This entry was posted on Thursday, November 29th, 2007 at 10:47 am.
Categories: News Chat.

Jason-Remake-SwordOkay, I know we have been posting news about the new ‘Friday the 13th’ movie more than Perez Hilton pokes fun at Britney Spears on his site, but it’s news, so I gotta put it up. According to a close source to the project, the new Platinum Dunes ‘Friday the 13th’ movie is apparently NOT a remake.

Our good friends at ShockTillYouDrop gives us this:

“It’s not a remake,” says our insider. Don’t even expect an origin tale - as some production listings around Hollywood are pegging it as. Imagine if there was a story to be told somewhere between parts two and four, just add water (from Camp Crystal Lake, duh), insert a leaner, meaner, faster Jason Voorhees, set to “blend” and you’ve got the recipe for what Dunes, writers Damian Shannon and Mark Swift and director Marcus Nispel got cookin’.

Give me a f*cking break! This is exactly what happened when Rob Zombie called his Halloween film, a “re-imagining.” It’s a remake! Just call as it is! If this film is going to have Jason Vorhees in it, take place at the infamous Camp Crystal Lake, and it’s not a SEQUEL to the franchise, then it’s a REMAKE. You can call it whatever you want ‘Platinum Dunes.’ You can say it’s a “re-vamp,” a “re-tread,” or “re-telling,” it’s still a REMAKE!!

If it looks like a duck and walks like duck….oh you get the point!

Expect to see the ‘Friday the 13th’ “re-vamp”/”re-imagining”/”re-tread” sometime next year.

What are your thoughts?

14 Comments, Comment or Ping

  1. Grave

    Yea Serena sounds like a remake to me because Jason was introduced in the second film and the third film is where he dawns the hockey mask which is now Jasons Signature. The production company sounds like they dont want to call it a re-make cause most new about re-makes tend to get negative reactions. But no matter what they say its too late cause we all know by now its a re-make.

  2. david

    It’s a remake.

  3. CW05

    If it looks a remake and sounds like a remake….it’s a revamp! Heh.


    Well it’s not a remake of the ORIGINAL film. Maybe that’s what they mean. When this was announced a couple of months ago, everyone was calling it a remake of the original. I don’t recall any other sites saying it wasn’t besides mine way back in early October. :-)

    Friday the 13th Part 2 remake


  5. Bishop

    No it will not be a remake. Jason will not be slow and lumbering, but fast and vicious. Instead of craving brains he will be so filled with rage that he just tears up his…

    oh wait a sec…


  6. LizardFreak

    I equate remakes with boredom now, so, fuck it. If they really wanted to reimagine anything, just make it a spoof and call it Splatterhouse. Give Jason a purple mask, and have him fight his way out of asylums with rooms that shake and dead rotting grandmothers dropping from the ceiling.

  7. Tbone

    meh, I am a sucker for F13 films, so no matter what, I will give this movie a go. And because I am even a bigger sucker, I am sure it will find a spot in my DVD library.

  8. RustyJames

    I think what they mean is there’s so many remakes these day there’s different genres of remakes, like requels and do-overs and reconstructions but this one is a reimaging which is different than a revamp.

  9. Grave

    Ohhh I love Lizards idea! Instead of the Friday re-vamp or re-imagining whatever The studio should do Splatterhouse instead and have it with a fast, vicious Jason look-a-like. Make it with lots of blood, guts, scary things and rate it NC-17 So everyone will want to see it.

  10. Jeff

    How can this be a remake if Jason Vorhees appears at the beginning of the movie? As we all should know (spoilers ahead..haha) Jason’s mother was the killer in the 1st one. Why call it a remake if it doesn’t follow the same storyline of the first one? And seriously, so what if its just another entry into the series sandwiched between films two and four? With the exception of the first, didn’t these all follow the same formula…well other than the outer space one. This is an attempt to reboot a franchise. If they were to remake the 1st one, there’d be no surprise ending. There’s a valid description of the opening scene of the script online somewhere….check it out…it works.

  11. Yeeles J Nerrad


  12. James

    As long as they get Kane Hodder back to play Jason, I’ll be a little more excited about this film.

  13. Primal

    I’m glad that Nispel and his writers aren’t calling it a remake. It’s kind of showing us they have a real respect for the original Friday the 13th. Everyone knows that Jason’s mother was the villain and to call it a remake and changing the villain completely is ridiculous. Kudos to them and it seems like they are heading in the right direction for this movie.

  14. Joshua

    I love Jason, the part in eight when he punches that guys head off the top of the building is movie gold!!! You have to take it for what it is and enjoy it.

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