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Hatchet 2 News

By Serena - December 27, 2007 - 10:16 America/Montreal

For those of you that got to watch ‘Hatchet’ this year, (if you haven’t, go out and rent or buy the DVD) you are probably not surprised about this news considering the abrupt ending of the first film, but it looks like the possibility of Adam Green returning to direct ‘Hatchet 2’ is likely. Adam Green recently talked to the folks of ‘Fangoria’ about the possible sequel.

Arrow in The Head via Fangoria gives us this excerpt for the interview:

It all comes down to when it happens and if I’m available, as well as what the terms are, because often when they make these movies and realize they have a cult following, they try to cheap out in a lot of areas. You know, the budget becomes smaller because they’re afraid that no one really cares or they don’t pay what they need to in order to bring certain actors back.

I met Adam Green this summer in Toronto when he came to premiere his movie at the Bloor Theatre, and I really took a liking to him. At the Q&A, he told the audience that Hatchet is a planned trilogy. There are certain things in the movie that gives that away. He said there’s a reason why the camera lingers on the kid with the pig mask who burns the Crowley house down in the flashback and why Victor Crowley was staring at Mary Beth for a long period of time.

In the possible sequel, he said that Tony Todd’s character plays a much bigger part in the film and to the story, and that we will find out how Victor Crowley and Mary Beth are connected.

I don’t think this is just a rumour. I have no doubt in my mind that audiences will see ‘Hatchet 2’ in the future. (You just can’t waste a villain like Victor Crowley!)

If you would like to read the rest of Adam Green’s entertaining interview, click HERE.

So are you ready for another round with Victor Crowley?


  1. Frankie J says:

    Hell yes Victor Crowley is the next horror icon THE HACTHET ARMY will never die

  2. James says:

    I got Hatchet for Christmas and really loved the death scenes. So much gore and plenty of comedy throughout the film. The ending however, was a little confusing but I guess there was a reason for it. Also, after seeing Victor Crowley he really reminded me/looked like Jason from Friday the 13th Part 7.

    All in all I am excited about the second and third installments, only if Adam Green returns to do them. Since it is his project I certainly don’t want someone else coming in and putting their spin on the franchise.

  3. AjaxLou says:

    No, this movie was lame.

    • ric sky says:

      i kinda agree with you it was an okay horror movie but i dont know ive seen so many horror movies that this one just seem to deserve as much praise as it has received so far. it didnt come off as scary as i thought it would

    • tracy says:

      well i have to call shananigans that movie was better than any other horror ever!!!

  4. Kurt says:

    Oi. Please no. I don’t understand the aficionado’s love for this film at festivals.

    Adam’s a cool enough chap though.

  5. cib3k says:

    I can’t understand why people like this movie either. It was just crap, pure and simple.

  6. Chris says:

    I just saw this movie tonight and have to say I loved it - I borrowed it from my flatmate (who hates it) with some trepidation but whoah! Blown away.
    Must, must, must have a sequel!

  7. Tom says:

    I loved the movie and the pure brutality of the kill scenes! grunting and all haha! gotta love them! If you didn’t like it?… then it’s obvious your not a true fan of “the gore”… my only qualm for this is… the lack of any real … like… scenery… which could have brought more fright factor and eeriness to the flick. (i.e. plastic tree’s, the fakest looking paths and walkways) maybe next time, spend more time and money on the sets/lighting and overall atmosphere to bring about a more evil ambience… not just… plastic bushes and kills… evil, hatred, passion… maybe a bit of the chase here and there… and then the gore!!! ;-) unrelenting victor styles!

  8. clare says:

    i watched ihatchet yesterday morning loved the deaths and gore good old fashioned 80’s style killings

    cant wait to see hatchet 2 hope the deaths are just as gory

  9. Dan says:

    The first movie was awsome! Shawn was my favorite character, I hope he’s in the next one somehow

  10. Luke says:

    i loved it! My friends didn’t like it but i was amazed by all the gore! I am a huge fan of psycho killer movies. I cant wait for the next one to cum.

  11. Emily says:

    While I agree that the setting/scenery had its down points. [Like the fake ass tree Marcus hides in after the old couple get slaughtered.] That clearly wasn’t the point of the movie. A slasher flick through and through. I can’t wait for the second one! It’s going to be incredible!

    More death scenes I hope. I want someone to get their face sand papered off again. >]

  12. RonB says:

    I heard from a few people how awesome this movie was then I watched it and…it’s Friday the 13th pretty much

  13. jeff says:

    this was awesome but when the black guy died it suxed bc he was funny and awesome wtf with the ending the guy pulled her outa the water whats gonna happen cant wait for the second one

    • chavez says:

      the guy didnt pull her out at the end, victor crowley ripped the guys arm off and dangled it in the water to get her to take hold of it so he could get mary beth, kane is the best slasher actor ever,
      every friday 13th movie after jason x is crap…..

  14. jay is a G says:

    this movie is better than my bloody valentine 3d

  15. rob27 says:

    i loved this film altho it terified me so mutch wen i 1st saw it i did not even sleep but i agree victor crowly will go down in history as one of if not the scariest horror charactor ever cant wait to c if mary beth survived as we never actually saw victor kill her

  16. tracy says:

    well i liked how the movie ended but the background of the storie made little since like how did he live after he was on fire and the pole through the neck well this sequal is going to be great victor crowley and beth probably go back but why did ben live though?

  17. jar3d14 says:

    i thought hatchet was a good ass movie gore is my style so i liked the kills and im lookin 4 da sequel fashizzle

  18. happyfaceman says:

    The “Disney-esque” music was for dramatic irony, because let’s face it, you knew what was gonna happen to those folks. And calling the movie crap is really unfair because this film in my opinion is a wonderful revitalization of a genre that defined a decade of american culture, not to mention funny as hell.

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