Death Race Picture

Posted by Rodneyon 28. 12. 2007in News Chat

We have our first look at Death Race today thanks to our friends at firstshowing:


This is a film that I did not want to see remade. The original is an outlandish classic that should have been re-released rather than remade. I must admit however, that I enjoy this picture. The interior of the car is filthy and I like the use of duct tape on the steering wheel and red tape on the foam that covers the roll bars. The prop guys that worked on this car should be commended, the car looks surly.

Amidst the filthy car Statham’s squeaky clean head stands out like a sore thumb. It looks like his melon is floating in a galaxy of dirty metal.

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Rodney who has written 8523 posts on The Movie Blog

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10 Responses to “Death Race Picture”

  1. Hert Zollner says:

    It sure looks photoshopped!!

  2. Kevin C says:

    Wheres the flux capacitor?

  3. Daryl says:

    damn…someone took my flux capacitor comment…

  4. Pineapplehead81 says:

    I bet he’s got a potty mouth tho.

  5. Kristina says:

    Yeah, that’s a photoshop job. Everything is blurry as hell, but his head is in perfect focus. It’s been photoshopped into the picture for sure.

  6. Karl Hungus says:

    I like Jason Statham, but honestly, I just can’t stand most remakes these days, they always manage to make a vastly inferior film… I won’t be seeing this one.

  7. Tarmac says:

    I think Kristina is right actually. It looks like someone’s just put a Jason Statham head in that picture.

  8. takata says:

    DOC!!call the cops!! the delorean WAS STOLED AGAIN!!

  9. Vinn says:

    This is clearly not a remake of “Death Race 2000″ It totally looks like a movie made from the video game “Twisted Metal”. The director has also made two movies from games…..Mortal Combat, and Resident Evil. Check out the game… it’s awesome as well as this movie should be.

  10. Arthur says:

    the movie is kinda copying from that movie with stone cold steve austin except it has the most awesomest tricked out cars i mean have you seen the mustang. they picked the best actors too. jason Statham was in the transporter and i thought that was a good movie and now their coming out with the third. tyrese gibson i’m not sure which movies he was in but he sure plays a good role.

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