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Repossession Mambo Script

By Doug - November 29, 2007 - 14:47 America/Montreal

It looks like our friends at IESB have obtained a script of Repossession Mambo. The Film stars Jude Law and is based on the novel by Eric Garcia. The plot plot summary from IMDB is as follows: the film is set in the near future when artificial organs can be bought on credit, and revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has purchased. He must therefore go on the run before said ticker is repossessed.

I love the idea for this movie!! It is only a matter of time before we are able to buy fabricated organs, and I think this movie is prophetic in the problems that it presents. Living longer is going to be big business, and this movie is proactive in addressing the issue today by means of science fiction. If you want to read the script you may read the full review from IESB. What I will provide you with is a quote from the reviewer that sums up his feelings on the script:

I’ll be blunt. I really liked REPOSESSION MAMBO. It’s a darkly funny and bloody hard-edged Science Fiction satire, like RoboCop, with THE CREDIT UNION taking the place of OCP Omni Consumer Products. The more I thought about the film, the more dystopian sci-fi movies I was able to draw comparisons to. There’s some NINETEEN EIGHTY- FOUR and BRAZIL and some MINORITY REPORT, there’s a little THE MATRIX and some LOGAN’S RUN and BLADE RUNNER, too.

This script looks like it is going to be a righteous science fiction chase film. With Jude Law as the lead, and with his penchant for starring in movies about the near future (Gattica, A.I.) I think it is a safe bet that this will be a glorious picture show. This is a must see for me.


  1. Film fiend says:

    The film is called REPOSSESSION MAMBO. It’s def a mustsee for me too.

  2. Terry Letourneau says:

    Since the Banks, Credit Companies, etc. don’t have a heart, they can use it themselves.

  3. will says:

    LOL…this is also the plot to the new Paris Hilton film opera called Repo: The Genetic Opera which I assume is based off of the same book

    • Elly says:

      Repo is its Own. this Repossession Mambo is plagiarized from Repo! Terrance Zdunich started writting the script in 1999, and finished the script in 2003. when this “Book” Repossesssion Mambo came out. Eric Garcia is a fake.

  4. oldshell says:

    “There’s some NINETEEN EIGHTY- FOUR and BRAZIL and some MINORITY REPORT, there’s a little THE MATRIX and some LOGAN’S RUN and BLADE RUNNER, too.” Why not just name EVERY distopian future film you can think of… judge dredd, brave new world, dark city… oh and he forgot water world too!?! Honestly though, my first thoughts were Jude Law… ug. Then I read your mention of gattica (Which i had forgotten), and my hope is resurrected.. Gattaca is a damn fine film!

  5. doug nagy says:

    Thx for the heads up Film fiend - title fixed.

  6. oldshell says:

    lol.. it wasn’t actually on purpose, though I guess it comes across that way. Sounds kind of like “The Island” too. I think it’ll probably end up being similar. Nice idea/start.. followed by bog standard action/chase forgotteness

  7. Eric says:

    Where can I read the actual script?

  8. Film fiend says:

    And it’s GATTACA (not ‘Gattica’). The name comes from the 4 nucleotides A-T-C-G that make up the genetic code. Fine film that was too, and so was AI (except for the horrible ending).

    The script for Mambo looks bloody great AND it’s got a talented cast (Law and Whitaker, YES!!!). I hope it turns out great onscreen.

  9. Scott says:

    REPO! The Genetic Opera isn’t based on the (never published) Repossession Mambo book. To be blunt, this is just a major studio ripoff of REPO!, the stage version of which started in 2002. Aside from Mambo ripping off Repo, the two projects have absolutely nothing to do with each other.

  10. James says:


    This film is a copycat scandal of Repo! the genetic opera. When the director of repo refused to sell his film out to universal studios, they went and put this copycat film in production, stealing all of repo’s original and worked for ideas and turned it into a huge big budget movie production. While the big movie tycoons get all their praise for the genius of this film, the original repo! cast will be ultimutely forgotten and raped of their genius.


  11. Amber says:

    This movie is a stupid plagiarism to Repo! The Genetic Opera. This movie isn’t based in a book. They are making plagiarism to Repo! (Which is a musical created by Terrance Zdunich and Darren Smith) You can tell it only by taking a look to the script.
    I hope that you are happy, creators of this movie and company, because you are making a fools of yourself.

  12. Shilo says:

    This couldn’t be more funny. An amazing piece of art (Repo! The Genetic Opera) is in a plagiarism.
    Really, the creators of this “movie” should be shamed of them self. They are looking like a joke. If that was their objetive. Well, good job. Assh*les.
    Repo! is the best and you can’t do anything about it.
    Plagiarism. You are so low.

  13. Luigi says:

    I hate it when big studios do crap like this. Because Repo! The Genetic Opera is such a small movie with no budget, I doubt anything’s going to be done about this. Blatant plagiarism like this pisses me off, especially since the original Repo! is such a fantastic movie. But hey, maybe this will convince other people to go see it.

  14. BlindMag says:

    Well if you really think that this movie has a good storyline, you shall watch the original movie Repo! The Genetic Opera, not this plagiarism.

    Oh an Universal- shame on you. This movie is not based on some unknown novel, but on Genetic Opera :)

  15. Gentern says:

    It feels like being back at school again, where the bullies in the playground were allowed to spit in your face and then get away with it.

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