Alien Vs Predator: Requiem Japan Poster

Categories: News Chat | By John |

The first Alien Vs Predator movie had some fun elements to it, but it was nowhere near as good as most fans were hoping for or expected. The trailers and clips from the upcoming AVP-2 seem to SUGGEST that this time they may have got it right (understanding what people are wanting out of [...]

Crowe To Replace Pitt in State Of Play?

Categories: News Chat | By John |

It was with great enthusiasm that I first talked about an upcoming project called “State of Play”, a political thriller that was going to reunite Brad Pitt and Ed Norton (the two were pure magic together in Fight Club). Anytime you get two amazing leads in the same film it’s something worth talking about.
However, [...]

J.K. Rowling Named Entertainment Weekly’s Entertainer Of The Year

Categories: News Chat | By Doug |

Awards probably fill the basement of J.K. Rowling’s abode; this is another to add to the pile. With the Harry Potter book series all wrapped up, I think this is a fair title to bestow on the lady that spun fables till she became wealthier than the Queen. We get the following quote [...]

“Battlestar Galactica: Razor” Review

Categories: Reviews | By John |

It’s been a long long long time since I’ve been able to talk about an episode of Battlestar Galactica that I JUST saw. Well… on Saturday night I was able to finally watch a new installment of franchise in the made for TV mini movie “Battlestar Galactica: Razor“.
The movie is a flashback to the [...]

Hulk Set Video

Categories: News Chat | By Doug |

Good morning International friends! We have a Monday morning video clip for you to enjoy while you avoid your responsibilities! The following footage of the Hulk takes place in the sunny land of Rio De Janeiro. In the spot we see Edward Norton and Lou Ferrigno amidst the gear or war. [...]

Bourne Ultimatum DVD Arrives Dec 11th

Categories: News Chat | By John |

The Bourne franchise has been an amazing success by anyone’s standards, although I wasn’t all that thrilled with the first two installments. Don’t get me wrong, I did enjoy the first 2… but found they lacked too much, not to mention the Bourne movies have become the poster children for the cancer of “Shaky [...]

Jet Li Sets Record: $13m for Warlords

Categories: News Chat | By Rodney |

Jet Li is easily among the legendary list of action stars in the world of Martial Arts films. Is it any wonder that any film with him involved is considered instantly bankable funds?
In this recent statement from Reuters we see just how important he is:
Chinese action star Jet Li is set to [...]

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince: The Romantic Comedy

Categories: News Chat | By Rodney |

Harry Potter is a book series that I have to admit I have been enjoying almost since its beginnings. I took my kids to see it, and shortly after they showed interest in reading the books so I read it first to make sure I was keeping up on my kiddie pop culture and [...]

Ask A Ninja On The Writer’s Strike

Categories: Funny | By John |

The very first time I saw “Ask a Ninja” I wasn’t impressed and actually thought it was sort of corny. However, I ended up seeing a few more installments of it and it really grew on me… now I think the guy is a comedic genius. Anyway, Ask A Ninja just did [...]

3D Movies are Back in Style

Categories: News Chat | By Rodney |

I remember anxiously waiting in front of the TV with my dad playing with the fine tuning and my sister and I eagerly bouncing in our chairs to watch 3d movies on tv. Most of you wont get what I am talking about, but back in the day it was quite the rage threatening [...]

The Mist Review

Categories: Reviews | By Doug |

You can watch our “The Mist” review here:

OR you can read our review here:
Went into “The Mist” with a sense of optimism. Frank Darabont is just one of the best directors out there, the story is a great one, and the previews have all looked pretty slick. So did The Mist deliver?

Prince of Peace - God of War Premiere Party Pics

Categories: News Chat | By John |

Hey there guys. Well it’s finally over. Last night was the end of a VERY long but wonderful journey for me as we had the Canadian premiere and DVD launch party for my film “Prince of Peace - God of War”. The night was an amazing success and I was just [...]

Other things People do that piss me off at the theatres

Categories: News Chat | By Serena |

This topic is a very popular one amongst the Movie Blog crew. We all have our pet peeves when it comes to going out to a movie theatre. (You can click here to view John Campea’s editorial on what he hates about going to the movies.) However, there are other things besides the atrocious costs [...]

Speed Racer To Be Set In Green Screen World

Categories: News Chat | By Doug |

It looks like the upcoming Wachowski-helmed Speed Racer film will take place in a CGI world. We get the news from comingsoon via Empire Online:
Empire Online talked to star Emile Hirsch, who broke the news:
“Nope, it’s all green screen,” Hirsch told us. “There were no sets, just us and the green background. I haven’t [...]

Hollywood Versus China

Categories: News Chat | By Doug |

The flames of piracy are hard to extinguish, they are ablaze around the globe, with no signs of dying anytime soon. It appears a gang of 5 Hollywood studios have formed Voltron to battle C.H.I.N.A (the pirate robot). We get news of this altercation from the musky caves of Yahoo:

Five Hollywood studios have [...]

Prince of Peace - God of War Screening Tonight

Categories: News Chat | By John |

Hey there guys. Well, it’s finally here. Tonight we have the first official screening and official DVD launch of my little documentary “Prince of Peace - God of War“. It’s been 19 months since I first announced that I was doing this little project… a project that in my naivety [...]

Shooting Dark Knight In IMAX

Categories: News Chat | By John |

Having worked in the visual effects industry for a few years, I’ve always been far more intrigued by the technology and techniques filmmakers use to make a film than say… an actor talking about how they came to be in the picture. It’s a great merging of art and science.
Anyway, IMAX has a video [...]

‘Golden Compass’ Studio Sues Video Company

Categories: News Chat | By Serena |

New Line Cinema, the studio behind the upcoming film adaptation ‘The Golden Compass’ has sued a video company over its documentary, ‘Beyond the Golden Compass: The Magic of Philip Pullman’ (which was due to hit DVD shelves this Tuesday) for unfair competition laws. gives us this:
The lawsuit, filed the week of November 12 in New [...]

Doug’s Enchanted Review

Categories: Reviews | By Doug |

I was skeptical about this film. The idea of a cartoon person coming to the real world just seemed like it was a disaster waiting to happen. I thought I would be walking into a train-wreck of a movie that desecrated the name of Disney. I was wrong.
The General Idea

This movie begins [...]

Harold And Kumar 2 Poster

Categories: News Chat | By Doug |

A movie poster should make you want to see the movie, the poster below is forcing me to see it.
No words can describe how truly awesome this poster is. What would NPH do indeed!