New Alvin And The Chipmunks Pics

Posted by on 29. 11. 2007in News Chat

I’ve got my finger on the movie pulse of people everywhere… yours included. As such, I know EXACTLY what you woke up yearning for this morning. That’s right… only I know your secret desires… and you guys all have been deeply desiring NEW ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS PICTURES! Don’t deny it.

The term “Rassie Bait” comes to mind then I think about this movie. Now to be fair, this could end up being the greatest film off all time… I’m just saying it doesn’t LOOK that way at the moment. But no matter how bad the movie looks… you gotta admit they are cute little guys. These pics and more come courtesy of our friends over at IESB.

For a whole whack more of these, you can head over here.

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11 Responses to “New Alvin And The Chipmunks Pics”

  1. Andrew says:

    You should force Doug to review this one John.

  2. tobor68 says:

    oh, please no!

  3. Roguepirate says:

    cmon tobor68, why aren’t you down with the Munk Punk? everybody likes munk punk

  4. Kevin C says:

    Jason Lee was on the big Tree Lighting Ceremony special last night at Rockefellar Plaza. He was interviewed (albeit briefly) about his new Chipmunks movie and the guy was absolutely BEAMING…with utter and absolute embarrassment. You can tell he is already bracing himself for the backlash of this film.

  5. tobor68 says:

    it’s looks more like spunk punk to me. and i don’t mean plucky determination.

  6. DarkKinger says:

    This is the sacriest shit to ever grace God’s green Earth!

  7. Steven C. says:

    This is going to be one of the worst movies ever made!!!!!!!!

  8. Phil Gee says:

    “For a whole whack more of these, you can head over here.”

    Ha ha, no thanks John, i think i can survive. The thing is, the movie might actually end up being better than the actual cartoon it comes from. It really is one of the shows that i cannot believe i spent time watching as a kid.

  9. Chris says:

    The worst part about it is how much money it is going to make.

  10. nbakid2000 says:

    Phil, I agree with you on most things but I disagree with you on this. The Chipmunks is a GREAT cartoon and I love it to this day (and I’m 20). In fact, when I found the Chipmunks movie (The Chipmunk Adventure) I almost shat myself right in the store. I bought it immediately and took it home and was as impressed with it now as I was back as a kid.

  11. ChipmunkLuva123 says:

    OMG! where did you find the chipmunk adventure? i have been searching for it for ever!

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