This entry was posted on Sunday, November 18th, 2007 at 11:15 am.
Categories: Features, Top Lists.

15-WebsitesAs many of you know, we here at The Movie Blog have gone through a roller coaster of a November (which ended amazingly), but through the turmoil it made me appreciate just how tough it can be to run a good movie site… so the other day I was going through all my bookmarks and looking at the other movie sites I really appreciate and respect and thought to myself “how on earth do they do it?”.

Anyway, things are usually slow around here on the weekend, so I thought I’d share with you guys some of the other movie websites out there that I really enjoy and think you should check out sometime if you’re not aware of them already.


Movies Online - More a movie news headline site than a blog, but the coverage is amazing and the layout and functionality of the site is very slick. Run by my fellow Canadian Mike.

Twitch Film - Founded and still run my Movie Blog Alumnist Todd Brown. Without question the very best Asian/Horror/Foreign film blog on the net

Slashfilm - Run by Peter, who is an excellent writer. Very similar to The Movie Blog in the sense of form, but a very unique voice

Filmstalker - The editor of this site and I don’t even like each other. I clearly don’t visit it often, but that doesn’t negate the fact that it’s a very good site. The strength is the excellent writing.

IESB - Few harding working guys in the online movie game than Robert. It’s amazing that a site of his size is able to find out the most amazing scoops before much larger bodies do.

Film School Rejects - Is there a better name on the net?

ComingSoon - Well… you all know how close I came to selling The Movie Blog to these guys… be that as it may, still the best pure movie news site on the web.

Cinematical - Did not like this site for the longest time, then it really found its flavor and I’ve been a fan for about a year now.

First Showing - One of the better movie blog style layouts written with a lot of enthusiasm

MTV Movies Blog - I’ll admit I don’t like 70% of the content they produce, but that other 30% is well worth the visit. Because of the MTV name, they’re able to score some of the best scoops. More of a news site than a blog really.

Screenrant - Started about the same time as The Movie Blog, it’s been fun to watch it grow and develop

Movie Patron - I hardly ever agree with any of their opinions over there, but that’s not what’s important. They write well and have a pretty good podcast too.

Film Junk - Run by a couple of friends of ours… but that doesn’t cut you any slack on this list! :P A VERY different voice than The Movie Blog, but one well worth listening to.

Sci Fi Wire - What can I say? I’m a Sci Fi junkie

Cinema Blend - If for no other reason I really like the movie reviews

There are many other sites I like, and I’m sure I’ll kick myself later for forgetting a couple, but if you enjoy online movie pundintry, these are some other great sites to check out.

29 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Kurt

    Hey There John. Kudos for hilighting the competition. I know that the webmasters of many of these sites make regular visits to The Movie Blog for your unique take on the cinema world. Cheers.

  2. scoville

    Twitch Film and Film Junk are my favorites.

  3. Mozzerino

    Hmm…no AICN?
    What’s wrong John, you got beef with those guys?

  4. Leon

    After reading this my goal is now to get into John’s Bookmarks! I’ll give myself one year and if I succeed I will give myself a cookie!

    These are some cool site’s. I have many of their RSS feeds.

  5. Phil Gee

    Leon, you have a very nice looking site. I will give a salute.

    I would also mention Latino Review. They may not be the best movie site but they do get those hot scripts and write very nice reviews for them. If it weren’t for them, we might have gotten a G.I.Joe movie with Cooldude & Action Man.

    Mozzerino, i wouldn’t list AICN right now. All praise to them for being the pioneers but they’ve totally lost their edge over the last few years. They don’t get the big scoops anymore and they don’t write the great retrospective articles they used to. They just report the same movie news as everyone else, sometimes days late….

    ….and Harry Knowles Buttnumbathon looks harder to get into than Mensa;)

    Finally, i’ll mention, because Kristina writes for them:) We all have to support each other don’t we?

  6. Grammaton Cleric

    My personal favorites are /Film and Twitch - but the best podcast by far is the Film Junk one — love the guys!

  7. frankwolftown

    I could have used this when you almost closed the site down. I don’t really go on any other site. I was going to just google some other site until I found something I liked.

  8. downbeat

    Thanks for making the list John. I was looking for other movie related sites, and this is a great list (bookmarks all). It’s also great to read that you give props to other movie sites. I don’t read that enough from other sites, which is pretty sad.

  9. Lee

    thanks for the links. Slashfilm is one I hit every day. I like IESB, but they really need to update the look of their website, very cluttered and not very user friendly imo.

  10. Name

    um what? not one of these sites i visit regulary, and probably no movie fan is.
    the only good movie sites are the ones not listed, dark horizons and joblo.

  11. Michael Dean

    Latino Review seems to be missing.


    Hey John, thanks for the shoutout.

    To everyone else (heck, and John too), I’m ALWAYS looking for ways to improve Screen Rant, so keep an eye out because on Tuesday I’ll be sponsoring a contest for site improvement suggestions.

    I’ll be giving away two $20 gift certificates, so pop on by after Tuesday and leave a comment with your suggestions on how to make SR more of a “go to” destination.

    Thanks again!


  13. Herby

    Thanks John! Bookmarked all the ones I didn’t have.

    So I officially no longer have a life. ;-D

  14. Jonathan

    Cinema Fusion is obviously the coolest. Duh.

  15. virgil

    what about

  16. Kurt


    I think that AICN and JoBlo are a given considering the volume of traffic and popularity of those sites. Why highlight the sites that (in the online-movie-world are practically givens…)? While most of theses sites above cover the same material (except for Twitchfilm, which covers much more eclectic and unusual movies, well off the mainstream), it is always fascinating what each webmaster brings to the material. There are so many good perspectives out there and not enough time in the day…

    (oh, and while I’m on the subject, Dark Horizons and Coming Soon (in your face) both have brutally unwieldly front pages which are just poison on the eyes. I’ll take the simplicity of the blog format (with appropriate sidebars) over their busy-ness any day of the week…)

  17. Meli

    Hey John - it’s cool of you to mention Filmstalker. I’m a regular reader there because I enjoy the writing and some overseas film coverage I don’t get elsewhere.

    I also cruise by Screentrant and /Film as well….CinemaBlend I also love the movie reviews.

  18. Sean

    Thanks for the plug John… it’s nice to be mentioned amongst so many other great sites. As you know, we’re loyal readers of The Movie Blog as well. Cheers!

  19. Henrik

    “Twitchfilm, which covers much more eclectic and unusual movies, well off the mainstream”

    Well, for North Americans. Not everybody lives there you know. Just because a movie is not in english, does not mean it is not mainstream.

  20. Phil Gee

    Ok John, where is it? Where’s our podcast and our lovely Transformers commentary?

  21. Ben Carter

    Thanks for that list - some cracking sites there!!
    Gotta admit I love this UK guy’s filmblog: - he always makes me laugh and he rates every film as to its ‘Babe’ rating!! lol

  22. Kevin

    Besides TMB of coarse, my other go to is Dark Horizons…i especially like how it always has uptodate trailers

  23. Wormwood

    Since the “general” area wasn’t specified, John’ was obviously referring to the “mainstream” of his culture. - Or ‘world.’

    And frankly, it does still apply to most of the world as well, some random film from Norway, may be done by a fairly popular Norwegian director, known to other Norwegians, but to every other country on the planet, Twitch coverage is what helps other countries discover his stuff.

  24. Bishop

    I would be lying if I said I didn’t have at least 5 of these on my “Favourites” list. Sometimes the same “news” can provide several facets of discussion depending on the site. I always like reading bits here and there.

  25. Kurt

    Herik - touche! fair enough. still much of the coverage of twitch is marginalized even in their own countries. (but fair enough, far from all!)

  26. Dylan

    I miss Corona’s Coming Attractions. Someone needs to start a new site in that vein.

  27. Wyverex

    Thanks for the plug Phil Gee, much appreciated! ;)

  28. rossen

    You can listen to movie lines and share them with friends
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  29. SİNEMA

    cinematical is my fovourite

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