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Victor Salva to Direct ‘Jeepers Creepers 3′

Hey guys! I’m glad to be back writing for the recently resurrected movie blog again. While John and Doug are in San Francisco, I thought I’d get the ball rolling with news posts and get you guys caught up with your movie news routine. :) (Yes, I have to start with a horror post. It’s just expected at this point!)

Last week it was announced that ‘Jeepers Creepers 3′ was indeed going into production, and that Victor Salva (writer/director of the previous installments) has in fact signed on to write and direct the third installment.

Moviehole gives us this: Rumours that a “Jeepers Creepers 3” is happening, and possibly going to direct to DVD, have been confirmed by the abovementioned interweb portals. Writing and Directing is Victor Salva-previously rumoured to only be writing-helmer of the original frightfest.

Every time there’s Jeepers Creepers news, I always feel excited and guilty at the same time. I find it hard to support Victor Salva, (who was a convicted child molester) and it always feel weird to promote his movies since finding out about his disgusting past. Although, just like how I feel about Michael Jackson, I can’t deny the fact the man is talented when it comes to what he does. (Which pisses me off even more!)

I enjoyed the original ‘Jeepers Creepers’ very much, but the sequel, although well shot, was not an enjoyable film at all. (Except when it came down to watching and making fun of the very “heterosexual” football players tan on the bus or pee together in a field)

I think the best thing to do is to make this a direct to DVD sequel. (Since direct to DVD horror sequels seem to be flourishing right now) However, considering how well the second film did at the box office, I would expect seeing a theatrical release of this unnecessary sequel.

What are your thoughts on this matter?

22 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Pat

    I think posting while the boys are away on their secret mission in happyfunandgay-land is an abomination. Don’t jinx it!

  2. Pineapplehead

    Although the first film was way better than the second I did enjoy Ray Wise and his harpoon truck.

  3. Michael

    I would love to see this as a theatrical release. Nothing better than a fright in a hopefully “crowded” theater.

  4. AjaxLou

    The first 40 minutes of the first rocked. The second one was entertaining but instantly forgettable.

    Good Luck with the third one.

    BTW - Hi, Serena! Great to see you on the job again!

  5. wickedstuffings

    yay! you guys are back. happy day!!!!:)

    ahem back to topic at hand..loved the first one! second one meh..but curiosity will drive me to see the third.

  6. Robert(wolf)

    Jepers Creepers 3: The Creeper In The Playground.

    I loved the first Creepers, second one sucked.

    I’ll check the 3rd one out if it gets positive reviews. Direct to dvd movies more than lighty suck most of the time.

  7. alfie

    the difference is michael jackson was never convicted

  8. calviin

    Great post Serena.

    As dumb as this sounds, I missed this site. Everything feels right again.

  9. Serena Whitney

    Hey guys!

    Thanks Lou and calviin for your comments! I agree with you Lou about the first 40 minutes, once that wing came after Trish had run over the creeper 6 times, I was like ‘WTF?!” lol I will be posting a lot more when I get home today….just want to get you guys caught up before the new changes on the site :)

  10. AjaxLou

    Serena - Good to know you will be posting more!

    Hope some of those posts deal with Darabont’s - The Mist movie which is getting rave reviews so far.

  11. Washington

    Never seen any of the dude’s movies - won’t support the guy, period.

  12. Marvin

    I really liked the first one and not so much the second as well. Just like everyone here. I’m not too hopeful of the third though.

  13. AjaxLou

    @11Why not - did he steal your lunch money or something?

    OMG - that means you’ve never seen Shawshank or The Green Mile! You poor soul.

  14. Kevy G

    i liked the first alot,second one was definetaly mediocre, but im confused with this one…..according to the story of the creature (i might be wrong), doesnt it come every 20-22 years,and feeds for 2 days??? and the first 2 movies took place in those 2 days right??, so wouldnt the 3rd one have to take place 20-22 years in the future to go along with the story??? like i said i might be wrong, but damn wouldnt that be great pull a jason x and have the creeper in SPACE!!! oh god i hope that doesnt happen….

  15. scoville

    I’ve never seen a Salva movie I liked, so it makes it that much easier to not support the child-molester’s movie career.

  16. JohnIan

    The first movie was ok. But when I found out what he did… no I’ll pass. The man got his jollies not just molesting kids (true Salva was only conviced on one kid - but lets be honest here, there were probably more), he video taped for later viewings. Sick bastard that fucked up lives. He didn’t even serve his full sentence. Yes I know that on good behavior, you get paroled sooner. But he only got three years! In the real - better world; the guy would get an invite to a house in Canada. The home of Mr. Nagy and have him beat the shit out of him live on streaming video. I would pay to see that. No. I will not be supporting his film career.

  17. gpcreative

    Okay Serena, try this one on for size. The first Jeepers Creepers was an art film. Yep, I said it, an art film. My reasons?

    The creature stands for Victor Salva’s addiction or disease (as he would view it), his attraction to young boys. The monster keeps the body’s of his victims to reminiscence, just like Salva videotaped his victim.

    The psychic stands for Psychology or Psychologists. She can’t stop the monster just like psychology couldn’t help Salva.

    The police stand for incarceration. Basically, the police can’t stop the monster…and in Salva’s case, jail can’t stop his desire or “monster”.

    And finally, at the end of the movie, the creature has the choice of taking the boy or the girl, and anyone who’s seen the movie knows which one he picks.

    Remember, by “Art Film” I just mean a film where the writer/director writes a very personal story. I didn’t really care for the movie or Victor Salva and the similarity’s between movie and Salva gives me the heebie jeebie’s.

  18. louis

    i remember hearing that the third was once going to be a western. sort of a prequal.

  19. Darren J Seeley

    I agree with the above…either it has to pick up 23 yrs into the future, or, it has to be about the events 23 yrs prior (or 23 yrs prior to that? 23 before…23 before…?) …but considering that the past two films were under the UA banner? I don’t see why this has to go right to DVD. UA could use a horror franchise/the continution of one already established.

    I for one was not only surprised on how good the first Creepers was, but unlike everyone else, I liked the sequel too…to a point, anyway.

    to GP: That’s an interesting point. Anyone recall Salva’s first film after getting out of the joint? If you want subtext, look no further than Powder.

  20. megzii

    OMG i loved the 2 other films there were genius !
    the first one was the best for being a proper horor but the second one was more of a comedy it really made me n my friends laugh lol
    il be getting it straight away wen it comes out i thought it was comng out the end of last year which i was quite excied about but im sure i can wait a lil while longer lol

    CANT WAIT !!!

  21. Nick

    I the first one, I was always curious as to how the Creeper went about getting vanity plaits and gassing up his truck.

  22. Jason

    I watch and own alot of horror movies and there are only a few that actually have an impact on how i feel when im all alone out in the country and jeepers creepers 1 and 2 both did a good job with that.

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