Star Wars: The Musical

From that land we call “Why would they” I happened to find out about a strange potentially new stage musical that just might catch on big. With all the success of other unexpected conversions to musicals (Evil Dead anyone?) I am not surprised that they would consider this.

The offers:

“We were asked to do it for another school, but that didn’t pan out so we’re doing it here,” John Fischer, College alumnus and co-writer of “Star Wars! The Musical,” said when asked why he and his partners chose “Star Wars.”

“It was a creative outlet,” Dave Breidenstine, a co-writer and senior from Temple University, added.

… Despite the play’s length (the audience was asked to complete a survey to help cut parts they didn’t like) it was amazing how practically every other word had the audience in hysterics.

The ridiculous dialogue riffed on the amount of time that has passed since the original movies were made, featuring lines like: “If we’re so technologically advanced, why do we have to go to a bar to find a pilot? Can’t we just do a Google search?”‘

I do hope that last line was not the best example of the hysterical humour to be found in this musical. Any Star Wars fan would know that despite its technological advances, Star Wars took place a Long long time ago…

Besides, you can’t get the internet out in the dessert noobs!

9 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Darren J Seeley

    I don’t know how it’s handled, but I could see more musical numbers with Sly Snootles and his band (they were called off Jabba’s barge to to a last minute engagement and lived) or the Catina band. Ewok drums, maybe.

    But the thought of Yoda bursting out into song alongside Mace Windu singing about his purple lightsaber is sort of creepy…

    Jawas doing a jig…

    Drama with Han and Leia…

    Boba Fett’s breakdance…

  2. Terry Letourneau

    I hope they include this number:

  3. BeerChugCharlie

    Boba Fett breakdancing…ok you just sold me on that shit. That’s fucking hilarious

  4. Kurt

    Cue Bill Murray - “Star Wars. Nothing But Star Wars…” Classic.

  5. Kurt


  6. RustyJames

    With it’s strong gay following and heavy reliance on midgets (no offense meant if that’s not the prefered term) Star Wars is the ideal choice for a broadway adaptation.
    I want to see the tie fighters played by interpretive dancers.

  7. bigsampson

    you can’t get the internet out in the dessert noobs!

    right on!

  8. david

    I agree with you Rodney - this totally deserves to be placed in the “Why Would They?” folder.

    “Can’t we just do a Google search?”

    ***start sarcasm alert***
    Yeah, that sounds just hilarious.
    ***end sarcasm alert***

  9. Mark Vincent

    No.How could they.Did George Lucas said anything about this yet?

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