This entry was posted on Monday, December 31st, 2007 at 9:31 am.
Categories: News Chat | By Doug

We have obtained the new Hancock poster thanks to our friends at moviesonline:

Poster Hancock

Look above at the above Poster of Hancock. Consider his face. Look into his eyes. What is he thinking about?

42 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. dougnagy

    .. I will find food!

  2. Scotty112

    These outside toilets are great! + i`m going grey !

  3. chris (the real one)

    yep these glasses and hat look stupid….but guess what 50 million opening week….eat that bastards!!

    at least thats what i would be thinking…

  4. DarkKinger

    There’s a strike in this city, and it’s costing money…

    How is Alvin STILL making money~?!

  5. Thos

    I like a man with “cock” in his name.

  6. Adam

    How am I going to make 12 movies at once?

  7. Steve Black

    Which look shall I admire this explosion with, blue steel or el tigre…..decisions

  8. Artanas

    Damn!! This turd ain’t coming out fast enough!!!!

  9. Daryl


    Yeah, that sounds like something the Fresh Prince would say.

  10. Daryl

    On a completely unrelated note, the “Made of Honor” ad that’s been chillin’ on the right hand side of for months now is only marketing for that movie I’ve seen.

    I wonder why…

    Happy New Years Movie Blog peoeple

  11. Cosmic

    Im Will Smith and i make crapy blockbusters!! watch ma movies ya FOOL!!

    er… no?

  12. Marla Singer


    …Does anyone have some lip-balm? My my the air is just so dry! unacceptable!

  13. Will

    notice how the reflections of the city in my glasses make me like spiderman!

    also, im will smith, im fucking awesome, everyone loves me, im rich as hell, and bring on another 60 mil opening weekend.

  14. Stormlight

    Flock of Seagulls: The Will Smith Remix.

    “Awww bird-shit!”

  15. rafa1215

    How’s my Zoolander?

  16. Phil Gee

    “I’m the reason why ‘The Dark Knight’ isn’t coming out on July 4th. Even I hate me right now.”

    Happy new year everyone!

  17. Simon

    I just don’t care about him anymore. I hope this film does not make the top 10 of that week. I am so fucking sick of him . BLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLAH

  18. Simon

    Oh wait this such add for American Eagle
    look at the logo on his hat. then go to

  19. X: The Eliminator

    Fuck, I like eagles.

  20. Kristina

    “I just jacked some preppy white boy for his Abercrombie beanie, and he was like AWW HELL NAW and I was like AWW HELL YEAH fool fo sho, ya know?! And then he threw his Chapstick at me and told me to slap some on my crusty-ass mouth, and I was like AWW HELL NAW and he was like AWW HELL YEAH fool fo sho, ya know?!”

    I am so sick of Big Willie Style…

  21. Shinobi

    “Man, I would kill for a big mac…hell naaw it would cause way too much attention”

  22. chris (the real one)

    wow a lotta will smith haters on this post…..dont be mad cuz every piece of crap he touches turns gold….its like hes midas….but with poop

  23. Hero Stew

    This movie poorly represents the movie. Nuff’ said!

  24. Hero Stew

    I meant to say MOVIE POSTER

  25. DON

    He is thinking about inserting his cock into vagina aka HARDCORE SEX

  26. leeloo

    i will shot you with my webs

  27. Christian

    “People eat my movies up. EAT IT!”

  28. Jason Stanley

    He’s thinking if anyone will notice the tribute this poster makes to a certain Spiday poster…

  29. will

    i really dont understand the hate some of you losers are dealing his way.

    hes a very good actor, and has been in some very good blockbuster movies. thinking quickly, only 2 of them sucked (wild wild west and MIB2), and dont hate him just because he got huge paychecks for those.

    its not his fault everyone likes him and he is obviously better at life than all of us.

    now i kind of hate myself for getting all over his dick, but there is no reason to hate so much.

  30. omar

    I need some chap stick and an acting coach. Enis

  31. Grundy


  32. Joseph Ferrarelli


  33. bassturd

    Can’t believe no one has made the Spiderman connection…unless I missed it.

    but…eh…”I’m the Black Spiderman.”

  34. Jason Stanley

    Already made the spidey connection bassturd but nice to know others see it too ;)

  35. Terry Letourneau

    If I had the name Hancock, I would jump off a building too.

  36. Sal.

    Not again.

  37. UKAndy616

    Still trying to shake off ‘Wild Wild West’. How am I doing?

  38. Mark


    Another script with “Awww, HELL NAH” in the dialog? What is my agent thinking? I was Ali. Allllliiii!

  39. fureus

    thank you Abraham Lincoln.

  40. Rama's SCREEN

    Bel Air looks different this time of year!

  41. Ransom

    Wow lots of Will Smith haters! How can you not like the Fresh Prince?? I think that Will Smith is a really nice guy in real life. Didn’t you know he’s butt buddies with Tom Cruise??

  42. Dargonslayer

    Here’s out to all the bitches who hate Will. Fuck yo Mama!

    Hancock in theaters 7/2/08

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