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Potential ‘Riddick’ Sequel in the Works?

By Serena - November 19, 2007 - 10:14 America/Montreal

Riddick-2-SmallDirector David Twohy (of ‘Pitch Black’ and ‘Chronicles of Riddick’ fame) has commented on his official website about a potential sequel to 2004’s ‘Chronicles of Riddick.’

Comingsoon.net gives us this:

Okay, okay, now on to the really important stuff like “What the f**k is happening with RIDDICK?” Yes, I get your emails demanding another movie; yes, I keep bumping into you guys in airports and at conventions and I take your pleas to heart. All I can say now is “We’re talking about it.” The DVD numbers were really good – we know that, and some potential financiers know that. But if another movie surfaces, it probably won’t be a Universal movie and probably will be an independent movie. Which means we’ll have to make it for substantially less than the last installment. But that’s okay. PITCH BLACK was $22 million all in. Maybe it’s time to go back to our roots – as we go on to The UnderVerse.

Do we REALLY need a sequel to this inferior installment? ‘Pitch Black’ was kick-ass, but then the higher budgeted sequel was an extreme bore-fest in my opinion. I remember seeing this movie on a double date. My friend’s date fell asleep, my date was swearing under his breath more than a person with Tourettes, and my friend and I chewed some nasty gum simply to STAY AWAKE until the end of the film.

‘Pitch Black’ was a great movie full of scares and had potential to become a successful franchise. ‘Chronicles of Riddick’ really destroyed all hope in that for me.

However, the fact that David Twohy hints at going back to the first film’s roots, is a little relieving, although I still won’t be marking this future film’s release date on my calendar.

What are your thoughts?


  1. Tarmac says:

    I’m all for it. You could ‘potentially’ get some really good adventure/horror material going down in the dark underverse which could bring back the original themes.

    Though having said that, I really thought the dark army was the worst thing in the last film by far and I can’t seem Riddick simply dumping them after accidentally inheriting them! What makes Riddick a good anti-hero was his rough loner exterior, who, even at some of the usual turn around moments for a character, still stayed nasty. You wouldn’t get the same emotional attachment for characters (The female captain and Johns in PB)in an army…

  2. Bishop says:

    Pitch Black was on the tube this weekend, I was recalling how much I really enjoyed that movie. Part of what I enjoyed about that movie was that I had no idea how much I would really enjoy that movie. I know that sounds funny but let me explain.

    A friend and I were bored on sunday afternoon, and decided to not play video games all day. We took off to go get a pint, strolled by the theatre and there was a movie playing called “Pitch Black”. It looked kinda sci-fi/scary so we checked it out. What a hoot it was. What I loved was that I had no idea what to expect, had not seen any ads, and discovered I really enjoyed the mythology they had built, this entire mystery around this world. The discovery of all the relationships and characters backstories. By the time “CoR” came around, well, we already knew who was what and who did what. The honeymoon was over.

    I would really dig a decent sequel, but can’t say either way until they DO actually make one. You could say “Let the mythology die with CoR”, or you could say “Let’s do ‘Pitch Black’ justice and give it a proper send out”

  3. Kristina says:

    Leave it alone.

    I liked Pitch Black, but come on. It’s not THAT good. Leave it alone.

  4. DJ Machismo says:

    I’m just interested in where they will actually take this film. The locales and events I’ve been wanting to see for a while.

    Also, I might be a bit more invested since I have also played “The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay” on the XBox. It shows how Riddick got his eye shine and sets up Pitch Black nicely as well as a few tie ins with both Pitch Black and Chronicles.

  5. miles says:

    i would like to see another riddick movie.

    the world needs more sci-fi anti-heros.

    or specifically, i need to be able to see those characters ont he big screen more often.

    i liked chronicles better then pitch black anyways. chronicles was more fun and over the top.

    also: i really like the riddick character.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    I really loved Pitch Black.

    And…sorry folks. I thought ‘Chronicles Of Riddick’ was also great..until the lame FX of those pather-like things in the prison showed up anyway. (I would have dug it if the critters unleashed were a couple “captured” monsters from the first film, but that’s just me, I guess)

    But Srena, there’s one slight detail which caught my attention in your post that you did not address.

    Let me highlight…

    But if another movie surfaces, it probably won’t be a Universal movie and probably will be an independent movie. Which means we’ll have to make it for substantially less than the last installment. But that’s okay. PITCH BLACK was $22 million all in.

    At the time of ‘Pitch Black’, a certian actor in that film was not as expensive. He was so inexpensive at the time, Twohy and the producers of the film had to go to bat for the dude to convince the studio…

    Question: although Mr. Diesel is a bit ‘cold’ right now (I still think he’s a good actor, I know some folks here at MB have different opinions) and he’s falling back on ‘Fast 4′…what’s his current asking price? He was also a co-producer on ‘Riddick’…

    If this follows ‘Riddick’, is there room for Karl Urban, Thandie Newton and Dame Judi? Storywise,does Riddick (Diesel) disband the Neurowhatsismongers, or do we have the same sets, and so on? From the pulse I’m getting, it seems while the expansion of the Riddick universe (or Underverse) was a nice move (in theory, to some) most folks wanted to see more or a return of the creatures.
    It makes a bit of sense; the Aliens were getting washed out by Fox, there was a lack of creature features overall. While I’m not implying what the masses needed was a retread, the character of Riddick alone did not carry ‘Pitch Black’. Audiences got new monsters. The monsters did not return for the sequels (including Dark Fury) …and that is where most disappointment came.

    But here’s the thing, and the int’l friends should be way ahead of me in this line of thinking, but here it goes… If Twohy was indeed going back to scale back… is Vin Diesel going to be involved, and if so, to what extent? Do we/will they 100% need Vin Diesel? I think Vin’s alright, but can the charcter be replaced or the character recast? I’m not sayng it should be or that Riddick should sit one out, but when Twohy considers a budget closer to the first film…

    Anyway, Universal could still be a distributor, as they were on the first film.

  7. @spence says:

    I love Pitch Black and Chronicles was okay….but all in all i really like the Riddick charcter and am interested in another movie with him in it…….

  8. oldshell says:

    am i the only one that though pitch black was truly terrible? p.s. talking of which, has anyone seen screamers? That’s true B-movie Sci-fi horror class

  9. miles says:

    i have fond memories of screamers, but i doubt it would stand up now.

  10. Spazmo says:

    I must say I loved Pitch Black, I thought CoR was FANTASTIC, I even bought the CoR:Escape from Butcher Bay game and they all rock.

    Bring on a sequel!

  11. kevin says:

    “Join now or fall forever!” *GAG*

  12. Ricci says:

    Pitch Black was great, and I really enjoyed CoR the first time I watched it….the Second time I sat through it I saw what most people saw, I pretty crappy film.
    Still I’m all for a third flick, especially if they go back to roots and get more out of acting, atmosphere and story than big budget effects.
    I think the Riddick charactor and universe has alot to offer, and although there are alot of V.diesal haters out there (myself icluded to a certain degree) I have to say, he kicked ass in both films and I’d like to see more of him in this role.

  13. Mr. James says:


    Poor, poor Riddick. People either love him or hate him.

    I personally loved him. I loved COR. I would LOVE to see this franchise continue for at least one more movie. I have always been a big believer in allowing a franchise to have at least three movie attached to it to see where the story can go. Look at LOTR. Could it possibly have been told in two installments that weren’t 4 hours apiece? I don’t think so. I liked where COR took the universe it existed in but it left us hanging as to what sort of potential that universe had. I’m all for expanding that universe and seeing what other characters live, love, and kill in it.

    Bring on a 3rd!

  14. Ivan Skovar says:

    Both Pitch Black and COR were well done in my opinion. COR is much more enjoyable if the viewer has more knowledge of the milieu shared in the ’special/bonus features’ of some DVDs.

    I’d love to see a 3rd.

  15. Darren says:

    I think the Chronicles of Riddick is an awesome movie. Probably my favorite Sci-fi movie. I am really looking forward to a sequel.

  16. Tinman says:

    Am I only one who thinks that the Chronicles of Riddick was really, really good ? Pitch Black, in my opinion, had such a low budget feel to it. Why in the world would I look forward to another low budget feeling film ? COR had a storyline & I thought all the parts of the movie was really, really good (except the part where the just missed being burned… that was alittle too far fetched for me).

    If they do another Riddick… keep Vin Diesel (obviously) & make the storyline capture the audience (like a mix of Pitch Black & COR blended together). As far as having creatures ?!?!?! Who cares ? I have seen way too many “creatures from out space” movies. I think that theme is really boring now. We`ve been making movies about that every since film industury started. Can we evolve abit, please. Riddick has a story… a past… and a future to tell & I wish we could learn more about Riddick (i.e. his special forces background in furion, and how he became who he is). He is a sci-fi brutal warrior… now that is cool. So, expose more of Riddick and how bad of a bad ass is he.

    That`s the way to go about it.

    As for the rest of these star trek convention pussies…. don`t pay them now mind. Scratch the creatures… expose Riddick !!


  17. northgirl61 says:

    Yes! and a thousand times yes to COR sequel! Tinman I am with you on the whole exposing Riddicks’ past.
    As for inheriting the UnderVerse army…………he would pass it on to the hungry leader wanna be and his Missus! …….then with specific orders to go away (and they would) he would embark on a new adventure ………………

  18. kai says:

    Yes, please, please bring back Riddick and a sequel!!!!

    We must see UnderVerse!

  19. KMF1127 says:

    to start off i enjoyed the triology. i personally rank Chronicals as my favorite movie.
    Pitch black was a good movie but it didnt compare to the third.
    and the second one was too short and i could have done with out it being animated.
    but getting to the point……
    I would enjoy the prequal to pitch black, i agree with tinman and northgirl to see his past would make the series more enticing, seeing more furian action would be awsome! and as far as a sequal to Chronicals of Riddick DEFINATLY but in my opinion I could definatly see farco and his mistress plotting against Riddick imeidietly which in turn would generate a whole new plot hince more of riddicks “whos the better killer”. and you know tombs might be able to escape his little cell and be right back after riddick. then lastly it never showed helion prime getting took outso that leaves a whole new string of events seeing as how the priests family was still alive.

    so i say bring on more riddick, shoot i could see this being turned into a television series (have to put it on a movie channel like HBO or suomething to get the good stuff) Riddick cant stay out of trouble i meen how would they kill him off

  20. madmaxx says:

    What are some of you people smoking? Pitch Black better than Cor? WTH? Tradacle type creatures that chase people in the dark is NOT scary at all. COR had so much more depth too it than Pitch Black. The only reason the movie was goos was becasue of the riddick charater.The COR had the Necros,Elementals,Mercs ect…an interesting world , instaed of a bland desart sean thru the whole movie. Anyways 1ooo% For another riddick movie. Riddick is my favorite sci fi character of all time.

  21. William Tooker says:

    I kind of saw Riddick as a space age Conan and absolutely loved Chronicles. Loved the Necromungers and the visuals and thew whole thing. Now of course, not everyone is going to love this or even love it the same as evidenced by some of the replies above. But i own the DVD and wish I had seen it in theatres. I have seen this thing like 20 times. I want to know what happens next.

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