This entry was posted on Thursday, December 27th, 2007 at 8:57 am.
Categories: News Chat.

EmmyrossumIt looks like Ms. Rossum has decided to treat us all with a blog entry about her training sessions with Chow Yun Fat for the upcoming Dragonball movie. We get the following quote from her blog via slashfilm:

“Sorry I’ve been rather quiet for a bit, I’ve been working on a very exciting new film that I’m shooting outside the US. I’m working with the great Chow Yun Fat and I’m very excited about the role, which is so different than any role I’ve ever played. I love the character and I’m excited to get to share something so fun with you. In prep for the film I’ve been training very hard, learning how to fight, fire a gun, weapons training and even some martial arts. It’s fun to play such a different character when I am such a pacifist in real life. Speaking of pacifisim and peace, I want to wish everyone a happy, healthy holiday and New Year.”

This blog entry does not tell us a ton about the movie, but it is cool to have a snapshot into what is going on right now in preparation for the film. It is also nice to see that she has respect for Chow Yun Fat; if she didn’t we would put slugs in her ears like Khan did To Pavel Chekov in Star Trek 2. Above all, it is cool to see excitement for the project, a lot of Dragonball fans are looking forward to this and excitement usually always leads to better work.

We may have to wait some time before we get a chance to see sneak peaks and teaser trailers, but blog entries like this one are the best window we have when it comes to peeping on the current progress. I did not grow up with this cartoon, but I know what it is like to love a cartoon, and the desire to see it recreated with reverence and skill. From where I stand - it looks like things are shaping quite well. For those of you that are fans of the series; how do you feel about the project thus far?

6 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. bigsampson

    was always a huge fan of this cartoon…never really watched GT( if u know the cartoon u know what im talking about)….but if u look on the forums and other places…the hood…no one really has any wishing for this movie to be made…..LIVE ACTION DRAGONBALLZ!
    i think it will suck but u never no

  2. Tim

    I love Dragon Ball, but I’m not looking forward to this much. Chow Yun Fat is a great casting decision, but I just don’t see it working. I’ll certainly see it, but I love Dragon Ball too much to get my hopes up for it.

  3. royal

    Yes, this movie will bastardize the franchise but who cares, really? It’ll be a fun romp with cool fight scenes and kick-A special effects. I think the producers/writers are ‘off’ in choosing to start with a Piccolo-centered storyline but I guess they hope this is the beginning of a movie franchise, like the reimagined Transformers movie. Fast-forwarding to the Frieza and Cell sagas would have been much more interesting but I understand the desire to begin at the beginning.

  4. Kristina

    She’s too talented to be involved in this garbage.

  5. landon

    This is gonna be a great movie and I’ve been waiting a long time for it to happen. All this ppl who keep being negative are just dumb asses. Wait and see when this movie comes out they’ll go see it and love it then come back and talk about how much they loved the idea from the begin. I hate ppl like that. Anyways. DB LAM RULES!!!!!

  6. Draked

    I can only see the hopes of those who had been awaiting a DBLAM being sorely blown away

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