This entry was posted on Monday, December 31st, 2007 at 5:58 pm.
Categories: News Chat.

I would like to wish all of my International Friends a very happy New Year. To celebrate, I took a picture of a dead possum that was on my lawn!

Hpim0039 2-1

His name is Olaf and he died in battle; weep not for a warrior’s death

37 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Joseph Ferrarelli

    Reminds me of my dead cat.
    God dammit Jake.
    God dammit.

  2. Beejag

    I will try to remember olaf as he was, rather than as he is.

  3. Kristina


  4. dougnagy

    This is what happens when I get a digital camera for xmas kristina

  5. Josh

    Doug, you are my hero.

    Happy New Year!

  6. Ben

    Happy New Year Doug and John and the rest of themovieblog gang!! Have a safe and healthy new year!

  7. Tim

    Who the hell wants to see a picture of a dead possum, period. Grow the hell up.

  8. gpcreative

    The people who bought the site are having second thoughts…

  9. Terry Letourneau

    Are you sure Olaf wasn’t playing dead? And people think I’m strange for sending pics of a dead Santa and reindeer for Christma.

    I hope you gave Olaf a Viking burial on the Welland Canal.

  10. takata

    take the digi can away from him!!!
    take it NOWWWWWWWWWW!!!!
    ow and happy new year doug and john and all the movie blog comunity!!

  11. DarkKinger

    I’m not so surprised that Doug has that picture here, considering the fact this pic is more tame than 90% OF THE INTERNET!

    Happy New Year to everyone at The Movie Blog!

  12. frankwolftown

    Happy New years All!!!
    Farewell Olaf you reward is eternity in Valhalla.

  13. wh21

    Happy New Year to all the friends at The Movie Blog!!

  14. GleepWurptheEyeBiter

    “Cattle die
    kinsmen die
    all men are mortal.
    Words of praise
    will never perish
    nor a noble name.”

    - The Havamal

    A viking quote for our fallen friend.

    Happy New Years everyone.

  15. Rusty James

    how was the sex?

  16. Herby

    Road kill for breakfast!!!

    Too bad I’m a vegan.

  17. Hero Stew

    MMMMMM. Here in Utah we call that dinner….de-lish!

  18. John Iver

    Olaf is happily drinking “mjød” in Valhall!
    Olad, the dead Viking possum.

  19. Hero Stew

    Dibs on his enchanted hammer!

  20. doug nagy

    Not bad Rusty, not bad

  21. Alfredo

    Happy New Year everyone 2008 is well on it’s way… Fucking Christ that possum gross.

  22. Henrik

    That fucking rules.

  23. Ben

    This is the movie blog.Only thing i wanna know is;

    Will there be a movie based on this ?

  24. dougnagy

    yes. IT is called Olaf the gentle barber.

  25. Torim

    A pair of new opossum shoes for john campea for his new year gift

  26. chris (the real one)

    LOL i never thought id laugh so hard at a dead animal until i read this post….doug nagey= gold


  27. Peter T

    Look above at the above picture of Olaf. Consider his face. Look into his eyes. What is he thinking about?

  28. dougnagy

    It’s Miller Time!

  29. David

    Shit, I almost got myself convinced that the movie blog was worth reading, and than you go and ruin it with this shit. Posting that picture sucks. Imature and stupid.

  30. david

    Maybe he represented ‘Father Time’ and handed over his Possum Kingdom New Years duties to a baby possum before getting squished.

    Happy New Year to everyone at The Movie Blog!

  31. PhoenixP3K

    Sums it all up.

  32. Simon

    One of my 2008 resolutions is to post on a hand full of boards that I love the site or the subject. Since I love the podcast and the guys who do this for us every week. It is a great way to show them that we know that there hard work is being listen by us the fans. Because I know my self as a podcaster it is hard to make a podcast every week and it takes a lot of your time. So guys thanks one more time for making one of the best podcast on the web.

  33. Donna A.

    Happy New Year!
    Donna A.

  34. Marco

    You better find a new shrink, fast!

  35. Rusty James

    But Doug, which end did you use?

  36. Rusty James

    or did you go for the marsupial pouch?

  37. Meli

    LOL! Oh man…here I am catching up after being out of town and I scroll down to this…too much.

    Happy New Year! :D

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