Witherspoon Highest Paid Actress

ReesewiIt appears Reese Witherspoon is now the highest paid actress in Hollywood. We get the scoop from the legendary caves of Yahoo:

The 31-year-old Academy Award winner commands $15 million to $20 million a movie, placing her at the top of The Hollywood Reporter’s annual list of the highest-paid actresses. Angelina Jolie came in second with similar salary demands, though the animated “Beowulf” earned the 32-year-old actress far less — just $8 million. Cameron Diaz was third, with a $15 million-per-movie price tag. Nicole Kidman dropped to fourth place, two spots lower than last year, with an asking price of $10 million to $15 million a film.

Reese has beat a pretty impressive list of contenders. Finishing up the top ten were Renee Zellweger, Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, Drew Barrymore, Jodie Foster and Halle Berry. I am shocked that her squeaky clean girl next door image was able to bring her to the summit of victory mountain. It appears that people still appreciate a wholesome gal (along with a smattering of whores).

Witherspoon was nothing short of extraordinary in Walk The Line, and she deserved to win the Oscar. When she first came onto the scene I was not interested in her as an actress, she seemed too happy and I found that off putting. Her natural cheer no longer offends me, and I respect her abilities as an actress. If someone has to be at the top of this list, I am content that it is her.

Do you guys think she should be the highest paid actress? If not - how would you write the checks?

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Terry Letourneau

    I am just shocked that Cameron Diaz is on that list. I think Kate Winslet should be number one,she deserves it. And where is Cate Blanchett?

  2. tobor68

    i agree, where is blanchett? aside from foster, where is the impressive talent?? (while RW was good in walk the line, there’s not much else.)

    sounds more like the Highest Over-Paid Actress List.

  3. Kurt

    Jodie Foster in The Inside Man said it best (even though she’s probably lying in the film):

    “I got to where I am by making friends, not enemies”

  4. Story

    My first memory of Witherspoon was not the clean and wholesome girl next door that she got popular playing. My first memory of her was in “Freeway”. She played a white trash slut who ended up on the wrong side of a serial killer. I loved this film and her in it as bad a flick as it was. How can you not get behind, “Holy shit is that you Bob. Look who got beat with the ugly stick.”
    Of course every role she played after thet was crap up until “Walk the Line”. I can’t think of one film that I really like. “Pleasantville” had some humorous parts and the only redeeming thing about “Cruel Intentions” was watching Gellar les out. (Gellar when she was still hot, unlike the Gellar who looked like an out of work meth whore on the cover of Maxim.) I think Witherspoon did a fine job as June Carter but at the same time the only reason I gave a shit about the character was because Johnny gave a shit about her. If not for Joaquin Phoenix doing a stand out performance I don’t feel that I would have given two shits about her or Witherspoon playing off of him. My question is what exactly has she done to deserve a paycheck of this size when there are a ton of actresses out there that have a far better body of work and in my humble opinion a lot more talent.

  5. Kristina


    She opens movies? Really? What happened to Rendition, then? She’s not all that. Yes, she was great in Walk the Line, but come on now. Personally, I love Nicole Kidman, but her movies lately have been tanking, so I can see why she’d drop a bit.

  6. Stormy70

    I find most of these actresses to be pretty thin gruel.

    Cate Blanchett, Helen Mirren, Kate Winslet etc. would be higher paid in a just acting world.

    Most of these on the list cannot open a movie on their own.
    Angelina is getting past her prime.

  7. Phil Gee

    You should read ‘Silent Bob Speaks’ by Kevin Smith and find out what he thinks of ‘Greasy Reasy Witherspoon’. I’m not taking sides because i don’t know her but it certainly paints a not pretty picture of her.

  8. bassturd

    not a single movie besides Walk the Line that I saw that I liked that had Reese in it. Poop on that list.

  9. nbakid2000

    Phil echoes my sentiments on Greasy Reasy.

    BTW, if anyone has a Capital One card - check the chick in the one picture they use on their website…is that CAMERON DIAZ????

  10. Chisox

    Like Kristina I’ll disagree. I find it hard to believe that she beats Julia Roberts(when Julia plays the female lead).

  11. Garri

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