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The Watchmen Set Pictures

We have a sneak peek this morning from the set of The Watchmen. The Hugo Award winning Watchmen graphic novel is one that I plan to read before the film is released. I have heard great things about this comic book and need to devour it for myself. The pictures are mostly set pieces, but for those of you that would like a sneak peek - here you go!

We get the scoop from our amigo at moviesonline via HNI:

11 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Niall the Leprechan

    You have to read the Watchmen Doug. Its the greatest stroy ever told and I mean that sincerly. The set pics so far have nailed the look and feel of the novel. I was disappointed when Paul Greengrass had to pull out but Zach Snyder is a genuine fan so it could be worse. Cant wait to see how they handle Dr Manhatten.

  2. Turd Ferguson

    i liked dawn of the dead and the bravado of 300. i have high hopes for this flick. i hope they stick very close to the comic.

    i don’t care if the movie takes 3+ hours to do it, either.

  3. Mozzerino

    You still haven’t read the novel Doug?
    Why the hell not?
    Get busy now, dude, you won’t be disappointed.

  4. DarkKinger

    One word…


  5. Michael

    Dougs deep dark secret is he cant read or write, he has Serena do it all and he just dictates it. :)

  6. Alfredo

    Wow that looks wonderful! I still don’t know how they are going to put all the story in a two hour movie. Or even a three hour movie.

  7. Jeremy

    I agree Alfredo. Even if they take out all of the extra stuff between the chapters of the story, I have no idea how Snyder and co. will be able to capture the entire book on film.

    However, Watchmen wasn’t written to be a movie, it was written as a graphic novel first and foremost, so as long as they capture the essence and the look on film, I’ll hope for the best. These pics look great, but I want to see Rorshach. Doc Manhattan. Nite Owl. The Comedian.

  8. frankwolftown

    Niall the Leprechan
    You’re wrong the greatest story of Comics is Otherworld by Phil Jimenez! Of course I’m the only the only one who was buying that 12 issue maxi series which is why they stopped at issue 7. :-( It’s been two years now and they haven’t picked it back up.

    Anyways, I am glad to see this movie underway, maybe they’ll make a two parter like Kill Bill.

  9. luis

    this is a fairly old discussion at this point BUT i feel the need to reiterate that the only way to tell the Watchmen story in a manner that is faithful to the _essense_ of the story, is with a TV-based mini-series. the plot in your average Alan Moore story is usually incredibly dense, and because Watchmen requires so many threads to come together for the mind-blowing grand finale, it’s impossible for a two-hour movie to give each thread an appropriate amount of screen-time.

    of course, that said, unless some production company is going to scrounge together a Rome-esque production budget for this, a TV-based retelling will almost certainly never happen. i’ve pretty much accepted that Watchmen is going to be just the latest badly-remade Alan Moore graphic novel; that doesn’t mean i won’t catch it in the theater, but i am expecting to whine uncontrollably afterwards.

  10. rido

    Check it out…Maxim’s got the set shots side by side with the same drawings from the comic book!

  11. pat

    Does anyone know where the set of the watchmen is located

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