This entry was posted on Sunday, November 18th, 2007 at 10:21 am.
Categories: News Chat.

The Writers Guild of America (WGA) has announced on their website that they, and the Producers association have agreed to resume talks on November 26th. The announcement was devoid of any details, but here’s what it said:

“Leaders from the WGA and the AMPTP have mutually agreed to resume formal negotiations on November 26. No other details or press statements will be issued.”

That’s good news… but I have to ask… WHAT THE HELL HAVE THESE 2 SIDES BEEN DOING ALL THIS TIME!?!?! I’m not blaming either side here… but when you’ve got a major cultural industry like this… and when the jobs of OTHER PEOPLE (non-writers who are getting laid off because of production stoppages) are being laid off… then you get your asses into the bargaining room and you bloody well stay there until you come to an agreement!

This won’t mean as much to my American friends, but here in Canada when the NHL had it’s work stoppage a couple of years ago, hockey fans went NUTS when they heard that the owners and the Players Association hadn’t met to talk for an entire week. Hockey starved fans went crazy and DEMANDED the 2 sides get back in the room and keep talking.

I understand both sides here want to show the other that they can out wait each other, and I also understand that in hard negotiations you sometimes have to step back from the table to catch your breath and take a break for a day or 2. But how long have these two sides just been sitting on their asses and not even talking?!?! I have people I know in LA who effectively don’t have a job right now because of this mess.

Again, I’m not blaming just one side here, nor am I saying either side should cave in… but at least have your asses in the seats face-to-face with each other and scratch and claw inch by inch towards some common ground.

3 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Alex

    I think this is a problem with WGA president Verrone being determined to strike. The WGA ego is standing in the way of talks and as they believe they are winning this image war with the public it will continue to stand in the way.

  2. Dale

    No, WGA was always willing to go back on table. AMPTP was the one that was not responding. How can Veronne be “determined to strike” when he took off proposals like dvd residuals off the table on the last day of negotiations in efforts to prevent a strike? AMPTP wants a strike to get rid of their overhead.

  3. DarkKinger

    I think both sides should have attempted negotiations. The longer the strike is, the more it will hurt us.

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