Your New Batman is - Armie Hammer

Posted by John Campeaon 30. 11. 2007in News Chat

Armie-Hammer-BatmanApparently it’s been confirmed. Your new Batman (for the upcoming Justice League movie) is none other than the one and only Armie Hammer! No, not Arm and Hammer… Armie Hammer. Yes, the legendary actor who has appeared in 1 episode of Desperate Housewives, 1 episode of Veronica Mars and 1 unforgettable episode of Arrested Development. And let’s not forget the small roll he had in Flicka too.

Yup, your Batman is 21 years old with a face that could pass for a 14 year old. This is your new Dark Knight. He’s a physically big dude, coming in at about 6’5 so he’s certainly got the build I guess.

Look, don’t take my sarcasm as a knock on Hammer. For all I know he could be a great actor (or not). But this just feeds even more to the jokes about “Teen Titans”. Is this REALLY the guy you want as the Batman?!?! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… This movie, Justice League… is DOOMED.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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37 Responses to “Your New Batman is - Armie Hammer”

  1. Robert(wolf) says:

    My only guess is, they want the actors to grow older into the roles?…fuck it they messed up…

  2. The Jim Walker says:

    DOOMED is a compliment at this point.

    PS - John, do you guys still do the “Now Live” podcast? If not, will they ever resume?

  3. says:


    Nice job finding a different pic of the guy than the one everyone else (including myself) are using. It’s like the dude is a ghost…

    At least he’s over six feet tall.


  4. Grave says:

    Im gonna sing the Doom song now! Doom Doom Doom Doom da Doomie Doom Doom Doom Doomie Doomie Doom Doom Doom Doom Doom Da Doomie Doomie Doom….oh whats that?!

  5. Mozzerino says:

    According to AICN they also casted Wonder Woman.
    It’s a model I’ve never heard of.
    But she at least looks like Wonder Woman, but who is that git? He looks ridiculous! That’s Wayne? That’s the result of extensive search of casting? I can’t believe it. If this really is true, the John, you’re right. This movie is beyond doomed.

  6. Kevin C says:

    I think it would do better if they actually marketed this thing as a spoof, which for all intents and purposes, it is.

  7. FilmNerdJamie says:

    As much as I like the guys at IESB, their word means dick regarding JLA at this point. They’ve reported multiple items that have turned out to be bullshit (i.e. Tom Welling as Superman, various times they’ve claimed WB was “just about the annouce the cast” and nothing happened, etc.)

    Hell, WB has yet to comment on Hollywood Reporter’s article from 2 weeks back (i.e. no shooting script ready and options on the actors are about to expire!) They’ve had all this time to confirm, deny or just say, “No comment” and they haven’t.

    So until I see an official annoucement from WB, I don’t believe anything regarding JLA at this point. Hell, I don’t think it’s even going to happen for Summer 2009 at this point…

  8. DarkKinger says:

    HELL FUCKIN’ NO! Since watching The Phantom Creeps about 4 years ago, I have never wanted so much to see the “good guys” lose. In this case, it would be an insult for Joker to be defeated by this Superfriends movie.

    Christian Bale OWNS! If this is legit shit on JLA, then I’ll pay a lot of money for Dark Knight to show were my true support is.

    Can General Zod please kill JLA?

  9. jan says:

    This movie is gonna be a joke

  10. Phil Gee says:

    Armie Hammer is this year’s Neil Bloomkamp and John is going to mention him on every podcast from now on just because it sounds so funny:)

    John: They’ve just cast Batman and it’s Armie Hammer. Who is Armie Hammer?

    Doug: He’s the best

  11. Viddy says:

    Horrible. Just horrible if it is true. This guy has actually been rumored for Bats for a couple of weeks…

  12. Darren J Seeley says:

    They say the suicide rates in the US and Canada double during the holiday season.
    I hope they go down this year, but after reading ^^^^^ I predict the attempts at jumping off places of high altitude without parachutes, and/or bungi cords will increase over the next few days.

    The JLA project can jump too…right into the nearest dumpster ready for disposal.

  13. frankwolftown says:

    I’ve never seen a studio not care about such big like before. They should be in the Guinness Book of World Records for making such a colossally bad wreck.

  14. bjon says:

    I agree with you John. This movie is DOOMED DOOMED DOOMED!! Just like DBZ. Casting a white dude to play Goku (clearly an ASIAN from an ANIME MANGA cartoon). oh man, does Hollywood even give a shit anymore?

  15. tr0n says:

    @Mozzerino - I just read that the model you’re on about is none other than our home grown peach Megan Gale. I have no interest in the movie whatsoever but she’s fiiiiiine and she’s also very intelligent making her quite the formidable woman…some may even say ..a wonder woman. /shitty joke.

  16. david says:

    I guess it was a dream that this project was canceled. Does that mean that I’m having a nightmare now?

  17. Chuck says:

    I agree with Kevin Smith…give the role to Michael Keaton!

  18. JL Fan says:

    WTF are they thinking? my god….

    UMM how are you gonna have two batmans running around the same movie universe. It doesn’t make sense…

    I would cast this better….Hell oceans eleven had everyone and their brother why can’t justice league be supported by having some big name actors…

    Let’s see my cast for JLA..Humm let me think…

    Routh as Superman
    Bale as Batman
    Kate Beckinsale as Wonder Woman
    Nate Fillion as Hal Jordan /Green Lantern but sense their going to have the John Stewart GL I say Morris Chestnut or Micheal Jai White Not Mos Def…He’s not enough to play the part…
    Ryan Reynolds as The Flash…
    Lawrence Fisburne as Martian Manhunter…

    There you go…Actually people that look and fit the parts…I want to punch the casting people in the face for cast these kids for JLA…

  19. alpoc says:

    i have no idea who this guy is and looking at this picture, he kinda looks like a young bale; however in other pics i see no resemblence. anyway i’m on the “this will suc” bandwagon. they pick a wonderwoman that’s fairly tall (5’10″)as she should be and then they defeat the the choice by picking a giant batman…that’s dumb. batman need not be a giant. who the hell will play supes?? b/c he’s taller the batman. again it will suc, but i would like to point out, the wonderwoman chick is HOT… now i’m slobering

  20. darkbhudda says:

    Justice League?

    Little League more like it.

  21. engrya says:

    i dont know but it feels like this movie will be more like TEEN TITANS than JLA.

  22. ISMAEL says:


  23. Jessica says:

    I disagree with everyone, I knowen Armie Hammer, and I think he will play this role to a key. He is a geat looking guy, with a voice you all will just love. Just wait and see, you all will be eating your words!!!

  24. Sadie says:

    I had such high hopes i really did, how could the movie industry let me down soo much. Honestly after saying you searched through everyone you came up with him?!?

  25. Lauralyn says:

    I rather rip my eyes from there sockets and stick them up my ass then see the Justice league movie. So far The Flash, Wonder Woman and Green Latern are the only ones that look promising.

    I am a hardcore Batman fan and I am crying on the inside and out. This goody goody ‘BOY’ is not gonna cut it. How is this ‘boy’ suppose to fill our Dark Knight’s shoes when he is just now able to purchase alcohol.

    I have decided to boycott this movie. I was looking forward to it till I saw the casting.

    All I can say is the Director is on crack and needs to come back down from his high.

  26. Yves says:

    Don’t forget that Bruce Wayne started his Batman career in his early 20′s. He was 12 when he left Gotham, and came back 12 years later. So a beginning Batman would be 24 or 25 years old.

    Also, the next Joker will be played by Andy Dick!

  27. Yves says:

    Oh, and why do people think it is cool to sneer at stuff they haven’t even seen yet? Why always bitch like 15 years old school girls?

    I remember how people went down on Ledger when he was cast as the Joker.

  28. Glyn says:

    this is a movie that would just never work but why even cast an actor who is fucking 21 wouldn’t it be much better to go for an older actor seeing that Bruce Wayne/Batman didn’t exactly meet up with superman e.t.c. and begin the justice league during his early years as batman. Also with all of those characters that would be in the movie, where will there be any development between each character Nolan did with batman begins & TDK.

    My opinion i like my batman played by Bale and working alone!!!!!!!!!!!!! also i would love if the black mask was in the new movie.

  29. Monika says:

    Did he get this roll because his father’s (Michael Hammer) original Batman House Burned to the ground? This must be a consolation prize.

  30. Rodney says:

    @Monika… this movie is now dead, so its irrelevant.

    DC has scrapped this proposed Justice League for good and are now going in a different direction.

    This article is about 9 months old.

  31. chris says:

    I say go for it. the storyline is what Im focused on.

  32. Ashley says:

    Okay I do agree with using the same batman…it’s going to be very weird to have two different batmans maybe in theaters around the same time. But..what I do know about Armie is that the kid can act! I was in Nashville last night and saw the premier for Billy the early years and he did an amzing job playing Billy Graham…this guy is gonna be a star. So lets give him a chance and see what he can do. And I’m more considered about the storyline with this movie anyway!

  33. te says:

    OMG!! surfing the net and looking up some comic book info on wiki when links led me to this. NOOOOOOO!!!! who is this guy?. didn’t the industry learn anything from the ’97 jl tv pilot?! veering from the original comic book adaptations (i.e. this kid’s not-so-batman-like, fawn in the woods kiddie face) is a recipe for disaster. non-comic book fans will probably love the movie. i will probably vomit.

  34. Donald says:

    Armie Hammer has had many opportunities before the camera, and played in a major motion picture as Billy Graham. He is young, and yes, they would like an actor who has the stature, as well as the ability to be coachable and grow into the role. One thing in the motion picture industry, is when you are building sequels you are also building the actor and a character that follows and grows with the person and audience. Nothing worse for the movie viewers is to view continuing sequels with a different actor in the major role. One thing that made the Bourn trilogy so good, is Matt Damon, and his character not only maturated into the role with each episode, but also grew on the audience. Lastly, there is a new Hollywood, upcoming new talent, a changing of the guard so to speak, and this means change, and we as people do not like change, but change is necessary, and in this regard a positive for the role of Batman, and the audience. Good Luck to Batman!

    • Rodney says:

      This post is almost 3 years old. This whole Justice League film they planned on doing is long since dead and forgotten.

      And this guy is STILL a ghost, not to be heard of outside of bit parts. The biggest thing he has done SINCE this post was written is a minor role on Gossip Girl and a 5 episode arc on Reaper.

  35. Candybsweet says:

    I don’t care what any of you say, this guy is hot, better than hot…he’s hawt. Saw him in The Social Network and I tell you, girls are going to flock to see the new Batman…in my opinion…his face is fresh. Who wants the over exhausted and completely arrogant ass from The Dark Knight, with his oh-so-fake deep voice. There better be atleast two or three shots with this guy, without his shirt on…

    • Rodney says:

      Sorry…. this post is almost 3 years old, and this guy will NOT be Batman.

      This version of the Justice League was completely scrapped and the movie, as well as the retarded casting they considered is all forgotten and dismissed.

      And I will take Bale, a talented and accomplished actor who has done a great job in revitalizing Batman into a franchise worth watching instead of just some dork who got your panties wet.

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