wasn’t HIS fault. Blame that on the story. When he goes beserker in that scene in X2, he WAS Wolverine all the way. The movies’ screenwriters turned him into a lovestruck puppy, not JAckman.

  14. chris (the real one)

    ok u both make decent points…..but im still not sold on jackman being the short canadian angry little man…..not to say he didi a bad job but i wasnt a big fan of him for the role…..he was too tall for me and he looked too much like a pretty boy…thats kinda what i meant by soft…..wolvie is a hardened man thats been around for a long time, he should be battle hardened or something…

    .but yea i agree kristina the writing did make him look kinda pu$$y especially in the third one, but i still think stathan would be ideal…..what do u guys think about the new background they are makin fo wolverine in the flick>

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